I was talking to Azante today, and we both agreed that we believe it would be in the best interest for all the orders to have a little Order Pow-wow where we all get together and get to know one another. Lately it seems we are working too separately from each other, and I believe that is something that needs to change. We are becoming too internalized and such. We should all be working hand in hand to help each other out and help the order system grow.
So let's pick a date, and throw ourselves a party! Let's get to know each other and re-establish each other what each order is all about and how we can help each other.
I'd also like to see some co-sponsored events by us start to pop up. There is no reason 2, 3, or even all the Orders can't host an event together to bring a little sunshine to the realms!
An Order meet and greet. on 02/03/2017 10:08 PM CST
Re: An Order meet and greet. on 02/03/2017 10:26 PM CST
To go along with this I've created a discord channel for everyone to join and chat with each other in.
https://discord.gg/PSbMvMm is the link to join the server. Once you join just state which order you are with. If you are council member or officer of your order let me know that information as well, and once verified I will set you up with your roles and Permissions.
Re: An Order meet and greet. on 02/04/2017 06:36 PM CST
As a member and councilwoman of an Order myself, I have the following to say:
I do like the idea of us getting together and knowing who is part of what and more about another Order so that I may point players to something that would fit them more.
What I am against, however, is people hard defining what each order does. For example, I heard a rumor this past week that BF was in charge of triage. This is not the case. Each Order/Player Run Organization is already defined by the charters that were approved by the GMs. So what you would like to see an Order is supposed to do, you simply have to look there.
Re: An Order meet and greet. on 02/04/2017 07:46 PM CST
I want to say first that I am an avid supporter of all things that bring us together as Orders. When Elpalzi started attacking again in mass numbers awhile back, the Orders created a War council and we met together to discuss. I believe it was Tyrrum who lead that meeting? Twice, since I've been in leadership, we've done the World Joust which the Orders came together on. Each and every time we've come together, it'd been splendid and we've worked well. Recently the leadership has also been coordinating events doing our best to not overlap each others' events. I really feel we're becoming a united front and while folks may not know it from where they're sitting, we do work together and are exploring new ways to unite.
If folks have ideas for events they'd like to see, bring it on I say. The World Joust is coming up and we plan to end it with a party some time after the Championship. Looking forward to it.
Guard Commander Kristalline Kreine
If folks have ideas for events they'd like to see, bring it on I say. The World Joust is coming up and we plan to end it with a party some time after the Championship. Looking forward to it.
Guard Commander Kristalline Kreine
Re: An Order meet and greet. on 02/04/2017 08:16 PM CST
To piggy back on what others have said, and to clarify Starr and my (Azante) conversation (or at least my end of it), I think more cooperation between the orders is great, and I know many of the officers have been working toward that with the joust and other events. As a council member that tries to do an event or two a month, too many joint events would be tiring and distract from each order's individual flavor, but I'd love a good mixer now and then. There seemed some miscommunication about orders specializing in roles (like triage) which certainly shouldn't be the case, as I understand it, as there is plenty of work and interest in different things for everyone.