Looking to join... on 04/30/2013 06:53 PM CDT
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If anyone from the Order of the Black Fox is still active please contact me. I've been trying to contact members as posted on the Elanthipedia site, specifically the current speaker and have had no luck so far. I am interested in playing a part in reestablishing this order within elanthia.
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Re: Looking to join... on 05/02/2013 03:07 PM CDT
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Try tracking down Rumael in game, he's the leader of the order. Or try the Google group:

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Re: Looking to join... on 05/04/2013 05:06 PM CDT
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We will be having an event 5/18 if you can stop by for that. If you can't let me know and we can try to schedule something.

I'm usually in Haven tho I've rarely been around lately.

You can pester Oublie if you catch her around, also in Haven.

AKA Rumael

"Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is almost always somebody screwed up." - House
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