Order Titles on 12/04/2007 02:56 PM CST
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Thanks to the hard work of our Titles Guru, Orders now can choose titles using standard title mechanics. Look under the Order Category to see what you qualify for.

Use with wild abandon and be proud to be a member of an Order.

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New Order Titles on 06/25/2008 07:05 PM CDT
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I am pleased to announce that the Order titles have been expanded. These should be available very shortly (think an hour or so). The Iron Circle didn't quite make it on time, so they will be added in the next round. Please take a look and see if there are any issues.

Please thank GM Obseden and Solomon for their hard work in helping to get these off the ground.

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Order Titles - The Iron Circle on 09/13/2008 07:06 PM CDT
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Our beloved Titles GM has added titles for the Iron Circle. They should be available within the hour. Members of the Iron Circle enjoy!

If there are any issues or concerns regarding these titles, please note them here on the boards.

Kind regards
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