Anatomy charts timer? on 04/05/2010 10:22 AM CDT
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Is the timer per individual chart or just type of chart?

For example, if I have a compendium with two Lach charts, will they operate on independent timers allowing me to learn off both at the same time, or do they share the same timer?


* Prophet Hotoke Fuku-Nyorai snuck out of the shadow he was hiding in.
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Re: Anatomy charts timer? on 04/05/2010 10:33 AM CDT
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It's per type of chart. So no benefit to multiple Lach charts.

And the timer is 20 minutes, I believe.
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Re: Anatomy charts timer? on 04/05/2010 10:35 AM CDT
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Only if you're able to complete the chart.

I've gotten into a routine when I'm working Astrology where I'll observe something stellar, predict, study 5 charts, wait a bit, and repeat. Besides the silver leucro which I learn on the first study, all of the others I'm always "beginning", so I'm always getting FA and scholarship.

I'd guess I have 60-80s of downtime between starting the second set of five charts.

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