Remedies Work orders at the 601 breakpoint. on 07/20/2020 07:46 AM CDT
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It seems there is some kind of bug in the remedies work order selection routine at the 601 rank breakpoint.

If I ask for a hard work order, I get Tier 10, if I ask for challenging work order I get Tier 9 recipes, and if I ask for easy, I get Tier 7. Based on the wiki table (which could be wrong), it should be Tier 10 / 9 / 8 for Hard / Challenging / Easy.

ask Benzia for HARD remedies work
Benzia shuffles through some notes and says, "Alright, this is an order for some hangover potion. I need 3 stacks (5 uses each) of exceptional quality, made from any material and due in 155 roisaen. Please complete the items, bundle them with your logbook and then give me the logbook to complete this order. Good luck!"


ask Benzia for CHALLENGING remedies work
Benzia shuffles through some notes and says, "Alright, this is an order for some limb tonic. I need 5 stacks (5 uses each) of superior quality, made from any material and due in 230 roisaen. Please complete the items, bundle them with your logbook and then give me the logbook to complete this order. Good luck!"


ask Benzia for EASY remedies work
Benzia shuffles through some notes and says, "Alright, this is an order for some back ungent. I need 2 stacks (5 uses each) finely-crafted, made from any material and due in 95 roisaen. Please complete the items, bundle them with your logbook and then give me the logbook to complete this order. Good luck!"

I'll see if it changes after 601 ranks.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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