I know the list of work associated with the Crafting system is probably longer than my imagining most likely, however, is there any sort of timeline we can have for the completion of the cloth material handling systems?
Disassembling - My own suggestion here is just a "seam ripper" type item. Use it like throwing an item in the crucible, takes it back to its base cloth type. Fine titanese hauberk becomes some fine titanese cloth. Weight it the same as other crafts, % loss with + or - based on technique and skills vs difficulty and tool quality.
Reclamation - Create a new item, call it an "unraveler" or a "counter twister" idk. I'm drawing a blank on the name. But something that can take the fine/thin/average/thick/heavy and turn it into fibers for us. Weight it the same as other reclamation systems.
Gathering - Probably the biggest part of it all because updating sources to now provide. I can totally understand this one being at the back of the class for the moment, it's big. However, the other two points would definitely allow us to not worry about this facet for awhile since we'd be able to obtain the cloth through other people's mistakes.
Just curious since, currently, any raw cloth is locked behind either an in-game currency paywall or a quest/fest ticket.