Inquisitor's Report to High Priestess Tallis on 04/05/2018 03:02 PM CDT
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To the honorable High Priestess Tallis,

I pray that this autumn is treating you kindly and that you are in good health.

You have no doubt already received word of our small victory over the vessel of Maelshyve within the Zaulfung. Your Holiness may expect a more detailed report in regards to the raid within the following days. However, I wish to briefly report some troublesome behavior I have witnessed from one of our own, a certain Friar Agostin.

Several days prior, the Friar conducted a small business on Temple grounds, just beyond where Brother Fidakel is stationed. In exchange for donations to the Temple, he assisted adventurers in the grooming of their pets and other sundry animal companions. This is, in and of itself, a goodly and worthy deed. However, upon my arrival, I immediately noticed the presence of two Necromancers brazenly standing among the attendants and making no attempt to hide themselves. The Friar, despite knowing the true nature of these despicable creatures, not only tolerated their company upon holy ground, but was further unwilling to have them removed from the premises, by lethal methods or otherwise.

I understand that the good Friar is getting on in years and that Olvi are generally predisposed toward nonviolence. Perhaps the fear of immediate and violent retribution from the Necromancers stayed his hand. However, my gorge rises at the thought of such unclean heretics given free reign to go where they will and defile the sanctity of our beautiful Temple unopposed.

A man who profanes himself and blithely contaminates his soul regularly does not become absolved because he tithes a silver once an andu. Neither is he considered spiritually cleansed and innocent by his capacity to hold a mild conversation in between committing atrocities. This is simple fact and common sense, certainly that which I would expect a Brother of our Holy Order to understand. Further, the tolerance of Necromancers by members of the Clergy presents an untruthful precedent to the people of acceptance and approval, which is, of course, ludicrous.

Your Holiness likely has many other duties to attend to than the overseeing of all slovenly behavior from our Brothers and Sisters. I would be more than pleased to take up a curriculum of lessons for novitiates, acolytes, and those of our order who are unlearned in encounters with Necromancers. With more knowledge and confidence, unpleasant situations such as these may be less likely to occur in the future.

I will be sending a second report regarding the raid on the fallen fortress as soon as I have compiled all of the necessary documentation.

Rutilor guide your hand, and Drogor keep you from the Teeth of the Storm.

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Re: Inquisitor's Report to High Priestess Tallis on 04/07/2018 03:21 PM CDT
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There's a difference between IC and OOC that you seem to be missing.
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Re: Inquisitor's Report to High Priestess Tallis ::NUDGE:: on 04/08/2018 10:13 AM CDT
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<<There's also a time and a place to tone it back.

Agreed. Please refrain from snarking AT one another. This is not a conflict folder.

DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
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