Necros in official orders? on 03/10/2018 06:25 PM CST
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Its been a very long time since Ive read the official word on the orders but are necros allowed in the official orders?

I'd prefer an official response if possible as I am questioning a name that has appeared in relation to one of the orders. I do not want to reveal the order or the name on here for sake of meta gaming.

Thank you
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/10/2018 06:43 PM CST
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If you're trying not to meta-game, shouldnt you be inquiring in-game and in-character about the potential infraction rather than searching for OOC answers?
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/10/2018 07:50 PM CST
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Because as I understood the official orders they are not allowed to accept necros, or that was what I last understood it to be. And thats also from persuing the charters posted on the various websites. I dont want folks metagaming the possible necro & again as I understand it I cant post the name on here anyways.

So, go raise heck elsewhere, I'll await GM confirmation on official orders as its OOC info anyways.
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/10/2018 07:52 PM CST
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And yeah, its not me whos metagaming, my character knows what he knows, & knows the necro is a necro.
As I said I'm looking for GM confirmation on what the officials orders are told.
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/11/2018 03:24 PM CDT
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As things currently stand, official Orders are sanctioned by provincial governments, and while some of those governments are less openly irate about necromancy, none of them are okay enough with it to allow necromancers into an Order.

Hopefully that helps!

Doing stuff
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/11/2018 07:16 PM CDT
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After a nap, I wanted to add that you might find it a good idea to do a little research even on something you're pretty sure you know when it comes to accusing someone of necromancy.

We have a lot of characters with similar names.

You, as players, have a few ways of determining guild for some folks. (Example, Empaths perceiving health will notice if someone else is an Empath - Moon mages can detect certain traces of certain things if they look at stuff a certain way, etc. Or you could flat out ask someone and see if they'll perform a feat only their supposed guild can do?)

The outright accusation might lead to interesting roleplay, for sure - but if you're wrong, it could also leave you feeling less comfortable when interacting with folks in the future.

That's my addendum after my brain had some rest, anyway. :)

Doing stuff
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/12/2018 03:10 AM CDT
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There's some extensive guidelines listed on Elanthipedia regarding officially sanctioned Orders, and the Necromancer issue is addressed there too.
If anyone has questions, and you're not comfortable posting on the boards, you're welcomed to send them our way at

=ASGM Jhustis=
Orders Lead

=Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.=
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/12/2018 07:18 AM CDT
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I'm a little confused about what's happening in this thread. =(

The deal with Necromancers in Orders is basically the following (I'm on the Council for Order of the Black Fox. This is my understanding of the rules and not a copy paste from any official communication or anything):

An Official order is sanctioned by a provincial government, and keeping a known Necromancer on the order's role as a member can get it in trouble with the provincial authority and the Administrator of Orders. In general, should a member be outed as a Necromancer, the Order would be expected to expel them.

All the consequences are IC so there are many ways for this kind of situation to play out. You should probably do whatever your character would do with the information he has.

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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/12/2018 09:15 AM CDT
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>>An Official order is sanctioned by a provincial government, and keeping a known Necromancer on the order's role as a member can get it in trouble with the provincial authority and the Administrator of Orders. In general, should a member be outed as a Necromancer, the Order would be expected to expel them.

I think the key word here is KNOWN though... and metagaming to out someone's necro would be pretty frowned upon. Not saying you are doing that/would do that, but I think the point needs to be clear and out there! I do think there are situations where players blur those IC/OOC knowledge lines and things get very dicey and unfun.

-GameMaster Signi
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Re: Necros in official orders? on 03/13/2018 12:51 AM CDT
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See, the metagaming is what concerns me. I've been spoken with on possible ways to handle this, since it was found out by a secondary character, I do not want my main to be dragged in but I'm thinking they will be. I'm hoping it does not.

Thank you Jhustis & Signi along with Iocanthe for the "official" feedback on this matter, I'm hoping the speaker reviews the info posted by Jhustis & decides the risk to the order is more than its worth by seeing these posts & realizing that someone out there knows whats going on with their order. Yeah, it might be a copout on my side but ehh, I can always hope (grin)

And yeah, this is why I refused to out the order or characters here. I had started out hoping a subtle nudge would work, but I've spent the day offline sick & thinking of ways to handle it.

Interesting ideas & ways to handle it have been passed to me, I'm hoping it will work out fine for all parties.
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