ERROR with Basic Life focus. I think. on 04/24/2020 02:28 AM CDT
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Ok this one is also kind of odd. Here is the book reading for the basic life ritual focus:

-= Chapter 3, Page 4: Instructions for basic life ritual focus =-

Basic life ritual focus is a crafting enhancement in the Enchanting society under the Artificing crafting discipline. Application of this enhancement will result in a finished good that is a simple piece to make. Knowledge of the Ritual Foci Creation technique will be beneficial to the crafter.

This item is listed as a "ritual foci", and is applied using a magical brazier, an imbue spell or rod and a burin. A crafter may also find it helpful to have a mana fount, an augmenting loop and sigil scrolls or a book of sigils on hand.

A list of ingredients is provided:

(1) A finished stone, bone or wood bead, totem, figurine, wand or rod.
(1) mana fount
(1) primary sigil (induction)
(1) primary sigil (any)

Notes indicate the selectable sigil in this enchantment will determine the book for which rituals this Focus will influence.

OK notice the NOTES here at the bottom. SO the two Life magic folks are EMPATH and RANGER. There are also only 5 primary sigils. This calls for the second sigil to be a primary sigil. So the book for empaths shows the following books: HEALING, BODY PURIFICATION, MENTAL PREPARATION, PROTECTION, LIFE FORCE MANIPULATION. Note that's 5 books and there are 5 primary sigils. The Ranger book shows the following books: NATURE MANIPULATION, ANIMAL ABILITIES, WILDERNESS SURVIVAL. That's 3 primary sigils. So far as a ranger the only books I am able to create a BASIC LIFE RITUAL FOCUS for are for the empathy books. That means no one can produce a BASIC LIFE RITUAL FOCUS for the ranger books unless we are supposed to use some secondary sigils. I was able to as a ranger create a MENTAL PREPARATION (Permutation sigil). Need to test it more but I don't appear to be able to create the ranger books for the life focus. Could be three of the sigils works for both books since rangers only cover 3 but right now it don't look like it. I have come to the conclusion though that to really test this I probably need to do all 5 sigils 2 or 3 times to see what else might pop up. Suspect now that other ritual focuses may have a similar problem.

Ranger Pfanston and His Soggy pup.
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Re: ERROR with Basic Life focus. I think. on 04/24/2020 02:51 AM CDT
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Further checks show empaths have 3 ritual spells one in each of 3 books. Rangers have one in one book. I have gotten nothing but empath ones for 3 sigils. Guess I got to try the last two just to see if one shows up with the ranger book. God only knows what is going to happen on the fifth one. I think I will do this in test in case it deletes the realms.

Ranger Pfanston and his soggy pup.
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Re: ERROR with Basic Life focus. I think. on 04/27/2020 12:18 AM CDT
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Ok so everyone knows and does not have to test everything as well for the Basic Life Focus:

Induction (1st sigil)
Permutation (2nd Sigil)
Empath Mental Preparation focus

Induction (1st sigil)
Abolition (2nd Sigil)
Empath Protection focus

Induction (1st sigil)
Rarefaction (2nd Sigil)
Empath Protection focus

Induction (1st sigil)
Induction (2nd sigil)
EMpath Body Purification focus

Induction (1st sigil)
Congruence (2nd sigil)
Ranger Wilderness Survival focus

And yes I got all Empath ones on the first 4 I tried. Kept waiting for some OH NO YOU DIDN'T DO THAT! YOU JUST DELETED DRAGON REALMS YOU IDIOT! on the fifth one. So if they create more ritual spells they will have one set to play with.

Ranger Pfanston and His soggy Pup.
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