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Cleaning *FOREVER* on 06/05/2019 01:46 PM CDT
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Any chance we can set a lower bound on how many times it takes to clean an instrument?

I have now been cleaning my zills for about 30 minutes.

R> clean zill with rag
You hold your rag in one hand and scrub harshly at your copper zills, but only manage to remove a small amount of the grime from it. The instrument's sheer complexity requires you to work slower than you might normally.
[Roundtime: 17 seconds.]

Perform: 2 01% (7/34) +1.01

Which also means I'm only netting ABOUT a mindstate per 3 minutes.

Every so often I am checking:

R> play scale halt on zill
Your zills's dirtiness may affect your performance.
You struggle to begin a halting ruff on your copper zills.
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Re: Cleaning *FOREVER* on 06/05/2019 04:37 PM CDT
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I'm pretty sure this is one of those things that was considered a Bard only thing at some point like with repairing instruments, and non-Bards were expected to find a friendly bard to clean/repair it if it got really dirty/damaged. As soon as you join the Bard guild you can perfectly clean all but the most difficult instruments in one try, unless extremely dirty in which case it takes 2-3 cleans at most with low skill.

I definitely support having it be more forgiving for non-Bards, since the game's current population doesn't support the idea of finding a bard to clean your instrument every time you need it, but with the caveat that I also want to make sure that any new scaling doesn't make Bards worse at it than now. Possibly repair too, but I can see that scaling a lot higher or at least require a relevant crafting skill if instruments ever make it to a crafting skill.
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Re: Cleaning *FOREVER* on 06/05/2019 09:22 PM CDT
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Once you break like...15 ranks in performance you can clean zills pretty effectively. I agree it's a pain in the butt when you're first starting out but with REXP if you buy zills on your newbie and lock performance up at 34/34 by the time it drains out completely you'll be at like 12 ranks from that alone. A bit more playing and you'll be over 15 and shouldn't have troubles.
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Re: Cleaning *FOREVER* on 06/06/2019 06:48 PM CDT
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I suspect cleaning is based on Mech Lore, so you might try bringing that up as well. Either way, Performance or Mech, it should not take too many ranks before you can clean it perfectly and quickly.

In the mean time, I suggest getting someone else to clean it or simply living with playing it while dirty. When you're cleaning for 30 minutes it basically means you'll never finish.

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
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