Alchemy Updates/Request? on 02/15/2016 11:36 AM CST
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Is there any update to either the reactants tree, or cooking? I'm currently training via remedies, but haven't picked a career until I get a chance to see other disciplines a bit. Not looking for an ETA or anything, but maybe confirmation as to where they fall in relation to the other planned non-Alchemy disciplines?

Also, what are the chances of kimhiro draught (sp) being craftable via remedies? Maybe a fatigue potion of some sort as well?
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Re: Alchemy Updates/Request? on 02/15/2016 02:16 PM CST
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If everything is still on track then Reactants should be the next discipline released after Tinkering (which is in Test right now).
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Re: Alchemy Updates/Request? on 02/19/2016 01:14 AM CST
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Will any new life/purpose be given to the alchemy/herb shops respectively? Or do you think they will just remain practice shops for thieves.
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Re: Alchemy Updates/Request? on 02/19/2016 01:32 PM CST
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I feel like they still have a purpose - selling remedies? I certainly still patronize them quite consistently because making my own remedies is so time-consuming (and if I'm making ones I need, they're unlikely to fall precisely in my training range anyway).
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