Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 05:29 PM CDT
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>We (and many other players) have had numerous discussions about introducing X, Y or Z type of weapon or armor. Just recently I said, well yes we have that as a mace. But you thought a different noun might be more interesting and/or fit your character image better, even if the stats were comparable.

To put it in perspective, I didn't spend 40 hours sitting in front of an alteration list to get it done. I didn't hound you about it. I just said 'hey, this would be nice' then I had someone make what was in the game and moved on. You mentioned it later, nouns do have some cache, but in general, appearances are so mutable and easy to change that they're a secondary consideration I'd think. Especially depending on where you plant the 'power curve' for DR. If it's in the 50+ level range, maybe. If it's in the 100+ level range, most of those players are going to be holding gear of such stat-quality that they just have it changed to look different.

>I'd argue the folks in Prime spending 30,000 platinum on a

You have to put it in context though. The context YOU used grinding was 'this enemy will drop this item if you kill it long enough'. The context of the quote is 'if you spend a lot of time probably doing what you need to level up anyway (hunting), you get a lot of money'. I differentiate it from typical grinding because the reward is constant and fixed (loot) which you then use to buy items a GM puts into the game (fest, auction, etc.), I'd also go so far as to say I wouldn't consider the single-in-existence items really 'grinding to get' because part of grinding is that you can get one if you spend long enough. There's no real way to get another copy of the 2013 HE katana (or whatever). That was why I was drawing a difference between standard grinding, and DR grinding.

>Perhaps once enchanting is out and stable I can come up with something better. I just cannot devote myself to it right now,

Honestly, I hadn't ever considered you doing that. It's a waste of your developer time. The discussion was really centered around players, so none of my comments were 'oh man Kodius sucks and I hate him and the GMs have a crap system'. If it helps, the way my browser tab is set up I don't actually see the poster name most of the time, so didn't realize I was replying to you. Heh.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 05:55 PM CDT
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>because part of grinding is that you can get one if you spend long enough.

Bit of a gambler's fallacy there, no? Though loot systems have evolved quite a bit...

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 06:16 PM CDT
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My player character prefers style over functionality.

If a weapon looks cool but has lower stats, I would use the cooler weapon hands down first.

It's not always about min/maxing everything, a few points in damage don't really make a difference.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 06:44 PM CDT
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<<I was not talking to you. Go away.

Why quote my post and respond directly to it then? Wanker.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 06:51 PM CDT
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Oh my thirteen year old eyes!

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 08:59 PM CDT
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>Bit of a gambler's fallacy there, no? Though loot systems have evolved quite a bit...

Not...really? I mean, the monster drops the loot. Most games (setting aside pay to win or korean grind-fest style mmos) use loot drop rates that say you're going to get the item in 1-10 runs of the instance. Even if it's an open world drop, games are designed to drop rare loot relatively quickly (in the span of an hour) because most games are not designed to reward mindless and stupid grinding anymore.

The exception is FF14 reborn, a game specifically designed in every aspect around 'go out and whack 5000 moles to get to level 2'.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 09:05 PM CDT
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>>A deliberate overstatement not to be taken literally.

I didn't assume that your example was hyperbole in the "anything more than one is clearly hyperbole" sense. Even if you said "A million bazillion" that wouldn't make Kodius' response a misunderstanding of hyperbole, because he was clarifying that anything more than one is rather difficult/never done, while your hyperbole was just "an excessive number of scripts"

>>No reallistic person who cares about tiering is going to go 'oh look, it's a tier 2 weapons with +5 crap scripts on it! I totally need to pay as much for it as I would for a tier 7 weapon!'.

I'm pretty sure I recall people in threads long gone asking why their katana also doesn't have gore mechs/cambrinth/whatever like Bob's katana does, so I guess even then people care to some point about those extra bonuses that go beyond just killing power.

>>No one, really, is even going to treat a tier 5 weapon with a light script as anything other than a tier 5 weapon that does something novel. It's not a tier 6 or 7 weapon for anyone but the GMs.

I think the people who care about stats and just stats are a very specific groups of players. Other players might like those little extras. Some people in DR do still just like fluff stuff.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 10:02 PM CDT
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I hope this thread dies a horrible death.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/23/2014 10:33 PM CDT
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All of you are wankers, and I wish all of your wankers to die.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/26/2014 04:21 AM CDT
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>I hope this thread dies a horrible death.

Agreed. But only after someone swings a Crossing broadsword with the Tar-and-Feather enchant at it.

And yes. I would totally put out my "hard earned" imaginary DR coin for an imaginary DR weapon that would make the RL me giggle at the screen every time I tar-n-feathered a critter.

Going to side with Kodius on this one; everyone finds value in different things. I'd be more than happy to have to swing half a dozen more times at something if it died in a fine mist of blood and tar with a cloud of feathers floating to the ground. That would be so fun, and dare I say, legendary!

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/26/2014 04:46 AM CDT
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... I am so glad I missed this thread.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/27/2014 12:37 PM CDT
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I have a Dwarven warsword from when DR opened. I'm not sure how many there are but it's quite rare. I'd love for its template to be updated similar to the Dwarven tunneler's axe, which I own too, because right now it's even less useful than a broadsword found off a level 2 critter. Thoughts?

Rhadyn da Dwarb
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 08/27/2014 12:51 PM CDT
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Hope Forgebinding returns to HE soon.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 10/11/2014 08:38 PM CDT
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I'd rather have something look cool, than have awesome stats. Appearance is everything.

I want too look hot and textually sexy when I curb stomp you with a dull crossing broadsword; I will grin ear to ear as your twitching hand goes limp, letting your pretty little mirror blade slide to the ground with a gentle clang.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 10/11/2014 09:30 PM CDT
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Which is nice. But not everyone has the time, or ability, to script as much or as well as you.

And the weapons overcome a lot of skill/stat disparity.

But I don't PvP. In any game. I find it tiresome at best. So my interest is more on efficiency of training and such. Faster kills means faster locks means I can do something not-combat sooner.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 10/11/2014 09:44 PM CDT
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Hey I saw you in Randals the other day, we were getting our armor repaired, I gave your Tog a head nod, just to say whats up.... (I think it was your tog)

Anyway, Yes I was being somehwat facetious, but the main point I was trying to make, script no script, abilities or not, one of the things I love about DR is its not really that GEAR driven. I've done tons of damage with my noob warz character who is in all store bought gear wrecking people geared twink style via alts up ten even twenty circles higher than it. I've seen a few of my noob warz compadres do the same as well.

So end of the day I'd still rather look cool, even if you wipe me dead, I'm gonna look sexy.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 10/11/2014 09:51 PM CDT
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>So end of the day I'd still rather look cool, even if you wipe me dead, I'm gonna look sexy.

Eh, that's personal preference, and it's nice that DR supports it. I'm a numbers person, but I'm also not particularly creative or artistic. I'd rather clean aesthetics than superfluous description.

>Hey I saw you in Randals the other day, we were getting our armor repaired, I gave your Tog a head nod, just to say whats up.... (I think it was your tog)

Honestly there's no telling. I've been strolling through the noobs lately trying to find a new guild to interest me.
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 10/12/2014 01:04 AM CDT
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Go tog barb and own the future present. What is bleak now will be...

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
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Re: Senci Maul and Shards on 03/02/2015 12:49 PM CST
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"I could enable the fatigue/RT penalty for high density weapons. But it goes back to the - I haven't spent 6 months testing it yet to make sure that all 300 weapon types behave properly under the new calculations.

Would players find that more acceptable? Keep the weapons as they are, and turn on >7.5 density weapon crafting with the appropriate penalties?"

Saw that in an earlier post. Does that mean the higher density will come into play for weapon crafting soon? What's the negatives of turning on >7.5 density weapon crafting with the appropriate penalties?
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