~A man writes in his journal. His brow furrowed and his mind deep in thoughts~
Its been a long time since I have written in this journal. My mind was broken and I have been alone. But now through much meditation and the focus to help another, I have found my way back from the dark recesses of my mind, lost to torture and abandonment. Though my Father King and my Tribe have returned to the Deep Desert, and I find myself alone, I have decided to rebuild a new circle of family.
What challenges will present themselves? What 'trolls' will arise? That is the purpose of an adventure, to discover the answers to those very things.
I will be true to the Core Beliefs and Tenets of what it is to be Outcast, and show honor and courage.
On a side note, Chronology has made a turn. I always knew it would.
Jappal Mic-Irr
Wiseman of the Outlander Outcast Tribe