Testing bolt making on 04/18/2016 05:53 PM CDT
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Popped back into test to play around with bolt making, the messaging is still not reflecting what the next step should be. In particular, it never messages that you need tinker's tools, you have to analyze to see that info.


You get some wood glue from inside your duffel bag.
You apply some glue to your bolts and affix each bolthead in place.

A handful of rough edges require carving with a knife to remove.
Roundtime: 14 sec.
Talia boasts, "Feel free to ask me about engineering, or the tinkering, shaping, or carving crafting techniques I can teach you."
You put your glue in your duffel bag.
You get a silversteel carving knife with a tempered blade from inside your duffel bag.
That tool does not seem suitable for that task.
You put your knife in your duffel bag.
You deeply analyze the jagged-horn bolts and pore over its construction.
When crafting is complete these will be a type of animal part bolts.
Several adjustments must be made to the bolt using a set of tinker's tools.
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