Dueling Blades Competition - December 18th, 6pm Eastern on 11/29/2011 01:43 PM CST
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The Theren Guard kicks off their new event: the Dueling Blades Night! Come test your mettle with sharp, pointy metal! Contestants will compete in melee duels with bladed weapons and armor of their choice. As this is a competition to test your blade-weapon accumen, no magic, buffs, stealth, or other abilities will be permitted. Gifts will be on hand for all, and prizes will be awarded to the top three competitors of the evening!

When: December 18th, 6pm Eastern
Location: [Amphitheatre, The Arena], Therenborough. (from the Theren Bank, go northeast, north, northeast, go amphitheatre)

- Communication Authority Felicini, Order of the Theren Guard
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