A Son who lost his father twice and the Elf who was but wasn't. on 09/30/2018 06:22 PM CDT
Today something strange happened at the Crossing Empath Guild. A man named Falkram came looking for his son. He was very sick, and I held my umbrella over him while it rained. He kept calling for his son, telling us the he had come here to look for work to tend to his illness. He was very cold and I kept asking the others to build a fire while I held my umbrella over him, but that didn't seem to be happening so I gave him my cloak. He thanked me for it and took it from me. However he didn't put it on and ended up dropping it. Then we saw that his left arm was missing and there was a rotting arm on the ground. I picked my cloak back up...
A Young Man came into the room asking about the sightings of his father. He was very flustered and we at first thought it was because he must of run here at news of his sick father having shown up. He had a look of shock and horror in his eyes when he saw his father though. When he asked his father why he was here we told him that he came looking for him. That's not what he meant though. He meant why was his father standing there before them, after he had buried him? Shortly after the Zombie Fathers head fell off his body, and his corpse withered away. The Young Man demanded answers and said he was going to the Temple to seek answers. A group of adventurers came together and went to investigating the Crossing Temple.
They first beseeched the High Priestess for answers, explaining the situation as it had unfolded. The High Priestess didn't seem to have any knowledge of the events as they were unfolding, and did not say she had seen the Young Man, so the group split up and began looking all around the temple. Try as they might, they could find no trace of the Young Man. However, during their searches, their was a strange sighting of what could only be described of as a "S'kra Mur Commoner" around the Temple Gardens. Later they saw sightings of the S'Kra Mur Commoner outside the northeast gate, and remembered that the Son and Father lived on a Farm, and that the son had buried the Father in the local graveyard. An investigation team began to look around the areas, but no sooner than when they began looking in those areas, the attacks happened.
And Elf Commoner of inhuman strength was seen in the area inside the East Gate, where a myriad of deaths appeared all of a sudden. A glass Construct was seen attacking the Empath Guild and many there were wounded. An adventurer Vaila still searching the Graveyard ran into the suspected/confirmed Necromancer Talinel who said they attacked them, but let them free with the warning 'stop looking for the S'kra Mur Commoner."
I was still concerned for the fate of the Young Man who had gone to the Temple for help but was never seen again, and went back to investigate. The Priestess Whiteburn, who I had explained some of the situation to previously, met up with me there again where I explained more of Necromancer occurrences. Afterward she created a coalition to seek out and be done with the Necromancer in the area.
Here is an extremely rough transcript of the happenings as seen through me, Tiliandria.
Jackmerius frowns.
You follow Whiteburn southwest.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Shady Path]
The trees hang low over the path along the westward curve, forming an eerie tunnel of foliage. From somewhere in the darkness, the hoot of an owl echoes through the woods.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Fickle Wind Qiyan, ,Tiliandria, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila beams!
Numerous bees swarm onto Qiyan's shoulders.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Shady Path]
The trees hang low over the path along the westward curve, forming an eerie tunnel of foliage. From somewhere in the darkness, the hoot of an owl echoes through the woods.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Tiliandria, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Jackmerius asks, "Fell apart?"
You follow Whiteburn west.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Ring of Stones]
The tunnel of trees opens up into a round clearing where eight gravestones have been placed in a circle. The stone markers face inward, towards a small stone altar resting in the center. There are ash marks across its surface, leading you to believe something was once set aflame upon it.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Tiliandria, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east.
Whiteburn scans the area briefly.
Shyduska ponders.
You darkly says to Jackmerius, "His arm came off.. then his head came off.."
You follow Whiteburn east.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Shady Path]
The trees hang low over the path along the westward curve, forming an eerie tunnel of foliage. From somewhere in the darkness, the hoot of an owl echoes through the woods.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Tiliandria, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
You follow Whiteburn northeast.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Worn Path]
Branches reach out towards you, groping at your clothing. Just beyond the path, misty vapors weave their way between the trees, seeking unknown prey. A worn path bends around from the southwest to southeast. To the northwest, you spot some sort of clearing.
Also here: Tiliandria, Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest.
Several bees swarm around Qiyan's head.
You follow Whiteburn southeast.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Winding Footpath]
Just beyond the iron fence that runs along the path to the southeast, you hear something moving about in the underbrush. Faint pinpoints of light fade in and out of the trees and you would swear the temperature just dropped. The outline of a square structure lies to the south, while a faint trail heads northwest through low-hanging trees. You also see an imposing marble crypt.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Tiliandria, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, southwest, northwest.
You follow Whiteburn southeast.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Graves]
Each of the graves in this part of the cemetery is marked with a simple wax candle. Despite the constant breeze, the flames of every candle continue to burn and flicker, lighting the ground with an eerie orange glow.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Tiliandria, Fickle Wind Qiyan, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: southwest, west, northwest.
Qiyan says to Whiteburn, "I am afraid I needs I must tend to elsewhere."
Whiteburn scans the area briefly.
Jackmerius says, "Too much for the empaths to handle, I'd guess."
Whiteburn nods to Qiyan.
You yell, "Helloooooo."
Whiteburn says to Qiyan, "Thank you for attending me."
Rifkinn moves over to guard Whiteburn.
Qiyan says to you, "Thank ya fer yer summary again."
You smiles at Qiyan.
Rifkinn hugs Qiyan, who wraps her arms around Rifkinn with a warm smile.
>curtsy qi
You curtsy to Qiyan.
Shyduska ponders.
Qiyan pulls Rifkinn to her in a tight hug.
Arindell raises an eyebrow.
Shyduska gnaws on her lip.
Rifkinn says to Qiyan, "Will be seeing you."
Rifkinn smiles at Qiyan.
Qiyan says to Whiteburn, "Anytime Mother Whiteburn."
Whiteburn says to Qiyan, "Eluned keep you."
You search around for a moment.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
You don't find anything of interest here.
A half dozen bees fly in front of Qiyan.
Qiyan nods politely to Whiteburn.
Fickle Wind Qiyan wanders southwest.
Vaila says to Tiliandria "I'm not sure, but announcing our presence may not be the best idea..."
Shyduska ponders.
Arindell searches around for a moment.
Whiteburn says, "The filth has gone to ground, as the craven worm he is."
You say to Vaila, "While it would not be pleasant, there might be other.. family members.. around.."
Shyduska says, "We need to come up with a plan."
Rifkinn says, "I think so."
Rifkinn nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views.
Shyduska says, "Perhaps we should scout the area."
You says, "And if we do come across more.. family members brought back from the grave.."
Jackmerius gestures.
Jackmerius's cambrinth prism emits a loud snap.
Brilliant, hair-like threads of light form a wispy crown around his head.
Whiteburn gazes at Tiliandria.
You say, "Lets not be too hastey in dismembering them."
Vaila asks, "Did anyone get the boy's name?"
You says, "The man.. he was not himself but he was still in control of part of his mind.."
Shyduska says, "I'd think those 'family members' were long gone."
>'He was able to answer questions
You says, "He was able to answer questions."
Vaila says, "Yes, and the important part was that he was in actual pain."
Vaila says, "He felt."
>'So if we find anything odd like that we may be able to get answers out of it..
You say, "So if we find anything odd like that we may be able to get answers out of it.."
Whiteburn says to you, "The undead must be laid to rest. It is the kindest act we can perform for them, after what they have been made to suffer."
Jackmerius gestures.
Jackmerius's cambrinth prism emits a loud snap.
Arindell assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Shyduska nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views.
>say @White I completely agree. But they will not get permanent rest unless we can understand who and why they are disturbing it
You say to Whiteburn, "I completely agree. But they will not get permanent rest unless we can understand who and why they are disturbing it."
Vaila says, "Whiteburn the father hurt. I've never known undead to hurt."
Arindell gestures.
Arindell's cambrinth morgawr emits a loud snap.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
Shyduska ponders.
Whiteburn gives a slight nod.
Jackmerius gestures.
Jackmerius's cambrinth prism emits a loud snap.
Vaila says, "They just keep going until they run out of...whatever they run on..."
>'So if we can get a couple questions answered before doing our due diligence that would be productive, i think
You say, "So if we can get a couple questions answered before doing our due diligence that would be productive, i think."
Vaila says, "Wait."
Rifkinn says, "Also, it is good to see so many who are remaining steadfast and vigilent to these filth that have seemed to hve multiplied in the times."
Vaila says, "Um."
Shyduska says, "And the commoners spoke... They weren't your typical shambling undead."
>tilt vaila
You cock your head at Vaila.
Whiteburn asks Vaila, "Yes?"
Shyduska says, "This speaks of a higher foul magic."
Arindell calmly says, "Perhaps it was reanimated in a different fashion."
Vaila says, "If he was there, I mean the father was actually there."
Vaila asks, "Does that mean his soul was there?"
Jackmerius gestures.
Jackmerius's cambrinth prism emits a loud snap.
You feel your courage bolstered by Jackmerius's faith and determination.
>tilt cur
You tilt your head with a curious expression.
Shyduska ponders.
Vaila says, "He had his soul."
* You just received 1 PIRP point. Way to go! *
Type RPA to get more information on the PIRP system.
>'Do you mean.. like a soul that was stuck in place?
You ask, "Do you mean.. like a soul that was stuck in place?"
Vaila says, "Like someone stuffed his soul back into his body without fixing it, and forced it to stay there."
Rifkinn says, "The inquisition apphunt."
Rifkinn coughs.
Rifkinn scans the area briefly.
Rifkinn searches around for a moment.
Jackmerius gestures.
Jackmerius's cambrinth prism emits a loud snap.
>'I know a cleric can have a soul restored to a body with the blessing on immortal...
You say, "I know a cleric can have a soul restored to a body with the blessing on immortal..."
>'Though.. I did hear talk of..
You say, "Though.. I did hear talk of.."
Arindell calmly says, "It sounded to me on the gweth that Zehira had an idea of our location."
Arindell calmly says, "Best to stay vigilant."
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "Let us refrain from judgments made in haste. His memories might have been lingering - it is said that occurs, with wandering spirits. That does not necessarily imply that his soul was still alive."
Vaila says, "And you said that the necromancer that attacked was a demon worshipper..."
Whiteburn says, "Indeed. We have no need to linger, in truth. I will escort us to the Temple grounds."
>nod white
You nod to Whiteburn.
You follow Whiteburn southwest.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Inside Fence]
A cold breeze blows through the area changing its direction when you turn, as if guided by some unseen force. Several paths lead off to the north into the trees. Along the perimeter, a low wrought-iron fence serves as a token boundary for the cemetery. You also see the Lich Gate.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, northwest.
>'Yes.. i wouldn't mind being out of the dark and in the open like this..
You say, "Yes.. i wouldn't mind being out of the dark and in the open like this.."
Inquisitor Whiteburn's group went through the Lich Gate.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Lich Gate]
The ground beneath your feet is black and dead, as though it had once been engulfed in a great inferno. Oddly enough, the Lich Gate before you appears pristine and intact, unscathed by the apparent waste and desolation that surround or perhaps radiate from it.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn, Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura, Master of Fate Missah and Annari.
Obvious paths: south.
Annari gets a red gem pouch from inside her backpack.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[Northeast Wilds, Bramble Thicket]
The bramble thicket is not very dense here, and its tangled, matted shrubs seem to shrink back from the north side of the clearing, almost as if shunning it. Just beyond the clearing rises a massive gate. Sere vines and dead vermin are scattered about its base, but nothing, not even moss, mars its surface. You also see a small thin path.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north.
Inquisitor Whiteburn's group went up a small thin path.
[Northeast Wilds, Bramble Thicket]
A small, thin path meanders through an otherwise daunting thicket of brambles here. Directly to the north is a dark, slate outcropping, while east lies a tall, attenuated tower. The exterior of the tower is covered with carvings of fantastic and legendary beings and creatures, whose awesome and powerful visages you can discern even from this distance. Through the foliage, you see the town gate to the west. You also see an overgrown trail.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: west.
Rifkinn says to Arindell, "I wanted to bring them out, that was why i made that so public."
You follow Whiteburn west.
[Northeast Wilds, Outside Northeast Gate]
You are before the Northeast Gate of the Crossing, surrounded by wayfarers and adventurers also in mid-journey. Above, guardsmen stare down from the thick stone wall that encloses the city, wary for hostile visitors. Whether they travel to destinations in town or farther west, or to the north and east, they all appear to be seeking something beyond themselves. You also see a weathered roadsign, a bucket of viscous gloop, the Northeast Gate and a narrow footpath.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast.
Annari just arrived.
Annari went through the Northeast Gate.
Inquisitor Whiteburn's group went through the Northeast Gate.
[The Crossing, Northeast Customs]
Here stands the Northeast Gate, two massive doors of steel-banded ironwood securely attached to the masonry of the town walls. The traffic here is thick with travelers, and the Customs Officers are alert to any sign of trouble. You also see some dirt, a pile of dirt, a pile of rocks and a winding trail.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn, Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura and Professor of Medicine Flastae.
Obvious paths: west.
Refalon just arrived.
You follow Whiteburn west.
[The Crossing, Firulf Vista]
Utter bedlam confronts you as you step out into this street. This is the point where anyone and everyone who passes through the Northeast Gate either leaving town or arriving must cross paths. You quickly conclude this is no spot to stop and admire the scenery of the regions of the Eastern Tier beyond, nor to study the local architecture around you, since the momentum of the crowd carries you along, almost without your realizing it. You also see a stone stairway.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
Oralana Ramble runs along the east wall of town, leading between the Northeast and the Eastern Gates. Somehow, it is relatively calm compared to those roads that lead to the Town Green, Town Hall, the Bank and the other nerve centers of the Crossing. The three towers guarding the temple thrust into the sky to the southwest, their flames a beacon for miles. A bluejay lands on a ledge atop the wall, chasing a pair of mudwrens from their comfy perch into a clump of weeds along the side of the path.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
A great deal of traffic passes through here, as travelers, merchants, rogues, adventurers, ne'er-do-wells and savants make their way to and from the Eastern Tier. The Ramble continues south, leading into the heart of the Crossing, while a stone's throw away are the northeast gates. All these pedestrians make this the ideal location for the shop of Talmai the Cobbler, whose business in new footwear and repairs prospers despite his lack of shrewdness.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, south.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
The road continues north and south, and merges on the west with Trothfang Street. In that direction, you see the turquoise- and crimson-tiled dome of the Champions' Arena. Your proximity to the town wall blocks out any view of the Eastern Tier which lies beyond it. Lowering your gaze to the path beneath your feet, you notice a spotted beetle wriggle into a chink in the wall and disappear.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]
You are traveling just inside the eastern town wall. Mosses, grasses, and weeds blooming with brilliant wildflowers grow between the road and the wall, climbing right up to the edge of the rampart itself. The way bends to the southwest, and continues straight north toward the northeastern gate.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska, Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura and Gily.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.
Gily runs north.
You follow Whiteburn southwest.
[The Crossing, Betany Street]
Someone has taken the time and care to attach flowerpots to the stone wall here, and plant cheerful flowers and fragrant herbs in them. It provides a lovely contrast to the fact that it was built to keep out marauders bringing death and destruction. The wall curves gently northeast, and off in the distance to the west, on either side of the street, you see the Seamstress and the Jeweler's shop, both about a block away.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, west.
You follow Whiteburn west.
[The Crossing, Betany Street]
Potted plants and verdant window boxes decorate the front of Marcipur's Stitchery here. Climbing vines of maiden tress plants poke their tendrils into any nook or cranny afforded by the clean, white stucco walls, including windows and the door. Rather plainly dressed women file into the Stitchery, while stunningly garbed ones, attired in the latest adventuring fashions, emerge, all smiles.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east, west.
You follow Whiteburn west.
[The Crossing, Betany Street]
Adventurers jostle you in a hurry to reach their guilds for training, while those engaged in commerce or town affairs stride by with less urgent gaits. You seem to come into full body contact with every pedestrian, and a few stray dogs to boot, since the road narrows here as Albreda Boulevard flows into Betany Street. A low hedgerow due west divides this corner from the wide swath of Town Green while high above an iron Temple walkway hovers over the low outline of Town Hall to the southwest. You also see a gilded walkway.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east, south.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[The Crossing, Albreda Boulevard]
This broad junction links Albreda Boulevard with the pleasant, tree-lined street to the west and the flower-dappled lane to the north. Such a refreshing vista invites you to stop and soak in the town's atmosphere. To the west you see the gabled slate roof of Town Hall. From the northwest comes the hue and cry of itinerant merchants, peddlers and soothsayers, vying for the attention of the adventurers gathered there in the Town's Green. You also see a gilded walkway and Grisgonda's Jewelry Shop.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.
You follow Whiteburn west.
[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road]
A modest two-story building with a slate roof and large windows dominates this section of town. This is the Town Hall, the place to pay fines and taxes, obtain permits and licenses, and attend the occasional town meeting. On the other side of this tree-lined street is the Plaza. Looking east from here you can barely make out the ramparts of the Eastern Wall over the low roofs of the houses and shops. You also see a gilded walkway.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east, west.
You follow Whiteburn west.
[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road]
Majestic lunat trees line this byway, donated by the town's prosperous traders, a reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.
You follow Whiteburn south.
[The Crossing, Alamhif Trace]
This pivotal junction connects many of the Crossing's key locations. Proudly located to the south you see the translucent dome of the Temple flanked by its three guard towers, while the Town Green and the Town Hall can be seen off toward the north and northeast. The babble of many languages, of clan and guild and folk, fill the air here. Travelers dressed in all manner of costume, garb and battle gear amble past, admiring the view of the buildings here, or looking about to get their bearings. You also see the Carousel square.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.
You follow Whiteburn southeast.
[The Crossing, Hodierna Way]
The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.
You follow Whiteburn southwest.
[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach]
This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames flicker from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see an old blind beggar that is sitting, the Longbow Bridge, the locked almsbox and a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.
An old blind beggar calls out, "Why, I hopes no one's here ta steal me spot. The folks dat run this town gimme this spot fer me long 'n valiant service in this here town."
Inquisitor Whiteburn's group went over to a lacquered mahogany gate.
[Temple Grounds, Entry Gates]
The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a low mahogany building and a white-robed monk.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: north.
You follow Whiteburn north.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
The astonishing sight of the grand temple lies to the north, atop a massive stairway. Three towers flank the sides of the structure, a complex network of walkways stretching between them and the temple's top levels. A smooth cobblestone path runs east and west here, curving around to the grounds areas on either side of the temple. You also see an iron-bound oak door next to the base of the stairway.
Also here: Inquisitor Rifkinn, Forging Guru Arindell, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Professor Vaila, Shyduska and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.
You follow Whiteburn east.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Jackmerius who is shining with a dark golden glow, Forging Guru Arindell, Inquisitor Rifkinn and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell nods to Rifkinn.
Vaila asks, "Do you think your god might be able to tell you whether it WAS his soul?"
Vaila asks, "That's kinda their department isn't it?"
Whiteburn says, "The Necromancer cannot run from his sins for ever. The weight of his crimes will drag him to the depths."
>say @Vaila /thought Even if it could, the body isn't here anymore to explore that possibility
You thoughtfully say to Vaila, "Even if it could, the body isn't here anymore to explore that possibility."
Shyduska asks, "My question is, what is his motivation, what is he gathering and to what end?"
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "Yes. If I could see the man in question, I could perform some investigations to that end."
Jackmerius gestures.
Jackmerius's cambrinth prism emits a loud snap.
The winds shift slightly to bring respite from the hot sun.
Arindell shrugs.
Vaila asks, "That's their goal though, to run forever. Immortality right? Maybe it's just a step in that direction? Learning how to influence a soul?"
>'A cleric arrived too late though when it happened. They said the man had no favors as well and could not be ressurected
You say, "A cleric arrived too late though when it happened. They said the man had no favors as well and could not be ressurected."
Arindell calmly asks, "Do you believe the ones behind this are skilled in tactics?"
Rifkinn says to Whiteburn, "I must depart sister, i'll be around for a short time still, please get in touch if you need me."
Shyduska says, "I sense something bigger than just an attack on a farmer."
You've gained a new rank in your knowledge of arcana.
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "A dreadful prospect. And one worth investigating. But, again, we cannot jump to conclusions without more information."
Whiteburn nods to Rifkinn.
Jackmerius nods.
Jackmerius says, "These discussions are beyond me."
Jackmerius slings a mistwood battle crossbow with cable-backed limbs over his shoulder.
Jackmerius says, "Good hunting in the future."
Vaila smiles at Jackmerius.
Vaila nods.
Whiteburn says to Jackmerius, "Thank you for attending us."
Rifkinn says, "Thank you everyone. Again, it is good to see such vigilence within you all."
Rifkinn says, "Be safe."
>say @Shy I'm not sure if it was attack. The Son and the .. Father.. said he had been suffering from disease, and that the son discovered him dead in his bed when he returned, and buried him.
To whom are you speaking?
Whiteburn says to Jackmerius, "The Temple will not forget that you aided us when others would remain silent."
Inquisitor Rifkinn wanders west.
>say @Shyduska I'm not sure if it was attack. The Son and the .. Father.. said he had been suffering from disease, and that the son discovered him dead in his bed when he returned, and buried him.
You say to Shyduska, "I'm not sure if it was attack. The Son and the .. Father.. said he had been suffering from disease, and that the son discovered him dead in his bed when he returned, and buried him."
>'It was just.. an act of cruel abomination set upon the man..
You say, "It was just.. an act of cruel abomination set upon the man.."
Jackmerius makes a grunting noise.
Jackmerius nods to Whiteburn.
Jackmerius goes west.
Vaila nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Shyduska says, "Hm."
Arindell calmly says, "A means to an end for those willing to go that far."
Whiteburn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Arindell calmly says, "This could be a distraction."
Shyduska asks, "Was anybody able to retrieve any samples for analysis?"
>'Unless the disease may some how be a part of the mystery...
You say, "Unless the disease may some how be a part of the mystery..."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska says, "That disease sounds like it could become a serious problem."
Vaila says to you, "I had thought that too."
>'I did not wish to touch the rotting arm that fell upon the ground...
You say, "I did not wish to touch the rotting arm that fell upon the ground..."
Whiteburn matter-of-factly says to Arindell, "A sin born of evil."
>'Especially not while the son was mourning the second loss of his father..
You say, "Especially not while the son was mourning the second loss of his father.."
Vaila says to you, "I asked him about the disease, but he didn't say much."
Vaila says to you, "Just that the father didn't get better."
>say @Vaila I could not get them to reveal the farm they were from, either.
You say to Vaila, "I could not get them to reveal the farm they were from, either."
A Elf commoner gazes about the area with an intent look, watching the goings on.
Arindell calmly says, "The commoner is a zombie."
You gasp!
>point com
You point at a Elf commoner.
Vaila blinks.
Shyduska says, "Perhaps one of the Empath guild leaders would be able to assess a diseased body...Get a feel for this disease and if there's a means to prevent it."
Arindell points her thumb at a Elf commoner.
>pat white
You pat Whiteburn on the back.
>pat white
You pat Whiteburn on the back.
The Elf commoner says, "I am no such thing."
Shyduska gazes at a Elf commoner.
Whiteburn says, "You again."
>point com
You point at a Elf commoner.
Whiteburn points at a rusted iron hook she has.
The Elf commoner says, "I live..."
Vaila asks, "You're a puppet then?"
>l com
Arindell calmly says, "You are animated dead."
You see a Elf commoner.
The Elf commoner is in good shape.
It is wearing a rugged cerulean backpack, a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
It is carrying nothing!
Arindell calmly says, "That which should be inert."
>say @Com Who are you?
To whom are you speaking?
Arindell shrugs.
>say @Commoner Who are you?
Whiteburn coldly says, "Say what you will, elf."
To whom are you speaking?
>say @Elf Who are you?
To whom are you speaking?
Vaila asks, "Where is the S'Kra?"
Vaila squints at a Elf commoner.
The Elf commoner says, "I am beyond your comprehension."
Arindell calmly says, "I've percieved the stench of death on you."
Vaila says, "I doubt it."
Vaila says, "I can comprehend quite a bit."
>act speaks, although shakily, to the elf 'Who are you? What is the purpose of these things that have happened?'
(Tiliandria speaks, although shakily, to the elf 'Who are you? What is the purpose of these things that have happened?')
Shyduska asks, "Perhaps you'd care to enlighten us?"
The Elf commoner says, "the smell of death, wafts off of more than just I in these lands."
Shyduska smirks.
Arindell assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
>smell com
You sniff at a Elf commoner.
Vaila says, "And yet you add to it."
Arindell calmly says, "Perhaps."
>focus com
You can't focus on the commoner!
Whiteburn says, "I have not the patience to bandy words with you. Your presence is offensive. Where is the boy? If you cannot speak, I will end you here."
>perc com
You're at a loss how to extend your power perception in that way.
Xibar sets, slowly dropping below the horizon.
Shyduska's light crossbow snags while going over her shoulder. The bolt discharges suddenly, and soars past you. Shyduska needs to be more careful where that light crossbow is pointed!
Arindell calmly says, "But neither a cleric, nor empath made you this way."
Vaila blinks.
>blink shyd
You blink at Shyduska.
The Elf commoner says, "Describe said young man to me. I have no need of children."
Shyduska loads her light crossbow with a scale-painted quadrello.
Whiteburn snorts, loudly.
Whiteburn says, "And I have no need of undead puppets."
Arindell gestures.
Arindell's cambrinth morgawr emits a loud snap.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
Vaila says, "The farmboy that the father was searching for."
>'There was a Young Man who came to this temple in search of answers for his father who.. came back from his own death..
You say, "There was a Young Man who came to this temple in search of answers for his father who.. came back from his own death.."
>'Do you know what became of the Young Man? None are able to find him.
You say, "Do you know what became of the Young Man? None are able to find him."
Arindell calmly asks, "Why are we giving the animated one information?"
Vaila says, "A man that was dead and still aware."
The Elf commoner asks, "That.... is interesting... Of his own will, he rose from the grave?"
>'We assume not.
You say, "We assume not."
Vaila says, "He wasn't happy about rising, so."
The field of silver-blue light dissipates from around Whiteburn.
>'His head fell off not too far after, as though some unhuman thing thought it funny to stich him together.
Arindell searches around for a moment.
You say, "His head fell off not too far after, as though some unhuman thing thought it funny to stich him together."
Arindell searches around for a moment.
Arindell searches around for a moment.
Shyduska scans the area briefly.
The Elf commoner says, "The priest can return him to death, I am sure."
The soft silver glow fades from around Whiteburn.
Shyduska asks, "And who is this priest?"
>'That already came to be. As though the time simply came to and end and he fell to dust.
You say, "That already came to be. As though the time simply came to and end and he fell to dust."
The Elf commoner asks, "Well, Whiteburn of course. What plans do you think she had for the lads father?"
Whiteburn says, "He has been returned to death. As is the fate of all undead."
Vaila says, "He felt though."
Shyduska sighs.
Vaila says, "That has to be important..."
Vaila gnaws on her lip.
The Elf commoner asks, "Are you sure, the boy... is a boy?"
Shyduska asks, "What would make you think otherwise?"
Shyduska peers quizzically at a Elf commoner.
>'He did not move with the illness and sickness his 'father' did
You say, "He did not move with the illness and sickness his 'father' did."
The Elf commoner says, "I feel, yet it is more than that."
Shyduska places her hand over your mouth.
Shyduska quietly says, "You give too much information away."
(Arindell says to the commoner, "I am not so sure.")
>'I am certain he was of sound health and mind, if just because his arms weren't falling apart as well.
You say, "I am certain he was of sound health and mind, if just because his arms weren't falling apart as well."
The Elf commoner says, "Thralls are most often with their master that raised them..."
Whiteburn asks, "Is that so? And tell us, why should we pay heed to the word of one that is, itself, a creation of undeath?"
>nod white agree
You nod at Whiteburn, in complete agreement with her views.
Vaila asks, "So you're not a thrall?"
Vaila peers quizzically at a Elf commoner.
The Elf commoner says, "I may be many things, but I do not lie Whiteburn."
Whiteburn asks, "Would you like me to test your innocence?"
The Elf commoner asks, "en to Say Mine, or my masters? I have a hard time keeping our thoughts seperate..."
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
Shyduska says, "Perhaps we should start with who your masters are."
Vaila asks, "Who would your master be then?"
Vaila begins chortling at Shyduska.
Whiteburn says, "I would advise you to answer their questions."
The glowing aura fades from around Whiteburn.
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
The Elf commoner says, "You know my master well. He bares the mark of the Hunger upon his skin."
Vaila says, "If it meant harm, it would have attacked..."
Shyduska quietly asks, "This one doesn't fear death. Violence isn't a suitable exchange. But perhaps something else is?"
Vaila asks, "Is your master Talinel?"
Arindell calmly asks, "His name?"
Vaila takes a dark grey suede war belt with an interlocking clasp of ivory fangs off from around her waist.
Vaila puts her belt in her backpack.
Vaila takes a lumium ring balaclava off her head.
Vaila puts her balaclava in her backpack.
Vaila pulls off some lumium ring gloves from her hands.
Vaila puts her gloves in her backpack.
Vaila removes some insulated linen pants from her legs.
Vaila puts her pants in her backpack.
Vaila works her way out of an insulated linen shirt.
Vaila puts her shirt in her backpack.
Vaila loosens the straps securing her round sipar and removes it.
Vaila puts her sipar in her backpack.
Arindell assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Arindell ponders.
The Elf commoner says, "Indeed Vaila."
Whiteburn says, "Do not allow the puppet to sway you."
Vaila asks, "So...are you saying that you have your own thoughts apart from your master?"
Shyduska says, "Tell us your name. It is only proper we address you if we are to speak."
Vaila nods to Shyduska.
Whiteburn says, "It is an abomination of flesh, sewn together by fell magics. Whatever name it once had, is not its own."
The Elf commoner says, "Jensia is my name."
Shyduska says, "Jensia."
Shyduska nods.
Vaila folds her arms across her chest.
Whiteburn growls low in the back of her throat.
Shyduska says, "And mine is Shyduska. We only wish to understand more."
Shyduska says, "You said you had masters Jensia."
Arindell holds a cambrinth morgawr with vacant blackwater jet eyes in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.
Shyduska asks, "Who are the others?"
Arindell assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
The Elf commoner says, "The things from between the spaces... the void... the things other than the immortals that grant favor and boons."
Whiteburn says to Shyduska, "Can you not see? This creature's master is, itself, a thrall of demons."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "There's no harm in speaking, if he meant harm he could have caused harm I imagine. Or at least tried."
Arindell gestures.
Arindell's cambrinth morgawr emits a loud snap.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
Whiteburn shakes her head.
Your eyes briefly darken. When you regain sight, the graphs and sigils previously impressed upon your vision have disappeared.
Shyduska says to Whiteburn, "I see clearly."
Whiteburn says, "There is no use in bandying words with such."
Shyduska says to Whiteburn, "Jensia is our only current lead."
The Elf commoner says, "Most seek to destory me. It angers my master very much so. I carry life in my body, weather you acknowledge it or not."
Vaila asks, "Jensia, you were there with your master earlier when he spoke to me. Were you forced to be there?"
Whiteburn says, "It has no knowledge."
Arindell calmly asks, "What is your definition of life?"
The Elf commoner asks, "To wish to remain alive?"
The air around Whiteburn shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.
Whiteburn coldly says, "An undead vessel does not 'wish'."
Arindell calmly says, "You carry life in your body, you say. what is your definition of that life you carry."
The Elf commoner says, "My master can control me, when he does not. I tend to explore the hill sides."
Shyduska gazes at a Elf commoner.
Vaila asks, "...why do you explore?"
Shyduska asks, "Is that where you were from, when living?"
Arindell calmly says, "I see a fell magic that has wrought a creation that may or may not have access to the memories it once had."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
[Script stay is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn asks, "And we have only your 'word' - the word of a puppet, that your master is not controlling your words right at this very moment?"
Arindell calmly says, "That does not mean, so much, that it lives."
>peer west
You peer west and see ...
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
The astonishing sight of the grand temple lies to the north, atop a massive stairway. Three towers flank the sides of the structure, a complex network of walkways stretching between them and the temple's top levels. A smooth cobblestone path runs east and west here, curving around to the grounds areas on either side of the temple. You also see an iron-bound oak door next to the base of the stairway.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.
>peer ne
You peer northeast and see ...
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
Large mounds are scattered about in the grassy earth to the north of the cobblestone road, and a tall tree flanks the path to the west as it curves. The mounds are home to the furry inhabitants of the temple grounds -- ever meddlesome pests to those who work to keep the foliage lush and alive.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
Arindell calmly says, "More that it merely serves."
The Elf commoner asks, "Perhaps... I oncede enjoyed wildflowers? I recall them having a scent... now I only smell decay."
Whiteburn nods at Arindell, obviously agreeing with her views.
Arindell calmly says, "Purposes."
Shyduska nods to Arindell.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'If i may
You say, "If i may."
Vaila nods.
Shyduska asks, "And when you are under his control, what is it you do?"
>say /cur Why did you come seeking us out?
You curiously ask, "Why did you come seeking us out?"
Arindell calmly says to Shyduska, "Master's biddings i assume."
Whiteburn says, "Indeed."
Vaila says, "That's what I was just about to say..."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>say /inq Did you come here just to make us aware of your presence?
You inquiringly ask, "Did you come here just to make us aware of your presence?"
Whiteburn says, "Do not be fooled into thinking that this creature acts of its own will."
The soft white glow fades from around Vaila.
Shyduska asks Arindell, "Wouldn't it be a curious thing to understand his master's motivations?"
The Elf commoner says, "I was drawn to the priest of Drogor. Once I arrived, I could feel no other directive."
You ponder.
Shyduska jots down some notes.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says to Shyduska, "Matter-of-factly His master's motivation is clear."
Arindell calmly says to Shyduska, "There are many different motivations I can see."
The soft white glow fades from around you.
Vaila sighs.
Arindell calmly says, "Um."
>'So mayhaps you were indeed sent here by your master just show your presence..
You say, "So mayhaps you were indeed sent here by your master just show your presence.."
Whiteburn bows her head and chants a psalm.
The Elf commoner says, "He knows where you are now... I feel him climbing hills and muttering foul phrases..."
Arindell chuckles.
You frown.
Shyduska asks Whiteburn, "Which is?"
>'He is... coming?
You ask, "He is... coming?"
Whiteburn gestures over the rainbow orb, muttering tones of enchantment!
The rainbow orb is wreathed in a shroud of misty white light. Suddenly, the shroud begins to fray into wispy tendrils that seem to mimic the motions of Whiteburn's arcane gestures. Slowly the tendrils meld with the orb, sinking into its core as it sets off a luminous glow.
Vaila asks, "Is there any way at all that you could prove that your words are your own?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell calmly says to Whiteburn, "That one at the alter was of Drogor."
Whiteburn asks Arindell, "Who at which altar?"
>'Why is he coming here? What does he want?
You ask, "Why is he coming here? What does he want?"
Arindell calmly says, "..with the ceremonial blade."
Arindell calmly says, "When i contacted you first."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
The Elf commoner says, "They are my words, but they are not. I am not purposly being obtuse..."
You hear a voice say, "Soon, Jensia will be back under his control. Perhaps we should move or recruit others before he arrives."
Vaila says, "L."
Vaila coughs.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says, "This has gone on long enough."
Arindell calmly says, "The clergy were speaking with him as he was lying on the floor."
Whiteburn bows her head and chants a psalm.
Whiteburn begins to focus intently on Vaila.
The Elf commoner says, "please do not strike me"
Vaila blinks.
Whiteburn begins to focus intently on a Elf commoner.
Whiteburn coldly exclaims, "Return to the Void!"
The Elf commoner says, "I can do no harm to anyone."
You hear a voice say, "Jensia has a soul....Somewhere.."
Whiteburn exclaims, "You are unclean!"
Whiteburn exclaims, "An abomination!"
Arindell calmly says, "I believe she is not going to heed that request."
The Elf commoner exclaims, "But I live!!!!"
Whiteburn gestures at a Elf commoner.
A dull red glow encases the Elf commoner's right hand as tendrils of ghostly mist materialize, wrapping around its fingers and crushing them into mere useless stubs.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn bows her head and chants a psalm.
Whiteburn raises her hook up, and a golden glow surrounds it.
Vaila sighs.
Whiteburn wildly exclaims, "In the name of Drogor, I cleanse you of this sickness of Necromancy and return you to death's embrace!"
Whiteburn begins to focus intently on a Elf commoner.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "I don't think this is right."
Whiteburn gestures at a Elf commoner.
The Elf commoner's neck suddenly collapses inward, withering away into nothing as its unsupported head falls limp to the ground. A strange black mist pours from its open maw as it stares blankly toward the heavens.
A Elf commoner crumples to the ground, and desperately tries to stand up again. However, her wounds prove too severe, and she relaxes after a moment, her body going still.
Shyduska gnaws on her lip.
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
Shyduska says, "There was a part of her that was still... Alive... Somewhere... Perhaps this foul magic can be reversed."
Whiteburn says, "It is right. It is the only answer. This was not a person. Not an elf. This was a remnant, a sad, miserable remnant of life."
Arindell assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a Elf commoner which appears dead.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "Wait..."
Whiteburn asks Vaila, "Would you wish that upon yourself? Upon your loved ones?"
Vaila says, "Forgive my ignorance please but..."
A Elf commoner stares upward, then slowly closes her eyes as she sinks into the earth. Soon her body is gone entirely, leaving only her belongings behind.
Arindell gestures.
Arindell's cambrinth morgawr emits a loud snap.
Tapering ribbons of soft yellow extend across the area, pausing to dance in swirls and eddies.
Arindell picks up a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Vaila says, "When I talked about their magic, you told me not to jump to conclusions. And maybe you're exactly right..."
Arindell puts her morgawr in her gem pouch.
Arindell examines a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a rugged cerulean backpack.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell taps a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem that she is holding.
Vaila asks, "Can you tell me how you know for a fact that the elf..Jensia..had no soul?"
Arindell picks up a rugged cerulean backpack.
Vaila says, "That it was lying."
Arindell examines a rugged cerulean backpack.
Shyduska nods to Vaila.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "I saw no evidence either way."
You falter for a moment as your extra courage slips away.
A tear runs down your face.
Vaila gnaws on her lip.
Whiteburn flatly says to Vaila, "There was no soul. Of that, I am sure."
Arindell looks at Shyduska and shrugs.
Shyduska says, "As far as I can see, it wasn't Jensia's wish to become a servant to her master."
Arindell moves a rugged cerulean backpack to her left hand.
Arindell moves a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem to her right hand.
Vaila asks Whiteburn, "How?"
Arindell offers Whiteburn a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Whiteburn accepts Arindell's silk robe.
Arindell calmly says, "Perhaps you can study the sigils."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'A Necromancer can make a corpse move.. but..
Whiteburn asks Arindell, "Ah... what is this, now? Why have you given this to me?"
You say, "A Necromancer can make a corpse move.. but.."
Shyduska stands near Vaila.
Vaila asks, "May I see that backpack?"
* You just received 1 PIRP point. Way to go! *
Type RPA to get more information on the PIRP system.
Shyduska says, "I'm with Vaila on this one."
Arindell calmly says, "The zombie had it on them."
>say /inq Can a Necromancer turn a living body into a puppet?
You inquiringly ask, " Can a Necromancer turn a living body into a puppet?"
Arindell calmly says, "It has sigils."
A few fluffy white clouds drift into the sky above.
Arindell calmly says, "Perhaps deciphering them will help learning about it."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'Can they perform some necromantic curse that makes the body whither like death without dieing?
You ask, "Can they perform some necromantic curse that makes the body whither like death without dieing?"
Whiteburn says to you, "There is evidence that proves as such. I have dealt with them in the past, as my work entails me to do battle with Necromancers and their creations."
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
Vaila asks, "Have you ever dealt with something that claimed to be alive?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "I am quite familiar in dealing with that sort of creature. They retain memories, perhaps, of their former selves. But the soul is gone."
Whiteburn says, "Many times a ghost or other remnant will act as though it still lived."
Arindell examines a rugged cerulean backpack.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "I don't know...this wasn't the same."
Arindell puts her backpack in her highwayman's pack.
Whiteburn says to Arindell, "There is no need to investigate this artifact. As it was worn by a creature of undeath, it is tained and must be destroyed."
Vaila says, "When was the last time that one spoke to you and told you what it's master was doing...and yet also told you that it had it's own thoughts."
Arindell calmly asks, "Perhaps investigation before destruction?"
Shyduska nods to Vaila.
>yell What does it matter if it was the same or not?
You yell, "What does it matter if it was the same or not?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell calmly says, "I don't mind it being burned if we can learn from it first."
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "I have spoken to one such being."
>say /angr What does it matter if it was living or unliving in a cursed half life??
You angrily ask, "What does it matter if it was living or unliving in a cursed half life??"
Arindell gets a rugged cerulean backpack from inside her highwayman's pack.
Arindell offers Vaila a rugged cerulean backpack.
Vaila accepts Arindell's cerulean backpack.
>yell None of that is important!
You yell, "None of that is important!"
Whiteburn says to Arindell, "It had nothing to convey to us. It was utterly lacking in any useful information."
Shyduska gazes at you.
You begin to weep softly.
>'It was in pain and someone chose to make it that way.
You say, "It was in pain and someone chose to make it that way."
Arindell nods to Whiteburn.
Vaila says to you, "It matters..."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>say /dark More so, it said that person was coming.
You darkly say, "More so, it said that person was coming."
Whiteburn says to you, "Yes."
Vaila says to you, "And..it said that it didn't want to die."
Shyduska says, "We learned of a Priest of Drogor, that the commoner had multiple masters..."
Vaila says, "So it matters..."
Shyduska says, "Perhaps we could've learned more."
Shyduska says, "Information is power."
Whiteburn coldly says to you, "This is the fruit of Necromancy. A life stolen. A person, with a name, forced into undead servitude."
>say @Vaila Nobody wants to die, but nobody wants to be cursed by a Necromancer either. It already told us that it could be controlled by whoever its Master was
You say to Vaila, "Nobody wants to die, but nobody wants to be cursed by a Necromancer either. It already told us that it could be controlled by whoever its Master was."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says, "Broken families."
Whiteburn says, "As we have witnessed."
>say @Vaila And if its master ordered it to murder and destroy and hurt, its better off without any part of itself
You say to Vaila, "And if its master ordered it to murder and destroy and hurt, its better off without any part of itself."
Shyduska asks, "And the motivation of his master?"
You begin to weep softly.
Vaila asks you, "So we take what little free will it had and destroy it?"
>say @Vaila /soft Does a caged bird have free will?
You softly ask Vaila, "Does a caged bird have free will?"
Vaila asks you, "Does the caged bird deserve death?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila blinks at you.
Shyduska says, "If we had an idea for the numbers involved...Whether his master was attempting to build an army."
>say @Vaila Would the caged bird rather die than live in a cage? For the rest of its life? Never knowing the sky again?
You ask Vaila, "Would the caged bird rather die than live in a cage? For the rest of its life? Never knowing the sky again?"
Shyduska says, "Then we could organise our troops for a solid defense and counter attack."
Arindell calmly says, "You can't really trust the information it gives, in the end."
Vaila says to you, "That's up to the bird, not us..."
>nod white
You nod to Whiteburn.
>weep white
You look at Whiteburn and start to weep softly.
Whiteburn drops a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>say @Vaila Sometimes the bird has no strength to do it itself
You say to Vaila, "Sometimes the bird has no strength to do it itself."
The antique hinges of Whiteburn's interrogator's case chirp musically as she opens it.
Whiteburn puts her hook in her interrogator's case.
The antique hinges of Whiteburn's interrogator's case chirp musically as she closes it.
Whiteburn kneels down.
Vaila says to you, "This bird told us that it wanted to live, even in servitude."
>say @Vaila And even if this elf had free will, it was already spotted murdering several citizens today.
You say to Vaila, "And even if this elf had free will, it was already spotted murdering several citizens today."
Shyduska says, "Trusting it's information.. We are not silly enough not to exercise our discernment."
(Whiteburn clasps Tilandria's hands in her own.)
>gaze til
You cross your eyes.
>gaze white
You gaze at Whiteburn.
Arindell calmly says, "In the long run, you can take the information gained, and assume it's a trap or a diversion, and prepare for eventualities."
Vaila says to you, "It never once attacked anyone...that I saw. It found me, but it never attacked."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is kneeling.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska nods at Arindell, obviously agreeing with her views.
Vaila says, "I'm sad..."
Vaila takes a seat.
Vaila says, "We had no right to kill it."
Vaila frowns.
Shyduska rubs Vaila gently.
Vaila says, "The necromancer had no right to enslave it, but we had no right to kill it."
Arindell calmly says, "You can't kill something twice."
>say @Vaila You cannot kill the living.. or the undead.. you simply put it back where it should be in the natural order..
You say to Vaila, "You cannot kill the living.. or the undead.. you simply put it back where it should be in the natural order.."
Vaila says, "Because that's all it was. A slave."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila who is sitting, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is kneeling.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell calmly says, "It was already dead, the matrices that held it together failed."
>'cannot take a life from something not alive, rather
Shyduska nods at Vaila, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "Cannot take a life from something not alive, rather."
Whiteburn urgently says, "You are strong indeed, to have witnessed all of this. And yet, you understand. Eluned has truly blessed you with wisdom."
>grin help
GRIN <emote>
GRIN player [emote]
GRIN [item|creature]
Valid emotes: not, cold, crooked, drunk, evil, flash, happy, idiot, impish, insane, maniac, nervous, ugly, pain, sad, silly, slow, sly, stupid, triumph, weary, wry, wide, relief, ear, joy, cheer, sheep, wicked, mischief, smug, half, weak, abash, rueful
>grin white ear
Your lips turn up in an ear-to-ear grin at Whiteburn.
Vaila asks, "Did you see how it died?"
Whiteburn stands up.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila who is sitting, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
(Whiteburn steps back respectfully.)
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "Your compassion is misplaced."
>say @Vaila I did. It lost its head but it kept moving shortly after.
You say to Vaila, "I did. It lost its head but it kept moving shortly after."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "Compassion is rarely misplaced..."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila who is sitting, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell calmly says, "Mist escaped the opening."
Vaila nods to Arindell.
Vaila says, "A black mist."
Vaila says, "And then the elf tried to rise still."
>'What I wished of it happened. We asked the questions we needed to ask and received the answers. Then we gave it peace from its burden.
You say, "What I wished of it happened. We asked the questions we needed to ask and received the answers. Then we gave it peace from its burden."
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "If you care at all for that creature - for the elf once known as Jensia - then you will understand."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila who is sitting, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'Anything that tries to get back up after you take its head off is.. something you need to dispose of much sooner..
You say, "Anything that tries to get back up after you take its head off is.. something you need to dispose of much sooner.."
Whiteburn says to you, "Well spoken."
Vaila says, "All that I understand is that a creature that claimed to exist."
Arindell ponders.
Vaila stands up.
Vaila frowns.
Vaila says, "Claimed to live."
Whiteburn bows her head and chants a psalm.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "And claimed to WANT TO LIVE."
Vaila says, "Is dead."
Vaila says, "Because we decided that we were right."
Arindell calmly asks Vaila, "I claim to be a princess?"
Shyduska says, "And searched the hills for its own home."
Whiteburn matter-of-factly says to Vaila, "Child. It had been dead for much longer."
Vaila says, "We decided with NO PROOF that it was wrong."
Shyduska says, "There was life in there, somewhere."
Whiteburn gestures over the rainbow orb, muttering tones of enchantment!
The rainbow orb is wreathed in a shroud of misty white light. Suddenly, the shroud begins to fray into wispy tendrils that seem to mimic the motions of Whiteburn's arcane gestures. Slowly the tendrils meld with the orb, sinking into its core as it sets off a luminous glow.
Arindell shrugs.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says, "A mockery of life."
Arindell calmly says to Shyduska, "Energy and nerv restoral."
Shyduska sighs.
Vaila asks, "It deserved a chance. What if you could have broken the hold the necromancer had?"
Vaila asks, "Did you try?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska tightens her grip on her light crossbow.
Arindell calmly says to Shyduska, "Being trained in the empathic ways, I sensed nothing but rot and death."
Shyduska asks Arindell, "And what if it could be reversed?"
Vaila says to Arindell, "It admitted that it was surrounded by such."
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "It was robbed of 'chance' from the moment a Necromancer forced its heart to beat in servitude."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila asks Whiteburn, "So slaves are all sentenced to death now?"
Thin streamers of cloud float in a mostly clear sky as the sun rises high above them.
Whiteburn asks Vaila, "It was already dead. Now it is freed from the shackles of undead. Would you have it wander the world, trapped and festering in wretched unlife? Is that what you think is just?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn asks Vaila, "I ask again, is that what you would wish upon yourself? Your loved ones?"
Arindell calmly says, "You can't trust a pet to not have its master's bidding refused."
Whiteburn says, "Indeed."
Arindell calmly says, "Especially one with a firm control on said pet."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "I think that justice involves investigation. Not summary execution."
The last few clouds in the sky above slowly drift away.
Shyduska asks, "But perhaps there's another way. What if those slaves could be freed from their entrapment?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>say /dark They can be.
You darkly say, "They can be."
Arindell calmly asks Shyduska, "Was it not just freed?"
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "And of course I wouldn't wish the existance on anyone else, but I would wish them to be allowed to continue to exist if they wanted to."
Shyduska says, "Without more death. Then we are no better than those that wish us death."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'You cannot kill the dead. You can only help it finish walking the starry road. There is more grace for the soul in the afterlife then there is in life.
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "A necromancer makes the decision to follow evil. Jensia didn't..."
You say, "You cannot kill the dead. You can only help it finish walking the starry road. There is more grace for the soul in the afterlife then there is in life."
>'Except when a Necromancer meddles.
You say, "Except when a Necromancer meddles."
Whiteburn says, "That is the truth."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "I don't think that this was right. This wasn't justice, and we had no right to execute a servant for the sins of the master."
Shyduska nods at Vaila, obviously agreeing with her views.
Arindell calmly asks, "Are you really killing it if all you do is take away the spell matrix that holds it together?"
>'You all forgot tough.
You say, "You all forgot tough."
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "But the servent was witnessed committing murder."
Whiteburn asks Vaila, "Will you ignore that?"
Arindell calmly says, "You return it to normal."
>nod white
You nod to Whiteburn.
Vaila exclaims to Whiteburn, "When? The elf committed no murder!"
Shyduska says, "We are clearly divided in thought. But not against the foul ways of Necromancers. Don't confuse our compassion."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "The elf witnessed the murder."
>say @Vaila The elf commoner was seen around a large group of people who suddenly began to die
You say to Vaila, "The elf commoner was seen around a large group of people who suddenly began to die."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "The elf was compelled to watch while it's master committed murder."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says to Vaila, "The elf has likely committed many sins and crimes in service of its master."
Shyduska asks you, "The part of it that was under control. The other part ...perhaps there was hope?"
>'This conversation is moot. Necromancy is forbidden in Zoluren. The effects of Necromancery is forbidden in Zoluren. The complacency of Necromancery is forbidden in Zoluren.
You say, "This conversation is moot. Necromancy is forbidden in Zoluren. The effects of Necromancery is forbidden in Zoluren. The complacency of Necromancery is forbidden in Zoluren."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "Likely doesn't mean DID."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'I say this with only logic and reason, the arguments being made here would be found deeply suspicious by the inquiry committee of the Paladins guild.
You say, "I say this with only logic and reason, the arguments being made here would be found deeply suspicious by the inquiry committee of the Paladins guild."
Shyduska waves her hand distractedly.
Shyduska rolls her eyes.
Vaila sighs.
Arindell calmly says, "If an entity compels another to do wrong, the entity doesn't commit the sin, the controller does."
Arindell shrugs.
>'The people who enjoy taking people to the red hot pokers back room.
You say, "The people who enjoy taking people to the red hot pokers back room."
Vaila nods to Arindell.
Shyduska says, "Oh Tiliandria. Stop. It is not our fault that you are unable to see."
Arindell calmly says, "That doesn't mean that the entity being controlled shouldn't be released from said control."
Vaila says, "I'll take red hot pokers if it means that the truth comes out."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says to Shyduska, "And yet, she is the onl one who can see clearly."
Shyduska rolls her eyes.
>'It is not a matter of seeing. It is a matter of protection of the citizens. It quite obvious that a Necromancer can see through the eyes of its puppets.
You say, "It is not a matter of seeing. It is a matter of protection of the citizens. It quite obvious that a Necromancer can see through the eyes of its puppets."
Shyduska says, "Both of you are narrow minded."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "You are not right! You may not be wrong either...but you aren't right."
>'So every minute we were talking to it, we were being watched, and listened to.
You say, "So every minute we were talking to it, we were being watched, and listened to."
Arindell smiles at Shyduska.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'Do you want the Necromancer to know what we are doing and thinking? To tip the hands in their favor?
Shyduska says, "While we watched and were listened to, somebody here gave away a lot of information."
You ask, "Do you want the Necromancer to know what we are doing and thinking? To tip the hands in their favor?"
Shyduska gazes at you.
Vaila says, "You might be right. We may have been speaking directly to the necromancer."
Arindell nods at Shyduska, obviously agreeing with her views.
Vaila says, "We might have been lied to."
Vaila says, "But we might not have."
Vaila says, "And that's what matters."
>'I gave away no information. A body was brought to life, fell apart, and the city was attacked by necromancers in multiple locations.
You say, "I gave away no information. A body was brought to life, fell apart, and the city was attacked by necromancers in multiple locations."
Shyduska says, "Again. We are adults and can use our discernment with whatever information comes our way."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska says, "That doesn't mean we take it as truth."
Shyduska says, "But it doesn't stop us from attempting to find it."
>'Indeed, and what we should discern is the Law in this province.
You say, "Indeed, and what we should discern is the Law in this province."
>'We did attempt to find it, yes?
You ask, "We did attempt to find it, yes?"
>'Did we not ask questions and listen patiently?
You ask, "Did we not ask questions and listen patiently?"
Arindell calmly says, "But you can't know for sure that it was only one necromancer working, or a group working together... you may have tipped one off to find and help the other."
>'More patiently then what would normally be done?
You ask, "More patiently then what would normally be done?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska says, "And perhaps there was a deeper truth at play that some are ignorant to."
Arindell nods to Shyduska.
Shyduska grumbles.
Vaila asks, "Who actually listened? What was this but an execution?"
Vaila sighs.
>'Just as the Inquisitor Rifkinn attempted to lure a Necromancer out by revealing our presence, you must pretend to tip the hand in their favor to bring them out.
Arindell calmly says, "When one can't be sure, they have to prepare for all eventualities."
You say, "Just as the Inquisitor Rifkinn attempted to lure a Necromancer out by revealing our presence, you must pretend to tip the hand in their favor to bring them out."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska nods to Arindell.
>'I listened. and I mourned. For this elf. For that father.
You say, "I listened. and I mourned. For this elf. For that father."
Arindell calmly says, "It is a shame what befell the elf, that is certain."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'It is as heartwarming as it is heartbreaking that the Son was able to speak to his father one last time since he had to find him dead when he returned
You say, "It is as heartwarming as it is heartbreaking that the Son was able to speak to his father one last time since he had to find him dead when he returned."
>'But it could only be maddening for the Son to see his Father fall to pieces infront of him.
You say, "But it could only be maddening for the Son to see his Father fall to pieces infront of him."
Vaila folds her arms across her chest.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Shyduska says, "Vaila and I are mourning the life that was...Not the abomination that is."
Arindell calmly says, "But, learning how the enemy works, and their practices, at least in practical theory, will help you defeat them."
Vaila says, "The life that was still here..."
>'So then let us mourn the life that was, and be glad that it has the rest it deserves.
You say, "So then let us mourn the life that was, and be glad that it has the rest it deserves."
Shyduska nods at Arindell, obviously agreeing with her views.
Shyduska says, "Understanding their numbers. Where they're based."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn says, "Do not delude yourself into believing we would have discerned any great secrets from that corpse."
Arindell shrugs.
Shyduska says, "Great secrets? No. Clues that lead us towards them? Perhaps."
Shyduska says, "I digress."
>'When I am finally put to rest, if a Necromancer raises me to its bidding and I beg for my life, I give you all permission to burn me on the spot.
You say, "When I am finally put to rest, if a Necromancer raises me to its bidding and I beg for my life, I give you all permission to burn me on the spot."
Shyduska slings a sniper's light crossbow studded with smoky crystals over her shoulder.
Whiteburn says to Arindell, "I have experience in dealing with Necromancers and their servants. We would not be led to its master."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a simple robe with curious silver sigils embroidered about the cuffs and hem.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>say @Shy And be careful with that thing! That crossbow almost took my eye out when it discharged!
To whom are you speaking?
>say @Shyduska And be careful with that thing! That crossbow almost took my eye out when it discharged!
You exclaim to Shyduska, "And be careful with that thing! That crossbow almost took my eye out when it discharged!"
Vaila says, "This is something that needs to be taken to people greater than us."
Shyduska pats you on the back.
Shyduska nods to Vaila.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "I'm sorry, but this was wrong..."
Arindell calmly says to Whiteburn, "I'm not saying we would have been lead to them."
>say /cur Honestly, where were the Paladins when all this was happening
You curiously say, "Honestly, where were the Paladins when all this was happening."
Whiteburn firmly asks, "I will not have a defiled corpse doing the work of evil here on Holy ground. The dead was laid to rest and the Necromancer has one less servan with which to accomplish its sins. How is that anything other than right?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila exclaims to Whiteburn, "The elf said that she wanted to live. That is what is other than right!"
>'it is exceptionally frightening how well it could function on holy ground..
You say, "It is exceptionally frightening how well it could function on holy ground.."
Shyduska says, "And other farmers and common folk are ripe for his picking."
Shyduska asks, "Where are our guard, protecting them?"
>say @Vaila The elf puppet. The necromancers puppet.
You say to Vaila, "The elf puppet. The necromancers puppet."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell calmly says to Vaila, "Have you ever heard of dividing your enemy."
Vaila says, "Humor me for just one moment more, and then I'll go."
Whiteburn says, "I have tarried here long enough. There is work to do."
Vaila says, "Just one question."
A few fluffy white clouds drift into the sky above.
Whiteburn curtly says to Vaila, "Ask."
Vaila asks, "What if the elf was telling the truth?"
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says, "Don't say it wasn't...what if Jensia was actually there."
Vaila cracks her knuckles.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell calmly says to Vaila, "Sowing sympothy is merely another way of achieving success by gaining support for the oposition, remember that. You can't really truely trust that the elf was speaking on their own behalf and not being used as a tool to sow division."
Vaila says to Arindell, "That's not what I asked though. I asked what if the elf was telling the truth..."
Shyduska mutters something into the air about discernment and strength of will.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila asks Arindell, "How does it make you feel that we may have executed a slave that herself just wanted to exist?"
Whiteburn matter-of-factly says to Vaila, "If Jensia had been alive I would have naturally respected her wishes. But she was not. And those were not her wishes, but remnants of the life she once had. Memories. She is free, now. Within the arms of the Gods, she may rest. If you seek justice, then you will permit the dead to rest. That is right. That is just."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila shakes her head.
Arindell calmly says to Vaila, "Regardless, they're still a tool. if you wish to restore them the correct way, a cleric that can find and restore their soul, and an empath that can mend their body is all you need."
Shyduska says, "Then let us do that. Let us bring their lives back."
Vaila says to Arindell, "Then we should have sought a way to end the influence without killing the slave."
Whiteburn softly says to Arindell, "No. That one was beyond our power to resurrect. There is no soul."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "That's not justice..."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "I'm not saying that you're definitely wrong, but you're not definitely right."
Vaila sighs.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "If you do something as permanent as killing them forever, you have to be definitely right."
>'Thats just it though. Once a body has been defiled by a Necromancer
You say, "Thats just it though. Once a body has been defiled by a Necromancer."
>'There is.. only one way to cleanse it really..
You say, "There is.. only one way to cleanse it really.."
Vaila says to you, "That we know of so far."
>'The soul is already gone..
You say, "The soul is already gone.."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Vaila says to you, "What if it was reversible? We should try."
>'So far, so far as clerics and paladins have researched for generations
You say, "So far, so far as clerics and paladins have researched for generations."
Vaila nods.
Vaila says, "Magic has evolved since."
Vaila says, "Maybe it's time to research more."
Shyduska nods in agreement.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'Magic has indeed evolved. Thats why a Necromancers puppet can walk so readily onto holy ground
You say, "Magic has indeed evolved. Thats why a Necromancers puppet can walk so readily onto holy ground."
>'But thats just Sorcery
You say, "But thats just Sorcery."
Vaila says, "Maybe..."
>'The ability to put the soul back into the body is completely of the perview of the Immortals
You say, "The ability to put the soul back into the body is completely of the perview of the Immortals."
Vaila says, "Or maybe there was more to the creature than we thought, and that's what allowed it to walk on holy ground."
Whiteburn says, "Enough, child. You speak with authority on that which you have no knowledge and I will not have it. You may take your accusations elsewhere."
>'The ability to make a corpse move without the soul is the ability of.. A demon..
You say, "The ability to make a corpse move without the soul is the ability of.. A demon.."
Whiteburn says, "I will escort you to the gates, if you wish."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell smiles at Shyduska.
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "I hate necromancers, and if you see one I want to be the one that cuts their throat..."
Vaila says to Whiteburn, "But on this...I'm not wrong either."
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Whiteburn matter-of-factly says to Vaila, "The hesitance of your judgment in the face of plaintive lies will lead you to grieving some day."
Whiteburn says to you, "If you have need of me, you need but seek me out."
>curtsy white deep
You sink down in a deep curtsy before Whiteburn, your lashes lowered.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila, Forging Guru Arindell and Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell smiles.
>say @White Thank you for all you have done priestess.
You say to Whiteburn, "Thank you for all you have done priestess."
Whiteburn says to you, "Of course."
Whiteburn ominously says, "Eluned keep the innocent, and Drogor grant the thralls of unlife a swift end."
Whiteburn seizes one corner of her greatcloak and throws it across her opposite shoulder, then turns upon her heels.
With a furtive religious gesture and an inaudible litany, Whiteburn steps back toward the shadows.
You are distracted for just a moment by a sharp whistle from the shadows. You look back towards Whiteburn, but she is simply no longer there.
Shyduska waves her hand distractedly.
You sniffle.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila and Forging Guru Arindell.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
>'This calls for a finch
You say, "This calls for a finch."
Shyduska gazes at you.
>get finch from lunch
You get a speckled finch from inside a battered tin lunchbox which is in your watersilk bag.
>kiss finch
You kiss a speckled finch!
>drop finch
You drop a speckled finch.
A speckled finch flaps its wings frantically and bolts away.
Shyduska lets out a long sigh of relief.
>'Be free
You say, "Be free."
>tilt shyd
You cock your head at Shyduska.
Vaila waves.
Shyduska waves.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Shyduska, Professor Vaila and Forging Guru Arindell.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Arindell waves.
[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity.
Also here: Professor Vaila and Forging Guru Arindell.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.
Re: A Son who lost his father twice and the Elf who was but wasn't. on 09/30/2018 08:45 PM CDT
Re: A Son who lost his father twice and the Elf who was but wasn't. on 10/01/2018 01:08 AM CDT