Storm Season Readiness! on 10/19/2014 07:24 AM CDT
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Strewn about the Five Provinces, pieces of vellum are found treated with oils to help protect the writing upon them from the endless rain that batters the lands.

The unsigned pieces of vellum all read the same:

The seas are tumultuous, the skies rage! Denizens of the Deep travel to lands far from their homes, and much, much stranger creatures attack from both above and below!

In such a time as this, one is served well to be armed with knowledge as much as steel. Truly, perhaps it is knowledge that is the key here, for who can ignore the connection to knowledge shared by the entire triad of Immortals related to the waters of our world? Perhaps Drogor's wrath is not only a destructive force against knowledge, but also an assault in retribution for acts carried out in ignorance -- a statement in response to those who do not know, and do not seek, to demonstrate real understanding of Him?

To this end, I say to all of you -- all of us -- prepare yourselves for the Storm! Arm yourselves with understanding! Seek shelter in knowledge! Find succor in informed action!

Below are some places to read up on background lore related to the ongoing events! Some of these are more directly applicable than others, but all give at least some insight into pieces of the story.

Elanthipedia articles:
* General information on the Immortal Drogor --

* General information on the Immortal Lemicus --

* General information on the Immortal Eluned --

* Widely known information on the brine shark --

* Widely known information on the cloud eel --

* Legend surrounding the sharktooth blossom --

In-game books:
* The Albatross and the Storm -- found in the Misrel Lemicus'a library on Aesry Surlaenis'a and the Ship's Circle library on Mer'Kresh. Also available at

* A Cleric's Lesson -- found in the Misrel Lemicus'a library on Aesry Surlaenis'a and also available at

* The Immortals -- found in most non-specialized in-game libraries and also available at

* The Religions of Elanthia -- found in the Misrel Lemicus'a library on Aesry Surlaenis'a, the Crossing Temple library, and the Shard Cleric Guild library. Also available at

* A Brief Discussion on Choosing and Honoring the Gods -- found in the Crossing Cleric Guild library and also available at

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