In lieu of having the web page fixed (and there is no eta yet) please let me say it here.
Our current Orders system cannot bear the burden of new Orders. Therefore, until we get an Orders re-write (and that is under control) we cannot have new officially sanctioned Orders.
Please do not get all excited about my mentioning the re-write because while there is some progress it is no where near ready for QC, let alone release and given the workloads and scope it will be a long time yet.
As far as new Orders, please do not be discouraged by the lack of official sanctioning. Please do form up, get yourselves organised and function as though you are official. While we cannot give GM assistance, it should not stop you from organising events or functioning as a group.
Get with the other Orders who are official and see if you can co-ordinate things to give yourselves some air time. I know the Tavern Troupe does this on occasion to great effect.