Requests for the new taskforce on 02/26/2020 11:22 PM CST
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Discipline Specific:

1. Please turn on the last two sigil harvesting feats for enchanting. It's ridiculously difficult to find the good enough sigils required to even use the rare materials we've already paid real money to find or buy through MTX events. OR greatly increase the starting point for sigils. Make quality and precision both start around 55 (+/- 10), and let the person farming them decide which they need. The sigil itself shouldn't be the rare material. The base already is, and usage is very limited anyway.

2. Make an item to combine multiple alchemy reagents into a single-dose, lighter item. Something easy to sell and port.

3. Make an item that converts enchanted goods into the enchantment. Rather than a "balsa rod" I can make my magical item turn it into a "cambrinth retuner". OR just allow traders of sufficient skill to attach labels to anything. Maybe it would even give trading or circle a purpose.

4. Create an item that allows you reform stones. Make it a part of enchanting, or artistry, tinkering... whatever. Just glue the stones back together, maybe at reduced quality.

5. Create an item that lets you convert cloth to thread.

6. Make low-quality versions of all sigils available for purchase, even if just in the crossing guild hall.

Craft General:

1. Make it so wearing a noun on a toolbelt will act as if you're holding that noun. IE: wear toolbelt with hammer + shovel + bellows... Type pound ingot with hammer, and it uses the hammer on the toolbelt as if the hammer was in your hand. Best case scenario, I'd have 5 toolbelts I could swap out to manage all of my crafts.

2. Give toolbelts to a toolclerk to hold, and maybe even repair all items on the toolbelt. Even a way to interact with those items for self-repair would be nice, so we didn't have get the item and then put the item back when done.

3. Increase WO returns for enchanting and alchemy. If you buy your materials, it barely covers the cost. While you're at it, can you increase trading experience for turning in WOs, and let WOs potentially give you something from the treasure system?

4. Decrease base RTs on all crafts by 50%, even if it's just tied to lore placement or sub level. (ie: 10%/35%/50%)

5. Add all consumable items used in all crafts to the game as craftable items. Oils, brushes, polishes, everything.

Other lore skills:

1. Re-enable teaching any skill in combat for a lore prime. Maybe just give it back to bards to give them their old perk back. (This one doesn't even benefit me, but homogenization has gone too far).

2. Turn off the CDs (or greatly reduce - ie: 30s each) for appraise, recall, and

3. Give lore guilds a perk to analyze. Maybe a chance to reduce the steps by 1 based on skillset placement. A lore prime could get a 1 move analyze "combo". Maybe let them choose the debuff.

4. Give lore prime/secondary guilds a perk to fighting a mob over and over. Capture the last 10 attacks or defensive checks. if the player name or mob name is the same, then they get a small IF/DF bonus respectively, perhaps gated by charisma. Maybe just tie it to recall or analyze. The idea is a lore guild is good at studying, so why wouldn't they be able to learn from an opponent?

5. Create a waiting list for the crossing shops. High-circle traders can join it, maybe at a cost. If an opening shows up then their shop is moved to that location, all stock included. They don't have to close down a shop and then run back hoping to find a spot.
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Re: Requests for the new taskforce on 02/27/2020 11:23 AM CST
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A storebought heavy rope for climbing aid and B&E entry weighs 3 stones. Bundling rope from Falken's Tannery weighs 5 stones. When you braid a bundling rope from grass it weighs 6 stones. When you braid a heavy rope from vines it weighs around 95! stones. I'd like to see braided heavy ropes weigh a lot less and something comparable to storebought.
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Re: Requests for the new taskforce on 02/27/2020 06:21 PM CST
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For the love of Kertigen please fix the perceive sigil ACTION bug when sigil harvesting. I'd also like to see the last two sigil harvesting techs turned on.
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