Anduwen Watch Book Discussion (01/18) on 01/30/2018 03:41 PM CST
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I meant to post this much earlier, but yet, here is the log of the Anduwen Watch discussion of the new Library book, Hagiography of Elanthian Saints Vol. 1.

[Asemath Academy, Freshman Classroom]
Long tables in neat rows face a lectern made of ebony wood. Straight-backed chairs with no padding sit closely together at the tables. The walls are a dusty rose colored marble and high windows allow a pure light in for clarity of seeing. A large sign hangs on the wall above the lectern.
You also see a ruby-inlaid round table crafted to resemble Yavash with several things on it.
Also here: Azettie, Retired Commander Xixist, Slaughter Chief Steinnar, Knight Radiant Isharon, Perune who is sitting, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Knight Magister Saragos who has a stony visage, Sticky Fingers Nakori who is sitting and True Bard Navesi.
Obvious exits: out.

Navesi says, "So, if you would all give me a moment of quiet, I would like to begin."

Navesi says, "First, welcome to this discussion of the newly released book, Hagiography of Elanthian Saints, Vol 1. I am hosting on behalf of the Anduwen Watch, in the hopes that we can bring learning and discussion to Asemath once more."

Navesi says, "I considered making you all write a short essay on the book but I was informed that I'd be more likely to get attendance with free drinks, so here we are."

Navesi asks, "Mother Whiteburn, I believe you had a story of a saint you wished to share? Perhaps I could begin with a summary of the saints we read about, and then your story?"

Qiyan says, "I'd only write if I could do it with doodles."

You say to Navesi, "Of course."

Nakori mutters something into the air about cute baby S'Kra crawling all over.

Navesi says, "The book began by discussing why Elanthian saints are not well known in today's Kermoria, despite our continued reverence of the Thirteen. It seems that during the reign of Vithwok IV, the regent made saint worshipping quite unfashionable."

Navesi says, "Thus this is the first time we have information again on most of these saints."

Qiyan exclaims, "I'm hoping to find a piece of saintliness in a treasure chest!"

Navesi says, "The book continued to highlight a notable saint from each guild and each province. They ranged in race and origin, though were entirely of the Seven Races that took part in the Empire."

Navesi says, "Of some note, some of the saints appeared quite dedicated to gods, while others were not. We will discuss this further later."

Navesi says, "And now, Mother Whiteburn, please add your own story to those that we read."

You say, "I have a deep respect and appreciation for those places which are the closest to my Lord Drogor's domain - the Islands of Reshalia. I spend a great deal of time habitating amongst the Islands, tending to His shrines and holy places and meditating before the Ocean."

You say, "Oftentimes, when my pilgrimages take me to beautiful Ratha, I spend some time sparring with Guildleader Kor'yvyn. Although not often given to flights of fancy, he had taken to, somewhat-teasingly, calling me 'Naarti'hhs'Isleivur". This translates roughly to Common as "Child of Isleivur." I did not question it at first, but when I did, he told me this tale about the honorable Saint Toad. I would recount it for you here."

You say, "In the distant past of the honorable Ratha, the Island's geometric makeup was quite different than it is now. A colony of humans had, for whatever the reason, migrated from the mainland, intent on making Ratha their new home. However, they were a somewhat wild and proud people (as is often the case with humans), and did not wish to live within the City proper. Instead, they set up their tents on a beach not far along the Reshalian Coast. It was a small settlement that endured the harsh temperature and tumultuous weather through sheer determination to survive, like a Sirese flower rooted in the crags of Asketi's Mount."

You say, "The humans faced many difficulties they could not fathom. It was as though the Sea itself was refusing them its bounty, with their nets returning substantially less than would seem possible."

Tyrun says, "Is this the ceremony when I am to be inducted into Sainthood? I did not expect so many admirers."

You say, "Then it was, as the clan was on the verge of finally dying out, that they were visited by Isleivur. Young still and without his trademarked billousness, he appeared on a night when only the glacial blue of Xibar illuminated the beach, as prophecied by the tribes' shaman. If not so severely weakened, it is unlikely they would have ever listened to the word of an outsider. However, it is fortunate that they did, for Isleivur had the answer to their misfortunes."

Qiyan says to Tyrun, "I may have doodled you."

Qiyan says, "Shh."

You say, "The humans, as it happened, were absolute followers of Hodierna, and had thus far turned only to Her for blessings and prayer. Isleivur warned them that this was angering Drogor, causing the Sea itself to turn from them, and accounting for the terrible storms that ravaged their dwellings and slew their families. Furthermore, the humans were accustomed to the freshwater streams and rivers of their own home and the ways of the Sea were strange to them. They would need to be taught. In desperation, they agreed to the Toad's terms - he would teach them to thrive and they, in turn, would open their hearts and souls to the Mighty Drogor, hymning His praises and making regular sacrifice unto Him as tribute."

You say, "The humans proved themselves to be fast learners and it wasn't long before Isleivur was content to take his leave of them. He promised that he would return once every other season to assess their progress and, so long as they remained faithful, entreat Drogor on their behalf that they might continue living at His mercy."

You say, "And so it went. For many years, the clan prospered and flourished. However, as if often the case, it was their own pride that brought about their ruin."

You say, "One Spring, Isleivur found himself greeted not by the welcoming embrace of the clan's leader, but instead by a small party of armed warriors who brusquely informed him that his blessing would no longer be needed. The escort group took the taciturn Isleivur before the great skeleton of a mighty shark, positioned in the center of their settlement. They then spoke, in voices bloated with gluttinous self-satisfaction, of how they had conquered the mightiest of Drogor's children and therefore had no reason to fear Him or seek His appeasement."

You say, "Isleivur did not react to these humans with anger. Instead he simply turned a benevolent smile upon them and vacated the camp."

You grin slowly.

Nakori meekly says, "Uh ohh..."

You say, "It goes without saying that Drogor's vengeance was both brutal and absolute. The very sands beneath their dwellings were transformed into heaving swells that crashed down upon them, crushing and drowning the hapless humans in droves. Tho broken, pitiful bodies of those that survived the initial attack were drawn out into the merciless deep, to be torn to pieces and devoured by the Children of Drogor."

You say, "No remnants of this tribe exist their extinction is complete. However, the land itself maintains the great peaks and troughs of the furious waves of Drogor's domain to this day. That is how the beach we know now as Pokekehekepi came to be."

You say, "Pokekehekepi, in case you did not know, means Little Sea of Sand in the language of my people."

Qiyan exclaims, "Such detail!"

Nakori meekly asks, "Isleivur was a good frog?"

Tyrun says, "I thought it meant 'Deportation Bar of Stingy Poison.' My mistake."

You say, "Additionally, the phrase 'the Toad's smile' is a phrase rarely used by Rathans to describe the calm before a storm."

Qiyan says to Nakori, "Toad."

Isharon says to you, "I always wondered about that name, if it meant more than just the amount of sand."

Navesi says, "Thank you, Mother. An excellent story."

You say to Tyrun, "I will not hold your ignorance against you. I expect it of smoothskins."

Navesi says, "And one that demonstrates a saint's actions, in his devotion to Drogor."

Azettie asks, "Ok, Can I ask a question about the book?"

Navesi says, "Now is a good time for questions."

Tyrun says, "I prefer to foist ignorance onto others than cultivate my own."

Azettie asks, "If Yrsa was a human trader why is she depected as a scaley skra?"

Tyrun says, "Huldah's hand, sowing doubt and discord in sainthood."

Navesi says, "I noticed that myself. For any who didn't notice or didn't read that far, the patron saint of the Traders was described as human, but her depiction was as a S'Kra Mur."

Perune says, "Good question."

Qiyan says, "Perhaps the greed to traderin sometimes needs to be symbolized as such."

Navesi says, "I suspect there may have been an error on the part of the author, or the scribe."

Perune says, "Ocular Saint."

Xixist says, "Sounds sorcerous."

Nakori meekly says, "The illumstrater didn't pay attention! I would have done a better job paying attention."

Navesi says, "I doubt the saints are truly depicted as other than their actual race, though it is possible that through some rumor or miscommunication it happened."

Perune says, "It was Qiyan's fault."

Perune says, "She changed the artwork."

Azettie says, "I mean the name is very hissy."

Perune says, "Added a snout."

Qiyan exclaims, "It needed to be done!"

Azettie says, "So maybe she was one."

Xixist says, "Everything is."

Azettie says, "I was just wondering if someone new."

Azettie says, "Or knew."

Isharon thoughtfully says, "Or people felt like they could relate more to her if depicted as another race, similar to the way Kaldar depict Hav'roth as a Kaldar instead of the traditional S'Kra."

Qiyan asks, "Pictures say a thousand words?"

Navesi says, "Unfortunately this is the first I've heard of most of these saints. Excepting, of course, for St. Toad, who was spoken of extensively by Father Gromnir."

Saragos says, "Possibly not an error. Veneration of a particular saint might not be strongest among those of his or her own race. If the S'Kra took her up, sponsored her, I could see it. We already see several of the Immortals being shown as a variety of different races, depending on beliefs."

Whiteburn frowns and mutters darkly about sacrilege.

Tyrun says, "I was perturbed to find no saints dedicated to the weasel, nor any effigy with my facade."

Qiyan says, "Course maybe its a mood thing too huh."

Navesi says, "Yes, I think that could be the next point of discussion. The saints were ordered according to guild and province, not god."

Nakori meekly says, "I'm going to write a book about weasels."

Navesi says, "In fact, several entries did not mention a god at all, suggesting that there was something about the person him or herself that was special, not necessarily their relationship to a particular god."

Navesi says, "Though given the lack of information, it could be merely that we don't know the god or gods they venerated."

Azettie asks, "Saints are normally sainted from great deads no?"

Tyrun asks, "Is there a Siege Saint depicted draped in naught but woodland finery?"

Azettie says, "Deeds."

Azettie says, "I had to much to drink."

Qiyan says, "So now I'm all curious about all the other Saints... and all the things that should Saint'inized."

You say to Azettie, "Often great deeds are inspired by the Immortals."

Tyrun says to Navesi, "I did read the book, you know. Several times."

Navesi says, "According to the book, the people were exemplary, but it didn't necessarily point to individual great deeds so much as a lifetime of deeds."

Perune asks Tyrun, "Do you think if everyone started refering to you as a Saint, it might take hold?"

Navesi dryly says to Tyrun, "I'm sure you did."

Qiyan asks, "And how do we get those worthy of it Saint'd?"

Saragos asks, "I thought that an interesting point. Particularly that the saints, especially of the Provinces, seemed to be the kind of thing that... well, provincial governments would like to see. Is this an example of the Temple telling people what they want to hear, or is there some sort of metaphysical process going on to generate sainthood?"

Tyrun says to Navesi, "I had to scan its pages several times when I found an absence."

Perune says, "In reality I imagine it was more political."

Navesi says, "An excellent question."

Qiyan exclaims to Saragos, "Exactly!"

Azettie says to you, "I find that contrary to popular clerical belief that people can pull off amazing feats for those they love or respect. Not needing an immortal to guide them."

Perune says, "I wonder if anyone can find other evidence of the dragon Saint Gyoir supposedly killed."

Navesi says, "I did note that in many cases prayers to the saints were said to be answered, though, which suggests that the gods are indeed involved."

Qiyan asks Perune, "Like a scale or a tooth?"

Saragos says to Perune, "Might be worth an expedition."

Isharon asks, "I am curious about the procedure for canonization. Is it a formal procedure, or do informal titles form a consensus over time?"

Perune says to Qiyan, "Like actual historical recordings of the towns it supposedly wrecked."

Qiyan says, "We need to make it fashionable again."

Perune says, "Dragon parts would help, though."

Saragos says to Isharon, "My guess is that it's formal, but the groundswell comes from consensus over time."

Navesi says, "The book mainly mentioned that prayers to the saints after death had some effect, suggesting that it was a spontaneous process revealed after general popularity. But there may have been some formal recognition happening afterward."

Saragos says, "Temple would definitely want to keep the reins on that process to not be made to look bad by everyone just declaring folk saints."

Tyrun asks, "It did suggest that Lirisa was a hidden companion to Arhat. If prayers are answered to the Saints, are they not hands of Immortals?"

You say to Azettie, "On the contrary, it is because of the Immortals that these people gain the attributes that allow to achieve Sainthood. Of course, they should not be worshipped as the Gods are, but they are certainly to be admired as exemplary mortals."

Tyrun says, "For she was able to live quite some time."

Qiyan says to Tyrun, "I don't think they all sacked up with the Immortals."

Navesi says to Tyrun, "I don't know if I would say Hands, as that would imply that they had powers during their lifetimes, which not many of them appeared to have. But perhaps we may think of them as somehow extensions of the Immortals, or even manifestations of the ideal faith. Thus the Immortals appreciate us looking to them as examples."

Isharon says, "Prince Vorclaf might be a good candidate for sainthood, given that he died as a vessel of Meraud while defending the province from Lyras."

Tyrun asks Navesi, "You are arguing for my Sainthood, aren't you?"

Perune says to Isharon, "Agreed."

Navesi says, "I quite agree."

Saragos says, "That's a very good point. We might petition the Temple about that."

Azettie asks, "The last thought to be living one was who the umm Ranger lass right?"

Perune says, "The Chosen from Shard as well."

Tyrun says, "I recall that event rather vividly."

Azettie asks, "Before that it seems over 200 years before lavinal?"

Perune says, "Keep in mind that the timeline can be confusing."

Tyrun asks, "Do you suppose the Huntress might be a saint, or a backwoods Goddess?"

Navesi says to Azettie, "At least 186 years before Lanival, yes."

Perune says, "Before Lanival is, at some points in the timeline, literally after the Resistance War."

Tyrun says, "She granted me holy water-eternal, for which I remain grateful."

Perune says, "And doesn't end until the fall of the Dragon Priest Empire."

Nakori meekly asks Navesi, "Who is going to read the next chapter?"

Tyrun says, "I wonder if there is a book in Xerasyth's lair in the ice caves that depicts Dzree as an empress-saint."

Tyrun says, "I did not have the chance to thumb through his library on my last visit."

You give Tyrun an irritated look, lashing your tail at the air.

Navesi says, "Well, the thing I find most fascinating about the Immortals is their multi-faceted nature. Even looking purely at a single Aspect, they have personalities and are changeable. It's almost as if these saints represent a single facet that is somehow purified or approved."

Saragos says, "There is one point that I think can be made for sure... that these saints aren't just myths, despite the lack of information on some of them. If we were talking about events several thousands of years ago then a lot of these stories would be more suspect. But most of these are from the late Empire. Records were kept then, and processes followed. I don't think folk then would have been prone to accept some random hedge knight as a Saint without a little something to back it up."

Tyrun says to you, "Perhaps I should say that the 'visit' involved ropes and a mural painted on the wall in my blood, to pacify you."

Azettie asks you, "I may have missed it as I am a touch slow when did the toad dye?"

Azettie says, "Or die."

Navesi says to Nakori, "Well, mostly we read the book before arriving here, but if you'd like we can read about a saint of your choice and discuss it."

Saragos says, "We've lost a lot of records from the Empire, during the wars, but they tended not to be slipshod about those things."

You say to Tyrun, "Hmm... that might do."

Isharon dryly says, "The Empire had a respectable sense of bureaucracy."

Navesi says, "I agree, it seems the saints were real, truly worshipped, and they could be again perhaps."

You say to Azettie, "I do not think anybody knows quite when he died. According to legend, he was apparently lost to sea."

Nakori meekly says, "Oh... I thought..."

Navesi says, "I do like the idea of petitioning the Temple to apply sainthood to Prince Vorclaf."

Qiyan says, "I am just curious if there would even be a response."

Navesi says, "I wonder if the Temple would be amenable to renewing efforts towards saints, since they apparently allowed the publication of this book."

Tyrun says, "I have a name or two to submit, certainly."

Xixist says, "A saintly coronation may be in order."

Azettie asks, "Does one have to be dead or assumed dead to be come a saint?"

Navesi dryly says to Tyrun, "Yes, we all know."

Azettie says, "I may have missed that part."

Qiyan exclaims, "I shouldn't think so!"

Qiyan says, "They just have to have done something of merit and worth."

Qiyan exclaims, "And miraculous!"

Navesi says to Azettie, "That is a good point. I suspected from the book that one must be dead."

Isharon says, "Though in practice, I suspect that recognition often comes posthumously."

Saragos asks, "Again, depends on what's going on behind the curtain, so to speak. Do we discover saints or invent them?"

Qiyan says, "I mean it has to be something that has benefited enough people too."

Navesi says, "I wonder if even there is a special place upon the Starry Road where saints are situated, such that the prayers to them begin to work."

Tyrun asks Navesi, "I stood at Vorclaf's side, and would stand as advocate on his behalf. Faux narcissism can be relinquished to honor those that have perished to prevent us all from great peril. Perhaps condescension could suffer the same fate?"

Isharon says, "If it's the Imperially deliberate procedure I suspect it is."

Qiyan says to Navesi, "I don't think so, who's to say those people were only Saint'd after they was deceased."

Xixist says, "A starry parking lot."

Tyrun says, "We're not entirely certain Lirisa is deceased."

Navesi says to Qiyan, "It's true, the book was not particularly clear."

Qiyan exclaims, "I am hopeful!"

Tyrun says, "I would also like to nominate Timothy of Sicle Grove."

Navesi says, "I only noted that a few entries spoke of the prayers beginning after their deaths."

Azettie says, "Well i also find it interesting that Kvirinus is not considered the trader saint. I mean look at the current state of that guild....."

Navesi asks, "Timothy? I'm curious, what is your reasoning?"

Perune says, "I'd wager she is if she hasn't attained immortality."

Tyrun says, "He lost everything, but wandered the land with a spirit of generosity none-the-less."

Tyrun says, "You could offer him a blade of grass, and a runestone you would receive in return."

Saragos says, "This is just wild speculation, but if the saints can be verified, I wonder if they're still conscious? Perhaps this might be a way of 'rewarding' or 'keeping around' certain people by the Immortals, even after they've passed on."

You say to Navesi, "I would tend to believe that, instead of the prayers going directly to the saints, that the saints become spirit helpers of a sort to the Immortals and are allowed to dwell with Them."

Navesi says, "Within an Immortal? Fascinating."

Azettie asks Saragos, "Like to say if you don't pray to them they disapear forever?"

Qiyan asks Saragos, "Like sorta kinda immortalized but not wholly?"

Navesi says, "I wonder if Captain Kurmin might be sainted as well, as devoted as he is to Harawep."

Navesi says, "He is already... partially Hers, I would say."

You say to Navesi, "In all honestly, I believe that if there is anyone living now who is worthy enough to be an ideal of faith and an example to the people, it is our Temple's Father Soraent."

Saragos says to Qiyan, "Maybe, yeah. I've heard some rumors about new research into the nature of the Paladin's Soul that got me thinking along those lines."

Isharon says to Saragos, "There are legends -- or maybe rumors is a more accurate word -- that in some cases, a particularly worthy soul might maintain its identity after death, rather than merging with the substance of the divine."

Perune says, "That's true."

Navesi says to you, "Oh, quite so, what a perfect suggestion."

Azettie says, "The way I read this book though it is also popular opinion of these people that have granted them sainthood."

Navesi says, "Perhaps, with everyone's permission, I will draw up some names for the Temple's consideration."

Tyrun says to Isharon, "That is certainly my goal."

You lightly say, "Although I am sure he would be the first to deny the idea as preposterous."

Isharon says to Navesi, "I would be happy to write a few words about Prince Vorclaf, if you've no better words in mind."

Navesi says, "Please, anyone who would like to should submit some words to me, and I will collate them with my own."

Azettie asks, "Are there any races that missed the saint ship?"

Qiyan asks, "Who will make the presentation to the Temple?"

Navesi says, "Well, none of those who migrated here recently."

Azettie says, "I only retain small parts so I like to ask lots of questions."

Navesi says to Qiyan, "I will write a missive."

Tyrun asks, "How many Elves were there?"

Qiyan says, "Too many."

Tyrun says, "Incorrect. The correct answer, no matter the number, would have been 'Not enough.'."

Navesi says, "Three Elves if I recall."

Isharon says to Navesi, "It would be particularly timely, given the upcoming coronation of his son, Belirendrick IV, as well as a reminder of the threat of necromancy and the urgency of contesting it."

Xixist asks, "Was Tallis mentioned?"

Azettie says, "I would assume a long lifespan gives one ample time to make sainthood possible."

Perune says to Xixist, "Only in the introduction."

Saragos asks Tyrun, "Two, though that depends on how you want to count Lirisa. Do you credit the tales of Lanival and Sable being half-elven?"

Isharon wryly says to Azettie, "Or its opposite."

Xixist says, "But death is a pre-requisit."

Tyrun says to Azettie, "I'll let you know if you stave off aging for a few hundred more years."

Tyrun says to Xixist, "We don't know that Lirisa died."

Navesi says to Xixist, "Well, we don't know that for sure from the literature."

Qiyan says, "No, I'd rather there weren't."

Xixist says, "K."

Perune says to Xixist, "She wasn't mentioned as being one, just that she had information on a couple."

Qiyan says, "But maybe the Temple can answer that too."

Saragos says to Tyrun, "Lirisa at least was born a long time ago. Unless you're Morganae, folk just don't live that long."

Azettie says, "I guess I will have to wait for volume two to stop assuming."

Perune says, "Lirisa would be over 1000 years old at this point."

Tyrun says to Saragos, "You do make a wonderful point on Sable. Lanival... well, there were complications there."

Xixist says, "No, Morganae is no saint."

Navesi says, "Yes, even Elves do not sustain themselves so long."

Qiyan says to Navesi, "Unless they... been dippin into somethin they shouldn't."

Tyrun says, "Queen Morganae is only a few thousand years old. My suggestion to you all is to utilize the title. Take the weight of that with my penchant for irreverence."

Azettie says, "Well I can say hopefully now that we do have a glimmer of insite into these people we may start to see tokens bearing their represntations."

You sharply say to Qiyan, "They would certainly not be deemed Saints by the Temple if that were the case."

Saragos says, "Especially that Lirisa wouldn't even be a full-blooded elf, even if she does have some of that blood in her veins."

Perune says, "Oh my, dirty halfbloods."

Qiyan says to you, "Certainly not... which is why must be done to know them... and their secrets."

Saragos says to Perune, "Hybrid vigor, and such."

Saragos says to Perune, "Least, that's how I prefer to see it."

Isharon says, "I don't believe Elves with non-Elven ancestors necessarily suffer a shorter life on that account."

Navesi says to Tirost, "We've been discussing a number of features of the book and compiling our own list of potential modern candidates for sainthood."

Azettie asks, "Isn't it intresting how the provincial saints are largely not of the founding or majority races of the area?"

Tyrun says, "They didn't need passports back then."

Saragos says to Isharon, "Well, the word is that Lirisa looked Human. You might argue that she could live longer if she had some Elven blood, but even then... been a long time."

You say to Azettie, "Saints are typically highly unusual."

Navesi says to Tirost, "So far the list includes Prince Vorclaf, Timothy, Father Soraent, and Captain Kurmin."

Perune says, "I think that was only the case with Qi."

Tyrun says to Navesi, "You forgot one."

Navesi asks, "Which?"

Isharon says, "The gods choose one race at conception, instead of creating unnatural hybrids."

Tyrun just traced a circle around his face.

Navesi rolls her eyes.

Azettie says to you, "I bet they spoke the native tounge with out magic."

Tyrun says to Navesi, "My litany of deeds is both consistent as well as impressive."

Chelinde says, "I think they are pretty impressive."

Navesi says to Azettie, "Oh, was that so? There were humans in Zoluren and Therengia, and a Dwarf in Forfedhdar..."

Navesi says, "And I would dare say Elotheans are some of the founders of Ilithi as well."

Tyrun says, "I cannot speak of many of them until Whiteburn takes her leave. I refuse to throw caution to the wind to draw the ire of Drogor."

Perune says, "Qi was the only odd Province out."

Maltris asks Tyrun, "I wonder if these Saints we are discussing are as humble and modest as you are?"

Tyrun says to Maltris, "I doubt it. Some would say I am the most humble, the most modest."

Saragos says to Isharon, "I'm no Empath, couldn't say."

Azettie says, "Oh, I guess I didn't know that Elotheans where such a part of Illithi."

Azettie says, "There."

Navesi says, "Shard is one of the two great cities of Ilithi, and it was founded and ruled by Elotheans."

Isharon says to Saragos, "Nor I, but as far as I have ever seen or read, a Human with an Elven ancestor is as mortal as any other, with the brief life the gods deemed best for them."

Isharon says, "Shard is a wondrous mix of Elothean and Elven architecture."

Azettie says, "Ah, my ignorance my age is showing I guess."

You say to Tyrun, "No deed or misdeed remains hidden from the Lord of Storms for long. Judgment comes to all."

Navesi says to Azettie, "There is nothing wrong with ignorance, only with an unwillingness to learn."

Azettie says, "I am sure I will gawk in amazment at that city as I have never layed eyes on it."

Tyrun says to you, "Perhaps I have already received just punishment. My life's blood and experience, and the bodies in my wake, have served as chum in his waters for longer than many live."

Qiyan says to you, "Are you suggestin he wear rainboots and an umbrella."

Navesi says to Azettie, "Oh, it is quite the sight to behold."

Qiyan exclaims to Navesi, "I had no idea this discussion would lead to possible Saint'ing!"

Qiyan asks Navesi, "So will it be a formal petition of sorts?"

Perune says to Qiyan, "You're not up yet."

Navesi says, "Well, only the Temple can decide that, of course."

Qiyan says, "Or more just a letter of inquiry."

You lightly say to Tyrun, "My Lord of Storms is always pleased by this sort of sacrifice. Perhaps you may yet find sainthood if you continue donating to the Shiver."

Navesi says, "Something along the lines of a formal suggestion for consideration."

Navesi says, "For it to become a petition I should think we would need more of the general populace behind us."

Xixist says, "If I may be so bold .. Ive a prospect..."

Tyrun says to you, "I would serve as Saint under the Trickster's moniker and no other, but your support shall be written about in my petition, and it is appreciated."

Xixist says, "I'd like to suggest Wolfjaw Ironbeard to Sainthood for his work in creating Wolf Clan and the home of Everilds shrine."

Navesi says, "Duly noted."

Tirost quietly asks Saragos, "At the risk of bringing up something that may be well passed, may I ask your thoughts on the life of Kigutaarnaq?"

You say to Tyrun, "Your faith is as admirable as your machinations weaselesque."

Tyrun says to you, "I will submit my book to you for your perusal when it is complete so that you may know the depth and breadth of my dream of the confusion."

Qiyan says, "That's a book that won't need doodlins."

Saragos says, "Ah."

Saragos says, "I thought that an interesting one... especially given her end. Many Warrior Mages are known to have perished during... accidents."

Navesi says to Qiyan, "On the contrary, I'm sure it would be an honor to the weasel to wreak some mischief upon his book."

Tyrun says to Navesi, "Or perhaps the book is mischief in and of itself."

Navesi says, "I would expect nothing else."

Qiyan says to Navesi, "I'll bend a corner here and there."

Tyrun begins to focus intently on Qiyan.

Tyrun gestures at Qiyan.
A bright flash engulfs Tyrun's hand as a ray of holy light streaks from his palm, speeding toward Qiyan!
The ray diffuses into an errant flash of light as it strikes her small shield.

Tyrun snaps his fingers.

Qiyan narrows her eyes.

Navesi sharply says, "Now. I'll have no violence here."

Qiyan exclaims to Tyrun, "As tribute!"

You glance at your surroundings before snarling, "Master Huldah, separate me from all these pathetic mortals."

Navesi says, "Take it outside if you must tussle."

Perune says to Tirost, "I sort of forgot to connect Kigu with the timeline to see further understand the situation surrounding her."

Tyrun asks Navesi, "Violence? It was but an entertaining light show. Do you not like it?"

Saragos says, "We were discussing earlier whether saints were invented or simply revealed. If they are invented, it makes me wonder what else she did to have herself canonized."

Perune says, "On that note, readers would benefit from having a historical timeline nearby when reading the book."

Qiyan says to Perune, "So true."

Tyrun says, "It must be your heritage from a northern snow laden people that makes you sensitive to light, you and Qiyan both."

Navesi asks Perune, "Anything of note happen during her lifetime?"

Saragos asks, "BUT there's something big when talking about Kigutaarnaq that we didn't know. The text mentions a "discovery of Blackfire". The original Blackfire Cabal was thousands of years earlier. Was there a rediscovery?"

Navesi says to Tyrun, "Albaria is to the south."

Tirost says, "I wondered that as well..."

Navesi says, "But I was born and raised in Zoluren."

Tyrun says, "I'm a Saint, not a geographer."

Saragos says, "If she was responsible for helping to stamp that Sorcerous abomination out again without having another magical disaster on our hands, I could see why she would be canonized. Blackfire is no joke."

Perune says, "I didn't fully dig too deep into Kigu, honestly. I should have."

You say to Saragos, "An interesting thought."

Tirost says to Saragos, "Perhaps, but the Hagiography seemed to suggest that she was researching it, as opposed to hunting down those who used it."

Saragos says, "The legends tell us that the Voidspell was needed to stop the original Blackfire Cabal, and there's good reason to believe that the weakness in the planes that it created is what allowed some very nasty things into our world."

Tirost softly says, "I could be misinterpreting it, of course."

Tyrun asks you, "Does it perturb you that a sorceror was inducted as a saint, and does it not also call into question the Temple's position on sorcery as a whole if one of its most famous and prolific utilizers is Saint'd?"

Navesi says, "No, it said that she wrote papers deriding blackfire."

Tyrun says, "I thought she was rather fond of it."

Tyrun says, "They were penned like letters of a jilted lover."

Saragos asks Tirost, "There's not a lot there, but I read it as her turning to Water instead of Fire after Blackfire was discovered. Perhaps out of protest?"

Tirost says, "She clearly understood its dangers."

Navesi says, "There's no indication that she used it, rather the opposite."

You say to Tyrun, "Indeed. I believe that the book indicated that she was enemy of blackfire, not a practitioner."

Navesi asks, "Interesting, a symbolic protest?"

Saragos says, "She COULD have been the one to discover it, who then turned away from the study of Fire as an act of penance too."

Saragos says, "That's my guess."

Navesi says, "Oh, that would be interesting."

Tyrun says to you, "Love and hate, sides of the same coin. I believe she soured on its use. Heartburned, if you will."

Xixist says, "All magiks is abominations to the natural way.. just sayin."

You dryly say to Tyrun, "I believe that is a somewhat loose interpretation of the text."

Tirost says to Saragos, "I'd give a lot to find a bit more concerning her life an research."

Navesi says to Xixist, "Dear man, we'll be discussing sorcery at other meetings."

Qiyan says to Xixist, "Get used to it, its here to stay."

Qiyan exclaims to Tirost, "The hunt shall begin!"

Saragos says to Xixist, "You may not love magic, but lumping in all of it with dangerous Sorcery doesn't do anyone any favors. Makes folk complacent."

Perune says, "Going to have to dig deep, I imagine."

Tirost laughingly says, "As if I don't spend enough time in libraries."

Xixist says, "One day ill hear a loud boom."

Saragos says to Tirost, "I would too."

You sternly say to Xixist, "There is no virtue in ignorance. It is precisely this attitude that is why so many refuse to understand just how serious of a threat Necromancy is."

Qiyan says, "Now we get to start thinkin about shrines too."

Azettie says, "Well thank you all for the insite and the added confustion."

Xixist says, "I imagine so."

Tyrun says to Azettie, "You are already a part of the confusion."

Azettie says, "I think I shall take my leave and let my brain swelling go down."

Qiyan asks Navesi, "Yes well done! And will there be another?"

Qiyan says, "I need lots of time to get the readin done ya know."

Navesi says, "I do hope to continue to discuss books. Sorcery could certainly be one of the topics of conversation."

Saragos says to Azettie, "You spend enough time in libraries, you find that the more you learn, the more questions you have. Confusion is Knowledge's twin brother."

Perune says to Qiyan, "You spend too much time drawing."

Navesi says, "We in the Anduwen Watch wish to spread knowledge of history and a thoughtful reflection upon it."

You think to yourself, "Are modern minds so soft from baking in the sun braiding grass all day that a simple book is enough to cause confusion? Eluned preserve us."

Navesi says to Qiyan, "And respectful refrain whilst reading. Perhaps bring a sketchbook to doodle in on the side."

Qiyan says to Perune, "Did ya look at those pages... they was so bland."

Azettie says to Saragos, "I think I maybe better at being simple."

Xixist asks, "Navesi .. would you call your unit a militia or nae?"

Navesi says, "And of course as a Bard it is my duty to lead in the appreciation of history."

Navesi says to Xixist, "Not precisely, no."

Azettie says, "Well as they say at the large holed privys....."

Xixist says, "Ok."

Azettie says, "Take care everyone and don't fall in."

Saragos says, "Indeed. It's important to dig into these things. We don't, we run the risk of making the same mistakes folk did in the past. And some of those mistakes nearly ruined the world."

You firmly say to Qiyan, "Vandalism of the Cleric Guild's property is strictly prohibited."

Xixist says, "Loved this book gathering."

Navesi says, "We are merely a small group of individuals who have taken it upon ourselves to educate and train the populace, for now."

Navesi says to Xixist, "You might note that I have the combat experience by now, though."

Qiyan says to Navesi, "Thank ya again."

Xixist says, "Never doubted that."

Navesi says, "Thank you all for coming and an excellent discussion."

You say to Navesi, "Thank you for your time and patience. And the coffee, of course."

Navesi says, "If you'd like to request certain books, see me."

Xixist says, "Remember, the calander is your friend."

Navesi says, "And if you want to write for our suggestions of the saints, please do."
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