Summary: The Temple of the Volcano in Dirge was host to a special, age old ceremony of sacrifice and cleansing. Shaman of the Volcano Pyhdec spoke briefly about the religious beliefs of the people of Dirge, as well as their traditional methods of worship. As a demonstration of the healing powers of the Volcano, a crazed madman was brought forth and - before the eyes of the celebrants - cured of his insanity. Afterward, the attendees were invited to burn offerings in a holy pyre as a metaphorical purging of their own weaknesses.
[Dirge, Temple Interior]
The rough basalt blocks have been piled up so that they meet overhead to form a crude pyramidal shape. The walls are sparsely decorated, mostly with scenes showing sacrifices being made to the volcanoes. As these seem to involve unwilling participants being thrown in, you hope they are of historical interest rather than current events.
You also see a curly tailed pink pig with a white cotton shirt stamped with "I paid 1000 tickets for this shirt! ~HE 425~" on it and a conical altar.
Also here: Usurer Kryptobiscuit, Gniewko, Visionist Miskton, Ghost Ashev, Shadow's Touch Mysterys who is surrounded by a band of twittering songbirds, Tinkerer Fillius, Sun Beseecher Zufti, Scaredy Cat Gigondas, Usurer Dogmitri, Agadir, Zymi, Perune who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Azettie and Spirit Weaver Gabellia who is shrouded in ghostly flames.
Obvious exits: out.
Shaman of the Volcano Pyhdec just arrived.
You see Shaman of the Volcano Pyhdec, a Human.
Pyhdec has a square face, gold eyes and a straight nose. He is bald, with smooth skin and a portly build.
He is tall for a Human.
He appears to be venerable.
He has some light stubble on his face.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing some black hobnail boots and a somber black shaman's robe.
Pyhdec sighs.
Pyhdec says, "They didn't bring it yet."
Pyhdec mutters to himself.
Rze asks, "Bring what?"
Rze asks, "Is that rotten tooth halfling sleeping on the job?"
Pyhdec says, "The effigies. They were supposed to be here already. No matter. I'll go to get them."
Pyhdec says, "We will begin shortly."
Shaman of the Volcano Pyhdec just went out.
Temple Maiden Rze went to a conical altar.
Gabellia asks, "Effigies?"
Temple Maiden Rze just arrived.
Rze says, "They aren't there either."
A pair of young priests carry in a small table and set it down.
Rze points at a conical altar.
Kryptobiscuit says, "Victims."
Shaman of the Volcano Pyhdec just arrived.
Pyhdec nods.
On the wicker table you see a tiny wicker effigy.
Pyhdec says, "There."
Pyhdec taps a sturdy wicker table.
Pyhdec says, "In case any of you decide you wish to join the ceremony, but did not bring something of your own to burn."
You decide to purchase the effigy, and pay the sales clerk 12 Kronars.
The sales clerk hands you your wicker effigy.
Examining the effigy a bit closer, its tiny torso appears to have been stuffed with dried out grass, and its hands and feet are made of equally brittle straw.
Pyhdec says, "Before we begin, I shall speak a small bit about this Temple, and about its meaning."
Pyhdec says, "As most know, the Temple of the Volcano is not dedicated to any particular Immortal, but instead to all of the Immortals and to the Fists of Heaven themselves."
Rze asks, "Anyone need 12 kronar?"
Pyhdec says, "However, in practice, we are a temple mostly in service of the Dark Aspects."
Pyhdec says, "That may seem frightening or confusing to many, but the truth is simple. We give sacrifice, they turn their gazes elsewhere."
Pyhdec says, "We give them their due, they remove their banes from us."
Rze says, "All gods and aspects must be honored."
Pyhdec nods to Rze.
Kryptobiscuit laughs!
Kryptobiscuit covers her mouth with her hand.
Ashev squints at Kryptobiscuit.
You give Kryptobiscuit an admonishing glance.
Rze glares at Kryptobiscuit.
Kryptobiscuit says, "I was just thinking it's how trading works, sometimes you have to bribe people."
Pyhdec says, "That they must, and when one lives at the foot of two volcanoes that are known to expell the wrath of both Immortals and nature itself upon us, one learns one's place."
Pyhdec says to Kryptobiscuit, "A bribe is a type of sacrifice, should one look at it in the right way."
Pyhdec says, "So then, while this may sound punishing, our people have come to see that the Volcano does bring its own blessings as well."
Pyhdec says, "And for these, we give thanks."
Pyhdec says, "The ceremony you are about to see is one of the ways in which we do this."
Pyhdec says, "It is simple in practice, but asks for much from one's soul."
Pyhdec says, "Sacrifices must be made for any growth, any healing, any peace."
Pyhdec says, "In this, we show we are worthy of notice, of consideration."
Pyhdec says, "Never do we demand, but instead we offer and ask."
Pyhdec says, "And if we are found worthy, then we receive. If not, then what was asked was not to be."
Pyhdec says, "Many remark frequently upon those who gather near this town, the ones who have the mark of the mad upon them."
Pyhdec says, "There are many reasons they come to Dirge, but one of them is the call of the Volcano."
Pyhdec says, "For within sacrifice, one may find a shattered mind returned to whole."
Pyhdec says, "And it is there that we will begin, then, with the building of the pyre, and the offering of one's very being."
A group of priests escorts in a raving man!
A crazed madman screams!
Pyhdec says, "Child of suffering. You have already given much, and now, you will give more."
Pyhdec nods to a crazed madman.
A crazed madman exclaims, "Let me go! LET ME GO!"
Pyhdec says, "We are letting you go, child. We are."
Azettie asks, "Oh, no no he is ill and you are going to cut him down?"
A crazed madman cackles!
Pyhdec sets about building a raging pyre.
A crazed madman exclaims, "The voices! They made me do it! THEY MADE ME!"
Pyhdec Moves towards the madman, chanting in low tones.
Azettie moves over to guard a crazed madman.
Azettie says, "Wait."
Gniewko says, "Voices don't make a man crazy."
Pyhdec lays his hands upon the madman, his chanting growing louder.
A crazed madman struggles to break himself free in futility.
Azettie asks, "You are going to scarifice the ill?"
Pyhdec says, "Hush."
Azettie says, "Not a chance."
You sharply exclaim to Azettie, "Do not interrupt this sacred rite!"
Azettie says, "Will have to take us both."
Gabellia says, "Prolly he is gonna be usin the effigy."
Azettie gets a giant Albarian nomlas wrought from blackened steel from inside her leather harness.
Gabellia says, "And nae the crazed one."
Rze says, "'don't assume yet he will be sacrificed."
Pyhdec says to Azettie, "Do not be a fool. I am saving this man."
A crazed madman exclaims, "UNHAND ME! I will cut you all! The voices said you should be cut!"
Gabellia says to Rze, "I hope not."
Azettie says to Pyhdec, "You will be the second to go if he is harmed."
Gniewko says, "Doesn't sound like he wants to be saved by you."
Gigondas asks Ghust, "You want to be a sacrifice?"
Ghust quietly says, "Sure."
A crazed madman growls ferociously!
Zotrine shakes her head at Ghust.
Ghust quietly asks Zotrine, "What? You aint never wanted ta be sacrificed to a volcano?"
You say, "This poor creature must needs be purified. Leave the Priest to his work."
Pyhdec reaches out to the madman once more, placing both palms upon his shoulders. The madman squirms, but then goes suddenly very still, his eyes rolling back until only the whites are visible.
Rze says, "Ghust might be mad but apprently not mad enough."
Ghust quietly asks, "He IS kinda crazed. Maybe bein sacrificed will mellow him out?"
Rze asks, "Is he ok?"
With a start, a stream of black smoke spews out from the madman's mouth and into the pyre!
Zymi says, "I am going with no."
Ghust asks Pyhdec, "Scuse me sir. Yer th' shaman fer this volcano?"
Gniewko says, "He is a crazed madman, surely that equates to a sane whole."
Crackling sparks rise up from the flames and become a blindingly holy light as they burn!
Pyhdec continues his chanting.
Ghust says to Pyhdec, "Sir, ah offer you mah respect an thanks fer you keepin this volcano safe."
The madman begins to shake violently as the smoke continues to pour out of him and into the pyre!
Gabellia says, "Looks like he's bein purged."
You reverently say, "Praise be to the Gods of the Volcano."
With a final gout of heavy, dark smoke, the madman goes still once more as a fiery light bursts forth from him!
Pyhdec says, "You are free, child."
Rze says, "He looks disheveled."
Mysterys says to Nsar, "They have set a man on fire."
You pointedly say, "This once-crazed child has been cleansed."
Nsar exclaims, "Sounds like my kinda party!"
A disheveled man says, "I..."
Nsar says to you, "Please tell me you volunteered."
Gniewko says, "But now he has no friends in his head, that sounds sad."
Ghust says, "Someone offer him a coat or somethin."
Pyhdec says, "The Volcano heard your cries, and took its toll."
A disheveled man glances about, clearly a bit confused.
Pyhdec says, "You are in Dirge."
Pyhdec asks, "Do you remember where you were from?"
Ghust asks, "Ah aint got an extra coat. Does anyone have one?"
Pyhdec peers quizzically at a disheveled man.
Gabellia says, "I wonder ifin he members Timothy."
A disheveled man says, "I... much is a blur... but I am from Crossings."
A disheveled man asks, "How did I get here?"
Pyhdec says, "The Volcano called you here, as it does to many who fall ill as you did."
Ghust says, "You were hangin round th' outside of th' gates attackin people before."
Pyhdec says, "It saw in you the worthiness to heal, and so now you are."
Rze says, "Praise be."
A disheveled man says, "I.. all I remember is rage and flashes of madness. Brief moments of clarity but all tinted in red."
A disheveled man says, "I feel... better. Tired, but better."
Pyhdec says, "You were very ill, yes, but now you may begin again."
Ghust says, "Yer safe now."
Pyhdec says, "First you should rest, but then you can decide what comes next."
Ghust asks, "Seriously anyone got an extra coat fer this man?"
Pyhdec asks, "Would you like for the priests here to bring you to a room?"
Kawill sprinkles some holy water on a disheveled man.
A disheveled man says, "Yes... I am so tired.. I have lost much. I thank you so much for what you have done for me."
A disheveled man says, "Yes... please. I need rest."
Kawill raises an eyebrow.
Pyhdec nods.
Azettie stops guarding a disheveled man.
Pyhdec calls out and several priests come forward then lead the man off, speaking of food, a warm bed, and a bath.
Kawill solemnly says, "He is not worthy of a blessing."
Ghust asks, "Why not?"
Pyhdec says, "It is not for us to decide who the Volcano deems worthy."
Ghust says to Kawill, "EVERYONE is worthy of a second chance. Specially when he didn' know what he was doin."
Azettie says to Pyhdec, "Pardon my hastyness I well... didn't want to see him harmed."
Kawill solemnly says, "I just attempted to give him a commune."
Pyhdec says to Kawill, "That would not work so soon after he was healed."
Kawill solemnly says, "Understood."
Pyhdec says to Azettie, "Many do not understand our ways here. Unfortunately, that leads to assumptions."
Zymi says, "Well a little warning that you were not going to burn a live man and maybe assumptions would not have been made."
Ghust asks Pyhdec, "Will they provide food an clothes to th' guy?"
Pyhdec says, "I am very adept at ignoring attempts at distraction during my rituals."
Binu asks, "Who are we burning?"
Nsar points at you.
Rze taps a tiny wicker effigy atop a sturdy wicker table.
Zymi says, "Ghust I am sure he will get some pants. We can probably move on from that."
Pyhdec says to Zymi, "You are the guests here, not I. I do not need to warn of any such thing."
You gaze upward.
Binu says, "That sounds like a good plan."
Gabellia points at a sturdy wicker table.
Ghust says to Zymi, "Ah jus wanted ta make sure he got proper care. Guy jus went from crazed ta recovered."
Binu says, "I should go get some naphtha."
Binu rummages about his person, looking for something.
Gabellia says to Binu, "Ye ken burn one of those, Binu."
Zymi says, "Apologies. Just seems that it would make the process easier if people werent guarding him and everything."
Binu says, "Oh, I still have some."
Pyhdec says, "Perhaps it would benefit all guests at a religious ceremony to not presume that the clergy involved are doing a harm, especially when they clearly state they are healing a man."
Azettie says, "That is not most of our experiences."
Ghust asks, "Whats th' effigy for?"
Zymi says, "People have different ideas of what healed is also."
Kryptobiscuit says, "Sometimes healing and pain are synonymous."
Pyhdec says to Ghust, "If you perhaps wait, you will hear of it."
Rze says to Ghust, "Let the Shaman finish."
Ghust says to Pyhdec, "Yes sir."
You think to yourself, "Impatient children. Would that I had the patience of this man."
Pyhdec says, "Now then, if you are all convinced enough that I'm not intent on murdering when I say I am healing, we can continue."
Dogmitri exclaims, "I believed from the very beginning!"
A bright flash of flame erupts from Binu's hand, vaporizing the wicker effigy that he is holding into fine grey ash!
Gniewko says to Pyhdec, "Murder, Healing, as long as its interesting."
Pyhdec says, "The effgies, as I stated at the start, are for those who wish to themselves sacrifice unto the pyre, but did not bring their own items to burn."
Pyhdec says, "If you have something you wish for the Volcano to burn away from your life, you must simply place your offering into the pyre, pray on it, and the Volcano will hear your request."
Composed of countless logs and sticks, the pyre is lit in a glorious blaze. Encircled by a ring of large obsidian rocks which resist its hunger, the massive flame gives off eerie roars and flickers as it consumes all it is fed.
[People start putting their offerings into the pyre and praying.]
Sparks of holy light drift upward from the pyre as offerings are burned.
Azettie chants in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"The pink is for my lust and trust the gold is for my greed. Please take them and place them in a proper place"
Ghust says, "Ah don' think did it right."
You reverently say, "Lords of the Volcano... hear my plea. If it pleases You, take of this flawed vessel and incinerate what you will, that I may be cleansed of weakness and better fit to serve..."
Dogmitri exclaims, "Yes that!"
Dogmitri says, "For her though not me."
Rze throws her head back and howls, "The enemies of Lord Drogor shall drown as the sharks tear them apart limb from limb, and their blood shall feed the lightless depths!"
A gout of holy light drift upward from the pyre as offerings are burned.
You narrow your eyes and rasp tenebrously, "May my life not be tangled in Harawep's weaving, and her wrath not sweep like fire across the lands."
Azettie says to Ashev, "You seem sad, here put this in the fire to rid yourself of sadness."
Azettie offers Ashev a blue poppy.
Ghust says, "Lord of Volcanos.....take this effigy as a token of mah weaknessesd, and my mistakes of mah past.......and burn it away, so ah might go on knowing ah've done what ah can."
Rze asks, "Did offer correctly?"
Ghust says, "Ah don' feel any different."
Pyhdec says, "All offering upon the pyre are correct."
A brilliant flash of lava-hued light blinds you!
[Everybody is stunned and falls down.]
Nsar says, "Rude volcano."
Rze says, "Wow."
Ghust says, "Ow."
Kryptobiscuit exclaims, "I feel cleansed!"
Rze asks, "What happened?"
Pyhdec says, "The Volcano answered."
Pyhdec nods.
Fillius asks, "Was that a good answer or a bad answer?"
Azettie says, "I am guessing good because it didn't devour us."
Rze says, "Means the Volcano ain't going to kill us I would assume."
Fillius says, "That's a good point."
Pyhdec says, "Your soul knows. I do not. The answer is for you and you alone."
You solemnly say, "Praise be always, to the Lords of the Volcano. Their judgment swift and merciless, Their blessings plentiful."
Ghust says, "The volcano is almighty and its sears th' soul with its truth."
Pyhdec says, "The pyre will continue to burn until it dies out. That is the way of the ceremony."
Pyhdec says, "If you wish to continue to give offerings, you may."