Enchanting Issues with Foci workorders on 02/06/2021 11:39 AM CST
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Work orders calling for accurate, efficient, lethal, and destructive foci will not accept the products made.

for example:

You open your logbook and sort through its contents.
This logbook is tracking a work order requiring you to craft a destructive focus from any material. You must bundle and deliver 2 more within the next 84 roisaen.

end of enchanting process:

You pick up the rod lying at your feet.
>get stamp
You get a basic haralun stamp from inside your canvas sack.
>mark rod with stamp
You lazily wave the stamp over the freshly enchanted rod. The imbue spell's expiring magic latches onto the engraved image and permanently imprint it within the sigil lines.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
R>put stamp in sack
You put your stamp in your canvas sack.
>focus rod
You take the rod in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Targeted Magic Focus enchantment. You sense an imprint upon the enchantment in the form of the initials "R. D.". You recognize this enchantment work as your own.

The enchantment has excellent potency and is quite precise. You sense it was enchanted using a yellow heavy fount with a rough surface making it minor grade with enhanced activation. You perceive marginally thin and perfectly clear lines empowering the enchantment. This enchantment was tuned to provide a reduced activation time and a large damage increase to targeted spells.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
R>get ench logb
You get an enchanting work order logbook from inside your leather pack.
>bund my rod with logb
Only undamaged enchanted items may be used with workorders.

>ana rod
You analyze every minute detail of the rod and smile knowingly to yourself.
This appears to be a type of shaped wands and rods that is masterfully-crafted.
The rod is a challenging piece to make.
It was made by someone with abilities close to your own skill.
About 3 pieces of lumber were used in this item's construction.
You recognize this work as your own.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

>appr rod
You are certain that the rod weighs exactly 13 stones.
You are certain that the rod is worth exactly 2597 Dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

So newly made, no issue, masterly crafted, excellent potency and wont bundle with the workorder.


Well, see, there's the linchpin of why everything you're saying is wrong. There's the fulcrum. There's the centerpiece. There's the turkey on the Thanksgiving table.
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