Lost skills on 04/23/2015 07:47 PM CDT
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I understand the reasoning behind losing ranks in skills we shouldn't have,, but is there a chance we can get exp bonus for those skills? I lost 150 tdps and I can imagine some lost a lot more.
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Re: Lost skills on 05/02/2015 03:37 PM CDT
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we have been told that because we aren't suppose to learn these skills in game "NOW" that without a DeLorean we aren't allowed to keep anything from 15 years ago when we could train those skills in game.

just an empty skill and a pat on the back that you used to have 300 ranks in a skill you could train in the past.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: Lost skills on 05/02/2015 06:00 PM CDT
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>we have been told that because we aren't suppose to learn these skills in game "NOW" that without a DeLorean we aren't allowed to keep anything from 15 years ago when we could train those skills in game.

That's not remotely what you were told. And stop invoking 'we', the silent majority argument is bad.
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Re: Lost skills on 05/03/2015 02:01 AM CDT
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actually that was exactly what Reash said almost word for word.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: Lost skills on 05/03/2015 02:08 AM CDT
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>>actually that was exactly what Reash said almost word for word.

It is neither exactly what I said nor "almost" word for word what I said.

This is also utterly the wrong place to have this discussion. How did we end up here? This is a folder is for Lore skills.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Lost skills on 05/03/2015 02:15 AM CDT
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no Idea just filling in blanks If I could find the post I would have copied what I was told but alas these forums aren't user friendly.

but you said that the skills were never intended to be learned and they (the skills) were only around for "three" years which isn't true either some of us learned our TM ranks back long years ago so that statement is untrue also...but 15 years or three years if someone took the time to learn them they should have been added to a bonus pool.

I'm done with this dead horse.

only thing I want now is society buildings in all the cities that Forges are in that should have happened as the crafts were released

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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