Bonus and Order meetings on 05/04/2003 07:43 PM CDT
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Not sure who I'm posting to anymore, but Naiph was always the one before. I'm finding it quite hampering in recruitment after the first meeting that bonuses for rangers are lost because we must meet in the Council Chamber of town hall. Well, I guess we don't have to meet there, but I understand it was suggested. If Orders are an official part of the game, then should some be punished for being part of an Order? Perhaps, the Council Chamber could be made neutral like the Ampitheatre during meetings. I just hate to inhibit folks from joining an Order or attending a meeting because they lose their bonus. If necessary, I can site two examples so far.

Sylvantro, Council Member of the Apostles
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Re: Bonus and Order meetings on 05/04/2003 10:13 PM CDT
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Mayhaps crossposting in the Zoluren World Building section of boards (cant recall top of my head where that is though)

~Callek, Treasurer of the Order of the Apostles

Care to learn more about the Apostles, interested in joining, or simply want to find a way to contact me?
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Re: Bonus and Order meetings on 05/05/2003 12:04 PM CDT
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We've experienced the same problems with Ranger members of our Order. We have started having meetings in homes outside of the city limits, which has seemed to work out great for the time being.

Commander of the ODS
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