Baronial Audience 1/7/2018 on 01/07/2018 04:47 PM CST
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(Edited down to only the talking.)

[Theren Keep, Dais]
A few steps or so above the polished marble deck, this raised platform nevertheless grants a commanding presence over the great hall. Glowing braziers flank the Baron's throne, infiltrating the chamber with feeble, reddish light and the pungent smell of burning herbs. Gazing downwards, the hall seems barren and quiet despite its restoration, mourning the ancestral knights, ladies, battle songs, and ballads that echoed through the keep so long ago.
You also see a stone pedestal with several things on it.
Also here: Apprentice Paladin Ordovic, War Healer Rheela, Steel Beard Neeno who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Battle Lion Kenamer, Web Healer Aislynn, Leech Farmer Nithhogr, General Somniumvisum who has a stony visage, Perune, Pack Brother Taevish, Steel Heart Fiyasilke who has a stony visage, Wind Walker Raggard, Y'Shai Aspirant Aysta, Reverend Sereze who is emanating a bright holy aura, Beast Caller Druidal, Champion Klurn, Champion of Arms Stoya, Guard Sergeant Sturm, Pokeke Izzu'hhr Elizzibiana who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Hedgewizard Stoneheart, Corporal Thyon, Agadir, Siege Engine Rekon, Fateweaver Mirajane, Commander Vykanthiss, Monster Elec, Ruea and Baron Gyfford who is sitting.
Obvious exits: down.

Gyfford says, "Rise."

Gyfford says, "Good to see everyone."

Ternith says, "So nice to see you M'lord."

Cristalyn softly says, "Good evening Your Grace."

Klurn says, "Milord."

Somniumvisum says to Gyfford, "A pleasure as always, m'lord."

Gyfford says, "Ahh..."

Gwenddolyn says, "Good to see you also Your Grace."

Erieck says, "Thank you m'lord and good evening."

Gyfford says to Ternith, "I think I'm going to steal your scribe tonight, if you don't mind."

Vykanthiss says, "Evenin' Your Grace."

Ternith says to Gyfford, "Not at all, please do."

Gyfford asks, "You all know Arimane?"

Klurn says, "Yes Milord."

Somniumvisum says, "We know him all to well, m'lord."

Raggard says, "Indeed m'lord."

Arimane says, "I would be honored to serve if it pleases Your Grace."

Gyfford asks Arimane, "Would you mind doing a little court clerking for me this evening?"

Gyfford says, "Have to love that."

Arimane says, "An Honor, my Lord."

Gyfford says, "I have some things to cover before seeing to petitions, so if you have something you wish to speak about, please quietly give your name to Arimane."

Gyfford exclaims, "So!"

Gyfford says, "I've gotten a whole lot of missives and reports from many of you."

Gyfford says, "I can't say enough how valuable those are to me."

Gyfford says, "My Military Advisor, his scribe, the Theren Guard....all great reports."

Gyfford says, "Thank you for that."

Gyfford says, "And of course the Northern Watch."

Gyfford says to Vykanthiss, "I didn't forget about you."

Vykanthiss says, "Thank you, Your Grace."

Gyfford says, "There were some additional letters."

Gyfford says, "Some are here, some aren't."

Gyfford says, "But I'll try to address most of those."

Gyfford says, "First of all."

Gyfford says, "While I don't see her here..."

Gyfford says, "I did get a letter from Whiteburn."

Gyfford says, "Now, you Therengians in my service have had some long standing history with her."

Gyfford says, "It didn't exactly get off on the right foot."

Gyfford says, "And that was quite a while ago now."

Gyfford says, "She's since followed a different path."

Gyfford says, "She's devoted much of her time to helping with the Inquisition, as well as our own Court Cleric, Liurilias, in those efforts."

Gyfford says, "I met with her some time back and required that she be escorted within our province because of that history with her."

Gyfford says, "Our brigades can attest to that."

Klurn says, "Aye Sir."

Gyfford says, "However, since giving her a clear set of guidelines for being here, she's met that challenge and stayed well within the boundaries of that agreement."

Gyfford says, "So, as of this day...I am issuing her a full pardon with my blessing to come and go as she wishes."

Somniumvisum says, "As you wish M'Lord."

Gyfford asks Arimane, "Could you see to it that the information gets properly expressed so she's aware?"

Gyfford says, "Now, should she suddenly go crazy...more than her usual demeanor, then we can revisit her status at that time."

Gyfford says, "She's devout, of that, there can be no denying."

Gyfford says, "'I have reports from many regarding the orc attacks."

Gyfford says, "Many many reports."

Gyfford says, "And I can't say enough that the province is only as good and secure as all of you make it."

Gyfford says, "We have the best brigades there are."

Gyfford says, "Bar none."

Gyfford says, "And your service is greatly appreciated."

Gyfford says, "I'd ask that you continue to share those reports."

Gyfford says, "The information is invaluable to me and the court."

Gyfford says, "Apologies."

Gyfford says, "To another point."

Gyfford says, "I have reports regarding Zehira and Steinnar."

Gyfford asks, "Am I clear in understanding that Steinnar, in particular, has declared war on Theren?"

Gyfford says, "Pretty big undertaking."

Klurn says, "Aye Milord."

Somniumvisum says, "He has M'Lord, a couple of times now."

Gyfford asks, "Has he still been presenting a problem for anyone?"

Klurn says, "A minor nuisance Milord."

Somniumvisum says, "I dont believe he offers that much of a threat to us."

Ternith says, "He has been seen in the area and said to be forming an army Your Grace."

Gyfford asks, "Is that right?"

Gyfford says, "Lemme think about that..."

Gyfford asks, "Has he lost his mind?"

Ternith says, "Did he ever have one to begin with."

Vykanthiss says, "Yes."

Jhesili says, "I dinna know, I willna sell ta him or on his behalf den."

Raggard asks, "Too much ale M'lord?"

Somniumvisum says, "He was married to a necromancer, so I would have to say... yes, m'lord."

Gyfford says, "Apparently."

Arimane says, "My Lord, while he did declare such a thing, I will say in fairness, Steinnar has never committed any actual treasonous deed of which I am aware. The truth that his spoken words of intent are bad enough, notwithstanding, of course."

Gyfford says, "So not a real threat at this point."

Klurn says, "I will whack hid head off if needed."

Ternith says, "Other than some verbal exchanges, no."

Gyfford says, "Fair enough."

Somniumvisum says, "The man personally, not a threat... What he could muster as a force, potential, in my opinion, m'lord."

Stoneheart says, "And not the first or last to slander our great Province, Your Grace."

Gyfford says, "Ain't that the truth."

Gyfford says, "No matter....moving on."

Gyfford says, "My thanks again to the many of you that sent those reports."

Gyfford says, "Again, a great service to me as well as the province."

Gyfford says, "I had a couple different reports from our Military Advisor, one regarding a meeting with Cierzen down in Ilithi..."

Gyfford asks, "I'm guessing that was worked out, as I haven't heard anything since?"

Ternith says, "During the recent ordeal with the rifts and such."

Gyfford says, "I see."

Gyfford says, "And speaking of."

Gyfford says, "Thank you for all your attention to those."

Gyfford says, "I know many of you sent reports about standing a watch and making sure things didn't escalate."

Gyfford says, "Again...I rely on that influx of information, as I can't be everywhere, all the time."

Gyfford says, "So again..I thank you."

Gyfford says, "So moving along."

Gyfford says, "I want the brigades to keep up the great work, and keep your eyes and ears open."

Gyfford says, "These orc attacks have been getting much more severe."

Gyfford says, "As if the loss of many of our own Morzindaen isn't a sign of that."

Gyfford says, "That said, I want to commend you all on your keen observance of the daily coming and goings here."

Gyfford says, "Ternith, you have my full support in what work you're doing with the brigades."

Gyfford says, "And the Orders."

Ternith says, "Thank you M'lord."

Gyfford says, "See....this is why we have good people in these roles."

Gyfford says, "Klurn has always been first to step up and ask if he's needed, and he's used his service in the Theren Guard to offer further support."

Gyfford says, "Ternith was given the Military Advisor role and he's using that to further my agenda."

Gyfford says, "This is why and how it should be done."

Gyfford says, "Station doesn't happen without the work."

Vykanthiss nods in agreement.

Ternith says, "Many hands make the work much easier."

Gyfford says, "And those stations range from court members to Speaker, to the warriors in the frey."

Gyfford says, "You are ALL a valid part of this, so never underestimate your worth."

Gyfford says, "To're all worthy and strive everyday to be what makes this province great."

Gyfford says, "That said..."

Gyfford says to Arimane, "Let's see what you have for petitions."

Arimane says, "Klurn would like to speak, Your Grace."

Klurn says, "Aye."

Klurn says, "Is Milady ok Milord and i senced she is about...."

Gyfford says, "She is and I can't wait to spend some time with her, but she had some other things to attend to and couldn't be here with us."

Gyfford smiles at Klurn.

Gyfford says, "Speaking of."

Klurn says, "I am at her service and let her know that please."

Gyfford says to Klurn, "She did mention something about shopping, and you know how much I..."

Gyfford says, "Love to shop."

Klurn says, "All i have Milord."

Klurn says, "Like gwen."

Vykanthiss grins at Klurn.

Ruea asks, "Shopping?"

Somniumvisum says to Klurn, "The joys of the role are showing now, sir."

Gyfford says to Klurn, "And no, I'm sure your service will not always be taking her shopping."

Vykanthiss says, "The S word."

Gyfford says, "But you have my pit....thanks."

Klurn says, "As she wishes Milord."

Jhesili says, "I see nuthin wrong wit da practice."

Klurn says, "Thankyou."

Arimane says, "Elec would like to speak, Your Grace."

Elec says, "Appreciate the audience Sir."

Elec says, "I wanted to say firstly that I heard that you might be doing something about that rope! I wanted to express my thanks, and that of many who can't be here. I'm sure tons of people will appreciate that."

Gyfford says, "Yes and I have a progress report there."

Gyfford says, "I received a missive from Lord Rossman and he's acquired the materials and those should be ready to go any day now."

Stoneheart lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Gyfford says, "Although, we will probably need some help with the building."

Vykanthiss exclaims, "Good news!"

Elec says, "I'd be happy to volunteer."

Gyfford says, "If any of you brave souls is up for that."

Karthor lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Gyfford says, "It will be precarious work."

Elec says, "I've done my share of dangerous work Sir."

Ruea quietly says, "I'd be more inclined to step up for the shopping assignment."

Gyfford says, "His plan was to string some of the ropes across the ravine, then add to that as the builders cross the ravine."

Elec says, "My wife Sir..."

Elec says, "She's um... an "expert" at shopping."

Gyfford exclaims, "I know it won't be ME hanging over that ravine and adding wood slats or the like!"

Elec says, "Rest assured she could assist if needed."

Gyfford says, "So..."

Gyfford says, "See, everyone has a station in life...some are even professional shoppers."

Somniumvisum says, "I'm happy to nominate the halflings within our ranks... Lighter, more agile, less strain on the build work."

Ruea says, "It's good to be needed."

Gyfford says, "No job too small."

Gyfford asks Somniumvisum, "Yes, because the Gods forbid you'd have to leave the hunting area?"

Somniumvisum says to Gyfford, "Just training to better protect you, m'lord."

Gyfford asks, "Someone remind me to write up an engraved invitation for Somniumvisum, will you?"

Gyfford says to Elec, "Thank you, I too am anxious to see the bridge completed."

Elec says, "Sir, we've recently bought a home in the area, just wanting to do our part to help where we can."

Arimane says, "Gwenddolyn would like to speak, Your Grace."

Gwenddolyn says, "I can say that."

Gyfford asks, "Good to see you, Gwenddollyn. How's retirement treating you?"

Klurn says, "Uh oh."

Gwenddolyn says, "Klurn is lucky I forge now."

Gwenddolyn says, "Imagine all that lost shopping time."

Gwenddolyn says, "I did propose an idea to Sir Amlach and to Ternith."

Gyfford says, "I did see that...."

Gwenddolyn says, "In regards to forming a Council on Necromancy."

Gyfford says, "Something about a ....yes, that."

Gyfford says, "Which is basically the point of the Inquisition."

Gwenddolyn says, "Made up of Speakers and Paladins and of course Clerics."

Gwenddolyn says, "My point is that one person cannae do everything."

Gwenddolyn says, "So the council would provide a way."

Klurn says, "She would make you a great Court Advisor if you are so inclined Milord."

Gwenddolyn says, "For everyone to work together."

Gwenddolyn says, "And uphold your orders."

Gyfford says, "The Inquisition is a BIG thing, and there are way more than just one person involved there."

Gyfford says, "It's always been Theren's practice to try and work with them."

Gwenddolyn says, "But the Speakers any many Paladins are not part of the inquisition, is my point."

Gwenddolyn says, "I just thought it would help."

Gyfford says, "And our own Liurilias has always been a big part of that, which is why he's sorely missed most of the time here in Theren."

Gwenddolyn says, "We need people who are here to handle them when here."

Gwenddolyn says, "That seems to be the issue."

Gyfford says, "Aside from that, I wouldn't ever discount the efforts that our own brigades have put forth regarding the threat of necromancy."

Gwenddolyn says, "I have nothing else My Lord."

Gyfford says, "The brigades here are the front for those threats and, at least at this time, I don't want to say their work isn't appreciated."

Gyfford says, "That sounded really bad."

Gyfford says, "What I meant to say was that I would never presume to say those efforts would ever be unappreciated..."

Klurn frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.

Gyfford says, "Both by me and the others citizenry on the whole."

Klurn grins, revealing his dimples.

Gyfford says to Gwenddolyn, "I know you gave over your position as Commander when Klurn took up the reins for the Cavalry for some time."

Gyfford says, "And that was largely where you could do the most good."

Gyfford asks, "Is there anyone in a brigade here that hasn't addressed the necromantic threat?"

Gyfford asks, "See what I mean?"

Vykanthiss says, "No sir."

Somniumvisum says, "Many times, with both good and bad results."

Gyfford says, "So, let me ask you this, Gwenddolyn."

Gyfford asks Gwenddolyn, "Would you be willing to directly address those threats in particular?"

Gwenddolyn says, "I would."

Klurn says, "With my backup Milord."

Gyfford asks, "And have you a following that wouldn't further diminish the state of the brigades for said 'Council'?"

Gwenddolyn says, "Well I would not want to lesson other brigades."

Gyfford says, "Send me your ideas and I'll take it into consideration."

Gyfford asks, "What that all you had?"

Gwenddolyn says, "It was not my intention to."

Gwenddolyn says, "Revive the Cavalry."

Klurn says, "She doesn't like me eattin things."

Gyfford says, "I'm not looking to grant any such approvals for this side of the lake either."

Gyfford says, "So we're in agreement there."

Arimane says, "Ordovic would like to speak, Your Grace."

Gyfford says to Ordovic, "Greetings, and welcome to my court."

Ordovic says, "I will try not to take up to much of your time My Lord."

Gyfford says, "I don't believe we've met."

Ordovic says, "I have traveled from the South to find that I've enjoyed your Province."

Ordovic says, "The kindness and hospitality of the land is astounding."

Gyfford says, "It's all these great people that I'm surrounded by."

Ordovic says, "I first wished to offer my gratitude to you Your Grace, it has meant alot to me."

Ordovic says, "I have family in this Province that call it home, and I would like to thank Sir Kenamer for assisting me as well, he has been a great mentor to me and my journey as a Paladin."

Ordovic says, "Going so far as to teach me the history of the Land."

Ordovic says, "With that said Your Grace, I am a young Paladin, who is Squire to none. With your permission and blessing I would like to request to be his Squire, should he be willing to take me, so I may better serve the Province, the thirteen, and the Land."

Gyfford says, "There is much history to be learned here, and should you ever wish to learn more, our own Court Historian, Erieck, has many more tales to tell."

Ordovic says, "I look forward to the opportunity."

Gyfford says, "Granted."

Ordovic asks Kenamer, "Would you have me Sir?"

Gyfford says to Ordovic, "And, again, welcome to Therengia."

Somniumvisum smiles.

Ordovic nods to Gyfford.

Kenamer says to Ordovic, "I will accept this."

Ordovic says, "Thank you again for the hospitality Your Grace, I hope to serve well."

Ordovic "Thank you Sir, I will do you Honor."

Kenamer says to Gyfford, "Thank you Lord Baron for this honor."

Arimane says, "Kenamer would like to speak, Your Grace."

Gyfford says, "Doubling down, I see."

Gyfford says to Kenamer, "I'm listening."

Kenamer says, "No My Lord, this was a suprise for me."

Kenamer says, "Lord Baron Gyfford."

Kenamer says, "I come to you in faithful service as always."

Kenamer asks, "I would speak with you on the Letter I have sent some thirty andaen ago, I hope that it met with your approval?"

Gyfford says, "I did receive your letter, and it could not go under advisement until I speak with the Order Council."

Gyfford says, "And speaking of that..."

Kenamer says, "May I speak farther..."

Gyfford says to Kenamer, "I'd like you to stick around after the audience, I have something I'd like to say."

Gyfford says to Kenamer, "Go on."

Kenamer says, "In addition to that letter I took it upon myself to seek others interested in reforming the Order of the Dragon Shield."

Gyfford says, "Okay let me stop you right there."

Gyfford says, "And, given that you don't have the patience to wait...I'll address that right now."

Gyfford says, "You attempted to circumvent an approval process that has to to through myself and the Official Order Council before such approvals are granted."

Gyfford says, "And furthering that, you took it upon yourself, given the very detailed missive I received about your meeting at the Standing Stones and, in particularly, after that..."

Gyfford says, "To lead others to believe that this decision was already made."

Gyfford says, "And it has not."

Gyfford says, "Just because you don't receive a response regarding that decision within YOUR timeframe, doesn't mean that it's gone ignored and you should have very well waited to speak to myself and that Council."

Gyfford says, "Last time I checked...neither one of us work on Kenamer time."

Gyfford says, "Now...that being said....."

Gyfford says, "I'm certainly not opposed to seeing anything that promotes growth in Riverhaven."

Gyfford says, "But, I have to also give respect to the fact that I appointed the Mayor there and to consider him in that same process."

Gyfford says, "You'll just have to be patient, as both the Order Council, the Mayor and myself all go over those interested parties and what they have to offer in that capasity."

Kenamer says, "My Lord, may I speak on my behalf? I do believe my actions were misunderstood."

Somniumvisum whispers, "I'd likely try to leave it there and wait for it to be addressed when they make a call sir"

Gyfford says, "I would say given the facts that were detailed to me, yes, they were very particular by you."

Gyfford says, "If you have something to add to that, I'm listening."

Gyfford asks, "Smelling salts, anyone?"

Kenamer says, "I had never intended to portray that any permissions were given. I understand very well that there are processes that I do not understand and would never assume to..."

Gyfford asks, "Then I would have to ask why you would do that when you had no knowledge of whoever else might be vying for that same position?"

Kenamer says, "I had met with several prior order members and discussed gathering a group of interested people to present to you at the nearest oportunity."

Gyfford asks, "You do know how much that would have effected them, yes?"

Gyfford exclaims, "I don't care who you met with!"

Gyfford exclaims, "It's not your call to make!"

Gyfford exclaims, "Do you understand that?!"

Kenamer says, "Yes my lord."

Gyfford says, "Now you see why this might have been better if you'd have waited for me to speak with you privately...."

Gyfford says, "But patience."

Somniumvisum asks, "Perhaps in the interest of time, we could move along to the next person who wishes to speak, m'lord?"

Gyfford asks Kenamer, "If you don't have that kind of patience for the process, then how could anyone be assured that you'd display equal patience for members of an Order?"

Gyfford says to Somniumvisum, "I'm speaking, and you're not."

Kenamer says, "I have no more to say if you are done with me your Grace..."

Gyfford says, "Denied...we'll wait till after the audience."

Arimane says, "Ruea would like to speak, Your Grace."

Gyfford says, "My shopping godess."

Ruea says, "Please remember you said that later."

Elec says, "I'll never hear the end of it."

Elec says, "And my accounts plunge further."

Gyfford says to Elec, "No disrespect intended, good sir."

Ruea says, "While I understand and respect that Therengia has protocal in place for most things I was wondering if I could convince you to lift that in one specific instance."

Ruea says, "I occasionally try my hand at writing plays and I've written one regarding the history of the Paladin Guild."

Gyfford says, "Your timing is impeccable."

Gyfford exclaims, "Oh?!"

Ruea says, "I thought perhaps there would be no place more suitable to put on such a show than here in Therengia."

Ruea says, "Given your family's history with the Guild."

Gyfford exclaims, "Granted!"

Ruea says, "My thanks, your Grace. I had a whole speech worked up but I'll take that without argument."

Gyfford says, "And I would welcome any additional theater work you'd be interested in doing."

Elec says, "She's quite good Sir. Don't you let her act bashful now."

Ruea asks, "It's been some time and I may be a bit rusty but I do have a few pieces I'd shelved some time ago, perhaps I could send a few synopsis over for your consideration?"

Gyfford says to Ruea, "Our people have felt the loss of many entertaining nights, so if you'd be so inclined, I'd welcome ideas."

Ruea says, "It would be a pleasure."

Gyfford exclaims, "Excellent!"

Ruea says, "As long as you'll help me strong arm a few of your warriors into performing."

Gyfford says to Ruea, "Send me whatever ideas you have."

Gyfford says, "Now that, I can't promise."

Ruea says, "A girl can try."

Gyfford says, "But we DO have a few that enjoy a bit of the theatrics."

Gyfford says, " and there."

Ruea says, "I've met a few of them."

Ruea says, "Thank you again sir, I'll take no more of your time."

Gyfford says, "Thank you, Ruea."

Arimane says, "Kammae would like to speak, Your Grace."

Kammae pointedly says, "Good Evening M'lord, it is an honor to see you again."

Gyfford says, "And you."

Kammae pointedly exclaims, "I am, with your permission of course, once again organizing the World Jousting Tournament!"

Gyfford says, "Ah wonderful."

Kammae pointedly says, "And I would like to personally invite you to the Finals that will be held right here in Theren, should your duties allow of course."

Gyfford says, "Thank you, Kammae."

Gyfford says, "We'll see if the time will allow, send word when you have a date."

Gyfford says, "And time."

Kammae pointedly says, "As you wish M'lord."

Gyfford asks Kammae, "Was that all you had?"

Kammae pointedly says, "Yes M'lord."

Gyfford says, "Very well."

Gyfford nods to Arimane.

Arimane says, "Erieck would like to speak, Your Grace."

Gyfford exclaims, "Historian!"

Erieck says, "M'Lord Baron, it is good to see you as ever..."

Gyfford says, "And you."

Erieck says, "Thank you, I had a couple of things of note that I have been working on."

Erieck says, "After discussions with several folks I have made plans and started holding history lectures once more."

Erieck says, "Although brief it was a good stretch of the legs.."

Erieck says, "Further I have begun re-writing a certain book we discussed...I returned to it and frankly I wasn't happy with what I had written.."

Gyfford says, "You have my full support and I can't say how much I appreciate seeing you get back into sharing the knowledge you have."

Gyfford says, "I do recall that."

Erieck says, "Thank you Sir.."

Gyfford says, "When we last spoke, you mentioned it."

Erieck says, "I hope to have the first of the two parts finished soon.."

Erieck says, "And second...I had a thought a year or so back...something in my mind that has stuck there."

Gyfford says, "I'm sure it'll be a great read."

Gyfford says, "I'm listening."

Erieck says, "I've spoke with a few folks about it and they suggest it has potential....I wanted some input before I decided to mention it at all."

Erieck says, "And perhaps it is a still a bit hairbrained embassy."

Gyfford says, "Go on."

Erieck says, "I would propose an embassy with another province...perhaps more then one.."

Gyfford exclaims, "Lots of ideas tonight!"

Erieck says, "We have had ambassadors and emissaries to the other provinces."

Gyfford says, "An interesting proposal."

Erieck says, "But no permanent or semi-permanent quarters or meeting spots."

Erieck says, "I would suggest an attempt at a permanent embassy in Zoluren...if diplomacy and agreements between the provinces allow."

Gyfford says, "A very interesting proposal."

Erieck says, "In return we may have a similar embassy from Zoluren here.."

Erieck says, "It would be a bit of home when away from home and hopefully a means to..."

Erieck says, "Invite people to see Therengia.."

Erieck says, "Strengthen the bonds."

Erieck says, "If successful it could even be expanded."

Gyfford asks, "To?"

Erieck says, "But I wished to present to you the idea M'Lord..."

Gyfford asks, "Do you have anything in writing that I could look over?"

Erieck says, "Perhaps Hibar..the islands or even Ilithi.."

Erieck says, "Not as of yet but I can put a report together quickly."

Gyfford says, "Send it to me...I'd be interested and will take it under advisement."

Erieck says, "I shall M'Lord."

Gyfford says, "Thank you for your continued service, Erieck."

Gyfford says, "Good to see you more involved these days."

Erieck says, "And lastly I would ask a bit of assistance from the court on a smaller project.."

Erieck says, "I am working on a tool for lectures..a map."

Gyfford asks, "Denied! Two questions only! I'm kidding....what's that, Erieck?"

Gyfford says, "Okay...I'm listening."

Gyfford asks, "What kind of map are we talking about here?"

Erieck says, "A simple map that that denotes the boundries of the Morzindaen."

Gyfford says, "Ahh."

Erieck says, "Perhaps not in enormous detail."

Gyfford asks, "And you'd be willing to do that work?"

Gyfford asks, "Or?"

Erieck says, "But something to give a rough feeling so that I can more accurately teach."

Erieck says, "I have a simple one made but I'd like to consult to..."

Erieck says, "Make sure I am correct."

Gyfford says, "Send it to me."

Gyfford says, "Yanno...send me ALL the stuff."

Erieck says, "Thank you M'Lord..I appretiate it greatly."

Gyfford says, "As do I."

Gyfford says, "Good petitions tonight."

Klurn says, "Lord Islief might be busy."

Arimane says, "Taevish would like to speak, Your Grace."

Taevish animatedly says, "My Lord, it is an honor to speak with you."

Gyfford asks, "I don't think we've met, have we?"

Taevish animatedly says, "No, My Lord, I am a new recruit to the Theren Guard."

Gyfford asks, "Really?"

Taevish animatedly says, "Yes, My Lord."

Gyfford says, "More good news."

Gyfford says, "Carry on."

Taevish animatedly says, "Since applying to the order, I have spoken with many in the south about doing so as well."

Gyfford says, "Interesting."

Taevish animatedly says, "There are many good candidates and good people, who mostly seem willing to do so, but the same one issue is brought up when speaking with them..."

Taevish animatedly says, "Often people become disinterested when they learn they their guild is not represented in Therenborough."

Taevish animatedly says, "I just wanted to inform you of this in case it is something that you would consider to have more guilds opened within the city."

Gyfford says, "I can take it under advisement, but those decisions are usually something the guilds decide first, before bringing it to me.

Taevish animatedly says, "I understand completely. Thank you for your time, My Lord."

Gyfford asks, "And I'm guessing you're speaking to, in particular, this side of the lake, yes?"

Taevish animatedly says, "Yes, My Lord."

Taevish animatedly says, "The barge does take some time."

Taevish animatedly says, "It seems many don't wish to be riding it often."

Gyfford says, "If there's such a desire from the various guilds, I'd definitely entertain those who have interests here."

Klurn says, "Togs do row as fast as they can."

Taevish animatedly says, "My thanks, My Lord."

Arimane says, "Aislynn would like to speak, Your Grace."

Aislynn quietly says, "Your Grace, I am an old woman. I have led, followed, and served great men and women in Zoluren for more years than most have lived."

Aislynn quietly says, "Greatness is hardly relegated to Zoluren, of course. Our provinces have always given mutual aid whenever asked, against whatever enemy comes. Whenever we found ourselves lacking in trained defenders during the Elpalzi incursions, Theren's people answered the call."

Aislynn quietly says, "And these great men and women," she gestures to Kenamer, Nithhogr, and several others nearby, "wish to answer the call closer to home. They are prepared to guard and support your southernmost regions and the people therein without pay or accolade, and will likely continue to do so with or without your acknowledgement."

Aislynn quietly says, "They do so for the love of this Province, and for the love of your lordship. There can be no greater honor, and no better cause. When Sir Kenamer asked if I might like to be a part of such a thing, for the very first time in my life, I regretted being oathbound already elsewhere."

Aislynn quietly says, "I have duties currently holding me in Zoluren, with the Apostles. I am unable and unwilling to leave them short councilmembers, which regretfully means an undefined delay before I can pledge myself to this cause, or any other."

Aislynn quietly says, "But I am true to my word. I owe this Province, and her people, for being so willing to bleed and die to protect my homeland. I will repay in kind, for as long as I am able and wanted, and so long as there are great men and women to stand beside."

Aislynn quietly says, "And... for the record," she nods quickly to Arimane and his booklet, "I have been discussing this with Kenamer and the others for a while now, and no one ever said anything was approved. Kenamer simply wanted to get like-minded people together, and open the lines of communication."

Aislynn quietly says, "He knows the delays and decisions that must be made first. He made very certain to remind everyone at any discussion that nothing was agreed to by any stretch of the imagination. Void, I think he said so four times in one particular conversation."

Aislynn quietly says, "Not, of course, that I would ever say you are wrong." The old S'Kra gazes levely at Gyfford with a deadpan expression. "But perhaps wrongly informed, in this instance."

Aislynn quietly says, "That is all."

Gyfford says, "Thank you, and I hope that Zoluren and Therengia can continue those good relations well into the future."

Arimane says, "I would like to speak briefly for some who are not here, Your Grace."

Cristalyn softly says to Vykanthiss, "Bless you."

Gyfford says, "Hold..."

Vykanthiss says to Cristalyn, "Thanks."

Gyfford asks Arimane, "Were there no other petitioners?"

Arimane says, "No, Your Grace."

Gyfford says, "Thank you, you may speak."

Arimane says, "My mistake. Vykanthiss would like to speak."

Arimane says, "I apolgoize."

Gyfford says, "Very well, you have the floor, Vykanthiss."

Vykanthiss says, "Your Grace."

Vykanthiss says, "I am honored to be here and hear you."

Vykanthiss says, "I will try to be succinct."

Vykanthiss says, "I have a deeply distressing family matter..."

Vykanthiss says, "I wish to turn my command over so that I may handle it."

Gyfford says, "I see."

Vykanthiss says, "I have a young nephew...a cleric."

Vykanthiss says, "He's going astray..."

Vykanthiss says, "I need to help him."

Vykanthiss respectfully says to Gyfford, "I have discussed it with the Advisor."

Vykanthiss says, "It is distressing, all around."

Gyfford says, "I understand that family needs to come first, Vykanthiss."

Gyfford says, "And I have appreciated your efforts."

Vykanthiss says, "Thank you, Your Grace."

Gyfford says, "Your request is granted. Please wait till after the audience, as I'd like a word."

Vykanthiss says, "Thank you, Your Grace."

Gyfford asks, "Now to Arimane?"

Arimane says, "Thank you, Your Grace. My apologies to Vykanthiss."

Vykanthiss says, "Accepted, sir."

Arimane says, "I communicated your decree to Inquisitor Whiteburn and she humbly sends her regards and thanks."

Arimane says, "I promised to pass that along to you, My Lord."

Arimane says, "I also wanted to introduce you to our other new recruit, Fiyasilke, who is here tonight."

Gyfford says, "You Moon Mages."

Arimane says, "And also Stoya, who is here tonight."

Gyfford says to Fiyasilke, "Greetings, and welcome to Therengia and my court."

Stoya calmly says, "Mi' Lord."

Fiyasilke says, "Thank you, My Lord."

Gyfford says to Stoya, "And greeting to you as well. Welcome to Therengia."

Stoya calmly says, "It has been most welcoming, Mi' Lord."

Arimane says, "That is all I had, My Lord."

Gyfford asks, "I trust you're both settling in well?"

Stoya calmly says, "Training so we may better serve you Lord Baron."

Gyfford says, "I'm glad, and look forward to seeing more of both of you."

Fiyasilke says, "I've repurchased my old home and am getting quite comfortable again."

Gyfford says to Fiyasilke, "If you need shopping tips, see Ruea."

Gyfford says to Stoya, "You're stuck with the Military Advisor, and your Commander."

Gyfford asks, "That said...does anyone have anything further?"

Stoya calmly says, "As Kenamer says, Mi' Lord."

Ternith says to Stoya, "Sorry for your luck."

Gyfford asks, "Anyone?"

Kammae pointedly asks, "Any updates on the wedding?"

Cristalyn softly says, "Just as usual...please give my regards to the Lady."

Gyfford says, "None, but eloping is looking really good with the wait on the cathedral."

Gyfford says to Cristalyn, "I will! Thank you."

Klurn says, "And let Lady Athelisa know i am near."

Ruea says, "We heard that."

Ternith says to Klurn, "I think we all know when you are near sir."

Gyfford says, "Thank you all for making this such a great province. May you all walk in the light."

Player of Leech Farmer Nithhogr
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