Animal Lore on 02/28/2009 04:41 PM CST
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I would be more than happy to learn animal lore without reading something. I do fish but I would rather be able to do other things besides this to learn. I mean I would be satisfied with a tour guide of the zoo giving me some more basic knowledge. What if we could kind of stalk critters and watch their actions? Maybe we could gain lore by sneaking around and seeing what the do?

Mujaki Paladin of the people.
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Re: Animal Lore on 02/28/2009 04:57 PM CST
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I'd like to see the skill useful in some way and have that train.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Animal Lore on 02/28/2009 06:41 PM CST
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I'm still hoping my suggestion from way months ago is under considseration. Use AL to do a bird call. Bow to kill animal. Skin to get feathers. Tailoring to make them into flights. Carving to make arrows.
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Re: Animal Lore on 02/28/2009 08:05 PM CST
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AL could be used to force animals to spawn in your room in their hunting areas. Say you're in leucros and want another one or two on you, with enough AL you should be able to attract some into your area by howling or whatnot.

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Re: Animal Lore on 02/28/2009 09:09 PM CST
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>>I'm still hoping my suggestion from way months ago is under considseration. Use AL to do a bird call. Bow to kill animal. Skin to get feathers. Tailoring to make them into flights. Carving to make arrows.

They are still working on the Mech Lore Split, yes.

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Re: Animal Lore on 03/01/2009 12:43 PM CST
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>AL could be used to force animals to spawn in your room in their hunting areas. Say you're in leucros and want another one or two on you, with enough AL you should be able to attract some into your area by howling or whatnot.

That would be incredibly useful.
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Re: Animal Lore on 03/01/2009 01:57 PM CST
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Combine the two...

STUDY to learn AL passively, and CALL to boost the spawn for a period based on skill and learn AL on success.

That would be awesome.

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Re: Animal Lore on 03/01/2009 02:55 PM CST
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Or even if it doesn't boost the spawn, it can cause unengaged critters to move towards you.

Use hunt & see an unengaged baddie a room away, then call and it'll wander in immediately.
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Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 12:00 AM CDT
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OOC: I've been gone for 5+ years, and I honestly didn't know what necros could do. When I left they were 'promised' with no release date. This is NOT a repost. I've spent time revising the original idea.

This skill-based idea is based around the awesome D&D spell Summon Nature's Ally, I, II, and III. IV and higher would be just to awesome/powerful and tear into things like familiars/ranger companions.

>Invoke Animal Lore
Drawing upon your wildness with nature, you find yourself understanding the sing of crickets and bugs.

Drawing upon your wildness with nature, you find yourself understanding the howls of wild animals and the chirrup of birds.

Drawing upon your wildness with nature, you find yourself understanding the fin flips of fish and marine life.

A blood wolf raises its head to the sky and releases a frightening howl.
You throw your head back and howl.

A blood wolf looks at you for a moment and yelps!
You let out a high-pitched yelp!

The blood wolf stops displaying aggressive behavior and sniffs you.
You stare blankly at a blood wolf.

You see a blood wolf that is calm.

The blood wolf growls and snaps at another blood wolf.

offer giblets to wolf
A wolf snatches the giblets out of the air and swallows them down.
A blood wolf just joined your group.

look blood wolf
A wild and untamed animal it seems interested in following Sircha.

pet wolf
Your blood wolf snarls at you and bites at your hand tearing off a finger! Maybe that wasn't a good idea.

whistle wolf signal (Ranger only)
Your blood wolf ignores you. (rangers it'll act like a trained wolf.)

stare wolf
The wolf stares back at you transfixed.

stare wolf
The wolf stares back at you with deep ember eyes.

stare wolf
The blood wolf whimpers and drops it's gaze accepting you as pack leader.

You throw back your head and howl!
Your blood wolf throws back it's head and howls joining you in it's chorus!

Your blood wolf licks it's chops eagerly, it looks like it's ready to join the hunt!

look b wolf
Your wolf gazes back at you awaiting instruction.

signal b wolf follow
Your loyal blood wolf joins your party it is now ready to travel with you.

You walk east, your wolf friend follows you.

The more animal lore you know, the more commands you can unlock with different creatures, and the more creatures you can call or charm to you.

I was thinking things like inkhorns return to town speed fastest,

songbirds very very slow return to town but if your a singing bard they'll sing/emote with you a lot more,

Giant slug moves very slowly when following, and can become 'lost'. Can lick your minor injuries and heal you. Only heals minor injuries like scratches.

Giant blue lobster (on the islands/beach areas) Can be summoned, killed, cooked into a nice dish of fresh shelled lobster. Lobster might give a small bonus depending on the cooking skills of the chef. Can pinch Vorclaf on command. snicker

Giant black octapus (on the islands/beach areas) Can be summoned, killed, cooked into a nice dish of fresh calamari. Calamari might give a small bonus depending on the cooking skills of the chef. Can entangle on command.

Dog Automatically drags you back to town Empath's Guild if your into status dying. Easily distracted by other pets, depending on your Animal Lore may not always follow commands feels it needs to sniff or investigate every other object in a room. May feel the need to pee on said object, temporarily perfuming it with err well. Get's into fights with Cats, and you may need to spend an anlaen tending your dog until you find an available healer. Has the unique ability to hunt lizards, and small game animals such as baby rabbits, baby birds. Will proudly bring them to you while they are stunned and still living, unless trained to kill. Can be scolded, threatened/beaten/kicked into behaving better. Depending on breed, may quickly become vicsious and bite YOU no matter what you try.

Cat Has the unique ability to hunt fish, and small game animals such as baby rabbits, mice. May offer one as a prize to you but if left alone also guts and eats them, leaving only entrails and fish scales behind.

Songbirds, has the unique ability to sing/hum with owner, does so whenever owner starts singing. Automatic chorus. Occasionally emote that they hop on your shoulder, fly around, chase each other, peck at the ground. They sing individual songs and melodies. They're special ability is that when you are working on crafting something, your birds will pick up items for you, do simple light-weight tasks, like threading needles, refilling your tincture jar with water, holding tools for you, like chisels, etc. Their effect is to reduce the RT of tasks or complete simple preparation tasks like aforementioned for you. Now obviously, they probably can't help you in the forge or granite carving. Goes to sleep on your shoulder as a worn item. Eats goblets of flesh, bird seed, honey.

Other things, sunrise/sunset creatures can be used either after sunrise until sunset. Or if they were spawned at sunset can be used until sunrise. Pets as they are fall asleep and you can tuck them away until the time comes for them to re-animate. When they do awaken, they're going to be hungry and eager to leave your backpack.

If you signed into DR daily you could in theory keep your pet alive and thriving forever.

Pet sickness if your pet receives insufficient sleep or food over a period of time your pet may become sick and appear to have bald patches or skin discolorations.

Pet recreation, pets need time with you, or with other pets. So if you take them out during their active cycle and set them down on the ground they may scuttle up to people, basically just emote at random people.

If other people try to pick them up they'll emote returning to hide behind your legs.

Pet wolf
Your wolf permits you to pet it along the head and over the shoulder.

signal wolf drag town
Your loyal wolf grips the back of your shirt and walking backwards slowly returns you to the gates of the nearest town.
RT 605 seconds.

signal inkhorn drag town
Your loyal inkhorn kneels it's front legs, catching your pack with it's horns it rolls you over it's head onto it's shoulders, before leaping away for town.
RT 100 seconds

poke pet
Can waken any pet during it's sleep cycle, often it'll glance at you for a moment looking sleepy, before returning to rest. Can be wakened if you need a special service from it, but good chance of becoming ill afterwards.

Your wolf glances over it's shoulder at you once and disappears back into the wilds.

You return after 24 hours have passed.
You throw back your head and howl!
You blink and glance around for a moment, your blood wolf must have gotten hungry waiting for you. Time to get another!

I <3 Bleach. ~Sircha
Bardic Academy Founder
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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 12:16 AM CDT
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D&D is a lot of fun, last time I played I was all "Ok, I prep CL 40, then harness ten more!" and the DM was all "Buh?" and I was all "TARGET DIRE WOLF" and the DM started flipping through his book all fast and stuff and I'm like "CAST DIRE WOLF" and then was asked to leave.

BTW, can a GM look into it and see why I can't >turn this black lotus to refill some of my mana attunement? I think it's busted. Also, I lost my get out of jail free card but rolled doubles and am still stuck in prison, you guys should really check this game for bugs more.

Point being: Making suggestions for the game based on a completely different game even though said suggestions really have no place in DR is silly. BTW, do you know what a necromancer is? They are not Dr. Doolittlesque zookepers...ever.

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 12:27 AM CDT
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<<Can pinch Vorclaf on command>>

Sorry to break the news to you, but Vorclaf walked the starry road.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 12:34 AM CDT
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I always wanted a black lotus. I had a pretty brutal channel/fireball gimmick deck before the tourney rules outlawed it.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 12:43 AM CDT
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1. animal lore is most probably going to be combined into other skills once the skills combination goes forward.

2. necromancers aren't interested in making animals talk. See Thieves for that. <Throw voice ability.> Necromancers researching the great work turn critters that have been carefully carved correctly into <undead> zombies, giving them a chance to defeat death for which the critters are usually ungrateful for, go figure.

3. Bringing other games suggestions to DR: If i pass go <the crossing bank> do I get 2 million plats?

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 01:13 PM CDT
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>>you find yourself understanding the fin flips of fish and marine life.

I stopped reading here. How far did the rest of you make it?

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 01:18 PM CDT
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I see that and my eyes kind of glaze over as I scroll past the post catching words here and there.

Necromancy brings out the Stupid in us all. -Armifer
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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 01:36 PM CDT
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>>CHRISTIANSONK3: I stopped reading here. How far did the rest of you make it?

At "OOC," as if you need to specify that you're being OOC on a forum.

"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 01:50 PM CDT
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If you choose to continue this topic, please stay on it and keep it constructive.
DragonRealms Board Monitor

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/08/2010 07:28 PM CDT
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I'm kind of curious why necros were brought up in this post? I could see if it was something with companions (maybe) but necros? Here is the definition of necromacy for future reference.

nec·ro·man·cy (nkr-mns)
1. The practice of supposedly communicating with the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future.
2. Black magic; sorcery.

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/09/2010 02:02 AM CDT
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One of them became angry, declaring that there was no reason to become a necro and raise Risen if you could have a pet that attacked/defended once you got 200 ranks in animal lore -- so I deleted the original version, and made tons of changes making them worthwhile as noncombatant tag-along pets.

>>I'm kind of curious why necros were brought up in this post? I could see if it was something with companions (maybe) but necros? Here is the definition of necromacy for future reference.

I <3 Bleach. ~Sircha
Bardic Academy Founder
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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/09/2010 02:29 AM CDT
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So do you think Rangers should get a sweet Zombie pet system?

communicate zombie

You focus your mind super intensely and observe the ravenous zombie before you. As its arm finally falls to its side due to fleshrot, you are able to interpret the clear meaning it is conveying:

A ravenous zombie says, "Braaaaaainssss..."

You can now evade attacks, like, 10 times better.

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/09/2010 03:08 AM CDT
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<<noncombatant tag-along pets>>

noncombat pets exist as part of the premium housing system. They aren't "tag-along" though.

Necros don't want "noncombat" pets - but learn how to control them through thanatology, which has NOTHING to do with animal lore expect for being in the same skill-set <it is more comparable to EMPATHY> and rangers will most probably want their companions to be combat capable as well.

Again though, as animal lore is most likely to be combined into another skill once the skill combos takes place, I don't feel like something like this would be feasible nor desirable to code.

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

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Re: Animal Lore: Speak with animals (Revised) on 10/11/2010 12:40 PM CDT
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>I always wanted a black lotus.

>Pops over to WoW and circles the EPL endlessly until a Black Lotus spawns, then drops it in the mail to you.

Oh, duh, wait...we're NOT cross-referencing games. Hehe. Hate though when you read something on the folders of one game and your mind makes that leap to another.

Personally, I don't mind suggestions for DR that are inspired by other games. I think it is natural to see something cool in one place and want something similarly cool for another. It's unfortunate that most games are apples and oranges from each other though, and a cool idea brought over would break the world...:P

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" - Satchel Paige
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