Calling all Speakers and Vice Speakers! on 11/19/2009 01:58 PM CST
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I will be hosting a meeting with all Speakers and Vice Speakers on Friday, December 4th at 8PM EST. I'd like to share with you all some of my plans, and allow you all a chance to share your experiences about what is working and what could use work, as well as share any concerns and ask any questions you may have.

Attendance at this meeting is MANDATORY if you wish to continue to have GM Support for your Order. In the event that both the Speaker and Vice Speaker cannot attend the meeting, you may send a Council Member in your place (email me with the name of the person you'll be sending). Make sure it's someone you trust to vote in your best interests!

I will provide transportation to and from the meeting, which will take place in my office.

See you there!

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