Ladies and gentlemen I am happy to break the long stretch of silence here with some good news.
Effective immediately GM Ariawen, the Queen of Hosts, Empress of board monitors and our very own wonder from down under, is taking the reins on the behemoth that is Orders.
GM Olarra is doing well, her current RL situation is not affording her the time or opportunity to do all the things in DR that she'd like.
Ariawen and I have been in communication over the last few weeks and she's been busily pouring over several years worth of old documents and posts trying to assimilate all the information and leftover plans that are out there.
She's an excellent GM and requested this position due to her own personal interest in the system. I look forward to working with her, she has alot of enthusiasm for this project and I encourage all of you to welcome her and communicate with her freely.
Within the next few days she will be added to the address, so please continue to use that as your primary channel of communication with her or myself.
(And if any of you are doing the math she's 16 hours ahead of EST.)
So without further ado, welcome Ariawen!
SGM Auriane