A Hunt for Justice on 05/23/2016 07:11 PM CDT
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Order of the White Rose: A Hunt for Justice
When: Mon, May 23, 9pm – 10pm
Where: [Misenseor Abbey, Refectory] south of Dirge. (map)
Description: Join the members of the White Rose and the Holy Inquisition in a joint effort to decide one woman's fate.

Directions: Misenseor Abbey is located on the Northern Trade Road between Kaerna Village and Dirge. From the North Roads Caravansary: southeast, southeast, southeast, southeast, south, southwest, southwest, southwest, southwest, south, south, south, southeast, southwest, south, south, southwest, southwest, southwest, go dense copse, east, southwest, southwest, east, east, go rope bridge, north, go granite stairway, go carved archway, east

Map of Misenseor Abbey: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/RanikMap12a

Genie Directions: Map12a_Misenseor_Abbey, #goto Refectory

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory: http://www.elanthia.org/TraderShops/

armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
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Re: A Hunt for Justice on 05/23/2016 11:44 PM CDT
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For those wondering: a guilty verdict was reached, and Jessalyne Anlorma was expelled from the Order of the White Rose as a result.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory: http://www.elanthia.org/TraderShops/

armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
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Re: A Hunt for Justice on 05/24/2016 01:50 AM CDT
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I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the rest of White Rose for agreeing to this plot arc. When I joined the Order we all acknowledged OOCly that it was a temporary thing and we would cross the bridge of outing when certain pieces of information came to light ICly and hopefully have some good times and good (read: in-character) drama along the way. I was elated to see the players behind White Rose not only 100% keep the nastiness around necromancy completely in-character but proceed with an eye toward giving everyone a chance to roleplay something meaningful and interesting, both within the group itself and within the broader community.

The event has provoked quite a lot of controversy got a lot of people talking in the past few weeks and doubtless the weeks to come, and I think that's awesome. That's what events are for. Events and groups should change our characters, change how we talk about them, change how we play them. When I saw just shy of 80 people show up tonight, damn near lagging everyone out of the game in the process, I knew we'd made the right choice even if it meant my PC getting hung out to dry.

This is an absolutely stellar group of roleplayers and I'm happy to have played with them, and will hopefully continue to do so for time to come, in other contexts and with other characters. I can't recommend them enough for anyone looking for a group of nurturing, mature roleplayers, who concern themselves foremost with telling good stories rather than some nebulous concept of "winning." This would have never been possible if they hadn't been willing to let their characters be wrong about something, and I hope it sets an example for the rest of the community going forward.

So... thank you again, to White Rose, and to our judge and witness volunteers, and everyone else who made this possible.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: A Hunt for Justice on 05/24/2016 03:03 AM CDT
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I was very impressed by this event. It had a lot of moving pieces which can be extremely hard to manage.


Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
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Re: A Hunt for Justice on 05/24/2016 09:25 AM CDT
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>>For those wondering: a guilty verdict was reached, and Jessalyne Anlorma was expelled from the Order of the White Rose as a result

Please note that the judges' verdict was NOT unanimous due to the fine defense the accused was given!

While there were a few bumpy spots, all in all it was a very fun event. Isharon is to be commended for moving things along as best she could and for making some hard, on-the-spot decisions.

So......when is the next one?


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Re: A Hunt for Justice on 05/26/2016 08:40 PM CDT
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I would have posted this earlier, but I was unable to load this board due to the "502 bad gateway errors."

Date: Hodandu, 5 Akroeg 420 (5/23/2016)

Announcement: Solemn-sounding voices pass just within earshot, and you catch part of their conversation. "There's no way it's true! I can't believe the White Rose would let a Necromancer in," says one. Another retorts, "We'll see shortly. They're trying her in the Refectory in Misenseor Abbey. The Inquisition insisted on holy ground." Finally, they move out of earshot. [Please join us for a joint White Rose and Inquisition event in Misenseor Abbey, beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern.]

[Misenseor Abbey, Refectory]
Years of accumulated dust rise slowly into the air, lending an unnatural quality to this neglected room. Spanning the length of the chamber, a large wooden table stained with age and worn smooth still remains mostly intact. Draped in a ghostly shroud of cobwebs, a chandelier hangs suspended over the center of the room, its light and warmth long ago extinguished. The conversations and meals once held in this place are themselves spirits of the past, buried with the dead, never to be replayed again.
You also see a highbacked chair.
Obvious exits: north, west.


Recently, the Order of the White Rose accepted Jessalyne Anlorma as a recruit. During her application and interview, she led the order to believe she was a Ranger. As the order does with all of its recruits, the order screened her for signs of necromantic taint. She passed her initial screenings and was inducted. Shortly after her induction, however, people began to come forward with accusations that Jessalyne is, in fact, a Necromancer. The Order of the White Rose convened a public hearing to settle the matter once and for all.

Inquisitor Whiteburn prosecuted the case. She presented four witnesses who claim to have seen Jessalyne using necromancy, though Ysaye allegedly recanted her story while on the stand. In addition to offering testimony, Grand Inquisitor Liurilias Grath'Vael used a magical artifact (which is capable of piercing necromantic illusions) and described "a mass of swirling darkness" surrounding Jessalyne's head, an indication that she was without divine favor.

Derhael Rudel served as defense counsel to Jessalyne and attempted to undermine the credibility of the prosecution witnesses. For example, he insinuated that Inquisitorial Initiate Klejotogars Skefdzirta couldn't tell the difference between a necromantic spell and a scary-looking mask. He also accused Whiteburn of securing Ysaye's testimony through threats and intimidation. Derhael also presented two defense witnesses who testified to the good character of Jessalyne and swore that they had never witnessed her using necromancy. One of the witnesses, Kheldas Anlorma (Jessalyne's consort), suggested that Grand Inquisitor Liurilias had become senile with age.

Jessalyne took the stand in her own defense and had the audacity to swear on the names of Chadatru and Damaris. Jessalyne testified about her altercation with Klejotogars and claimed to have used only a haralun axe, not necromancy, against him. She had little else of consequence to say. Whiteburn declined to cross-examine Jessalyne, saying, "I feel there is nothing to be gained by asking a Necromancer questions."

After all of the evidence and arguments were presented, the panel of five judges began deliberations. Although they were not able to reach a unanimous verdict, the majority found her guilty of necromancy.

The Order of the White Rose, which had previously agreed to expel Jessalyne if she was found guilty, immediately expelled Jessalyne after the verdict was read.

At that point, several Necromancers "rescued" Jessalyne from the Inquisition by murdering her so that she could depart to a safe place. Chaos then ensued, with many in attendance engaging in gratuitous combat.

The Order of the White Rose is reviewing ways to strengthen its screening process so that it is not deceived into accepting another Necromancer as a recruit.


prosecutor: Whiteburn
defendant: Jessalyne
defense counsel: Derhael
presiding officer: Isharon
judges: Ciroce, Gabellia, Leucius, Sebestyen, and Voyle
prosecution witnesses: Klejotogars, Liurilias, Maltris, and Ysaye
defense witnesses: Huineng and Kheldas


other Inquisition in attendance (5): Rileos, Dianelle, Kelneth, Ograth, and Rafano

other order members in attendance (26): Mystyrain, Kaelie, Haileyann, Tyrrum, Aislynn, Kristalline, Ephic, Niktika, Vaniotte, Vesago, Mazrian, Munchausen, Unzew, Kailiana, Kenamer, Rairken, Kerenelle, Briarly, Dayle, Theophilus, Marcul, Areko, Grenhart, Korutu, Permethrim, and Sturm

others in attendance (46): Annieka, Aulisil, Baerk, Bralinson, Buwan, Carias, Cayra, Colbi, Cote, Czidvar, Desian, Etherian, Galenus, Halzo, Jaelah, Jaressa, Jezundu, Kaedron, Khaelyn, Lasika, Lukrani, Maklor, Marssi, Miskton, Navesi, Nuvalli, Orphne, Perune, Pormithius, Rozze, Sakaya, Saragos, Shaidval, Sophrona, Sulic, Temmel, Utamael, Valkhan, Volohir, Yialen, Zaxor, Zenrya, Zevazi, Zhirrisk, Zook, and Zuckulore


[21:03] Isharon says, "Welcome, everyone. Please help yourselves to a gift and refreshments before we begin."

[21:03] Sulic flatly asks, "They got someting to drink?"

[21:03] Aislynn quietly asks Liurilias, "So, one would be more accurate in saying that the Divine are occasionally interested in the proceedings of mortal courts?"

[21:03] Ysaye says to Colbi, "If you're that offended by it, you aren't being forced to stay."

[21:03] Munchausen says, "If it does, people will have asked why it wasn't put to flame sooner."

[21:03] Klejotogars says to Dayle something in Rakash.

[21:03] Unzew says to Colbi, "Maybe they want us to slit our wrists and bleed everywhere."

[21:03] Klejotogars says to Dayle, "When someone is wanted the term is apprehended not 'kidnapped'."

[21:03] Colbi says, "Its to stab my eyes out when this goes silly."

[21:03] Colbi says, "Clearly."

[21:04] Sebestyen says to Aislynn, "I would posit that they hardly care about our mortal court..they already know the truth of the matter."

[21:04] Liurilias says to Aislynn, "If it makes you feel better to phrase it that way, sure."

[21:04] Colbi says, "Thats a good idea."

[21:04] Klejotogars says to Colbi, "The trial is likely to be lenghty I would think refreshments would be welcome."

[21:04] Dayle says to Klejotogars, "That was no lawful apprehension."

[21:04] Aislynn quietly says to Sebestyen, "Indeed. One assumes that they have already taken what actions they feel are appropriate."

[21:04] Rairken asks Colbi, "After all that you got one?"

[21:04] Colbi says, "Yes i foudna reason to grab one."

[21:05] Niktika says, "Must have not been too offensive to take part in."

[21:05] Sebestyen says to Aislynn, "As in, a minor matter that requires no direct action..it is left to us mere mortals, may Chadatru guide."

[21:05] Colbi says, "Tis to gouge my eyes out later."

[21:05] Klejotogars asks Dayle, "What do you say it wasn't lawful?"

[21:05] Sulic flatly says, "I gotta lil something but its' all I gots."

[21:05] Aislynn quietly says to Sebestyen, "Chadatru guide, indeed."

[21:06] Isharon says, "Now that we have all settled in, let us get down to business. First, Speaker Mystyrain would like to introduce a special guest."

[21:07] Mystyrain sweetly says, "First I would like to thank you all for coming. Hopefully we can get through this peacefully. To help with that Valkhan, our Administrator of Orders, is here with us tonight."

[21:07] Isharon says, "The trial will be held in the Refectory to the east."

[21:07] Halzo asks, "Thought necros were not allowed?"

[21:08] Sulic flatly asks, "Who's a necro?"

[21:08] You hear a voice say, "That un."

[21:08] Isharon respectfully says, "We request that you refrain from speaking out during these proceedings, as we want to conclude within a reasonable amount of time and with minimal distraction."

[21:08] You hear a voice exclaim, "I was helpin!"

[21:08] Isharon respectfully says, "As attendance is very high, we also request that you put away your pets and remove or disable any flashy or noisy items you may be wearing."

[21:10] Leucius says, "Oh good. I might be able to focus now."

[21:10] Kaelie asks Marcul, "Did you want to join Mazrian and myself?"

[21:10] Sulic flatly says, "Heya Soph."

[21:10] Isharon asks, "Are we all done fidgeting?"

[21:10] Perune says, "I'm going to guess no."

[21:12] Isharon says, "I am Isharon Anloraes, Treasurer of the Order of the White Rose. Recently, the Order of the White Rose accepted a recruit. During her application and interview, she led us to believe she was a Ranger. As we do with all of our recruits, we screened her for signs of necromantic taint. She passed her initial screenings and was inducted."

[21:13] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "Bring forth the accused, that she may present herself to the public."

[21:14] Korutu says, "Kinda looks tortured to me."

[21:15] Aislynn quietly says, "Disgusting."

[21:15] Sulic quietly says, "Yea it's the bleedn gives it away."

[21:15] Kheldas weakly says, "Oh gods..."

[21:15] Isharon asks, "Jessalyne, you have been accused of necromancy. How do you plead?"

[21:16] Jessalyne weakly says, "Not... not guilty."

[21:16] Isharon says, "Very well. I will preside over the case, procedurally. (I am not among the panel of five who will render judgment.)."

[21:16] Isharon says, "Prosecuting the case against Jessalyne is Inquisitor Whiteburn. Representing the accused is the order's own Derhael Rudel. They will begin these proceedings with their opening statements."

[21:17] Isharon says, "After the opening statements, Inquisitor Whiteburn will present the case against Jessalyne by calling witnesses who claim to have firsthand knowledge of Jessalyne's being a Necromancer. The accused will be permitted to question each of the witnesses for the prosecution."

[21:17] Isharon says, "Following the prosecution's case in chief, Derhael will defend the accused by calling witnesses to testify on behalf of Jessalyne. The prosecution will be permitted to question each of the witnesses for the accused."

[21:17] Isharon says, "After all of the witnesses have been questioned, the prosecution and defense will conclude with their closing arguments. The five judges will then convene to determine by a simple majority of at least 3-2 whether Jessalyne is, in fact, a Necromancer."

[21:18] Isharon says, "OK, we do not need 20 enchantes during the trial."

[21:18] Unzew says, "We don't need the trial."

[21:19] Isharon says to Unzew, "Leave if you are not interested."

[21:19] Unzew says, "On the sixth month of Arhat the Fire Lion on the twenty eigth day of this year, I witnessed Jessalyne prepare and cast Blood Burst upon myself. She is a practitioner of necromantic magic plain and simple. This proceeding is a sham and a cover up of a mistake by the Order of the White Rose allowing her into their ranks."

[21:19] Munchausen says, "Get on with it."

[21:19] Zevazi says to Rozze, "Guess that was a witness."

[21:19] Isharon says, "We are not calling witnesses yet, and Unzew did not request to testify as one."

[21:20] Isharon says, "As this is a civil proceeding held on behalf of the Order of the White Rose, the standard of proof we require is a preponderance of evidence: that is, whether it is more likely than not that Jessalyne is a Necromancer."

[21:20] Isharon says, "Pending the results of this proceeding and the evidence presented, the Order of the White Rose will decide whether to expel Jessalyne or retain her as a member."

[21:20] Isharon asks, "Judges, are you ready to begin?"

[21:21] Voyle asks, "Are we free to ask questions during the proceedings?"

[21:21] Isharon says, "The judges are to listen to the proceedings. Counsel for both sides will ask relevant questions."

[21:21] Voyle says, "Very well."

[21:21] Leucius says, "I'm ready then."

[21:21] Isharon says, "If there is a procedural issue, I will decide it."

[21:22] Isharon solemnly says, "The court calls to order the case of In re Anlorma. Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may now give your opening statement."

[21:23] Zhirrisk mutters something into the air about closing that damn fissure.

[21:23] Whiteburn imperiously says, "People of this court. I implore you to look upon this woman before us."

[21:24] Whiteburn says, "I am sure many of you think you know her. Perhaps you consider her a friend, even."

[21:24] Whiteburn says, "And yet, there is the crux of this... masquerade."

[21:24] Whiteburn gravely says, "For masquerade it surely is."

[21:25] Whiteburn exclaims, "I speak not in vain, but in condemnation! To acuse! This woman before all of you and before the Gods who bear witness on this trial... is not who she says she is! She is a Necromancer. Cursed of the Immortals!"

[21:26] Whiteburn confidently says, "By the time this trial is over, you will all see without a doubt the true insidious danger of Necromancy... and how easily one of them may infiltrate our society and infest it with their taint."

[21:27] Whiteburn exclaims, "You will all see the evidence, that which cannot be argued. And you will see the truth!"

[21:27] Isharon says, "Thank you, Inquisitor Whiteburn. Counselor Derhael, you may now give your opening statement."

[21:28] Derhael tactfully says, "Those of you who know me, you know that my sole interest is in the defense of the five provinces. For those of you who do not know me, allow me to introduce myself. I am Derhael Rudel, a loyal member and a sworn sword of the Order of the White Rose."

[21:29] Derhael tactfully says, "A year ago, during the Elpalzi incursion, Jessalyne helped our order and the citizens of the Crossing by providing valuable information regarding the moon mage visions and necromancer attacks."

[21:29] Derhael tactfully says, "Not only that, she also provided help fighting off the sieges, risking her own life. I personally witnessed her with a drawn weapon at the Northern Trade Route, fighting off the Elpalzi. She fought for the good of the realm, and acted when it was necessary. This, as sad as it is to admit, is more than most."

[21:30] Derhael tactfully says, "Later that year, Jessalyne joined our Order, with a great interest in securing peace and protection of the people. I have no reason to believe Jessalyne is a necromancer. Jessalyne has always had enemies. There are people who wish to harm her, and this accusation is nothing short of a crude attempt to harm her reputation."

[21:30] Derhael softly asks, "Can I make a small request, Lady Isharon?"

[21:30] Derhael softly says, "I believe it is... uncivilized to let the defendant just stand there and bleed. I request that her wounds are taken care of, before the trial proceeds."

[21:31] Isharon says to Derhael, "You may have the accused healed -- if anyone dares to do it."

[21:32] Jessalyne quietly says, "Enough. Stop."

[21:32] Jessalyne quietly says, "Let 'em see Whiteburn's handiwork."

[21:32] Aislynn quietly says to Jessalyne, "We've seen it."

[21:32] Isharon says, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may call your first witness."

[21:33] Whiteburn imperiously says, "The Prosecution will call Maltris Remlane as the first witness."

[21:34] Isharon asks Maltris, "Witness, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[21:34] Maltris says, "I do."

[21:34] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "You may proceed."

[21:34] Maltris says, "This started for me when I had been inquiring to the Grand Inquistor about Necromancers. For me, to gain a better understanding. I knew very little about them, as I normally stray from civilization and wander without company."

[21:34] Maltris says, "He invited me to an Inquisition march to the Darkmist Moor near the city of Shard to learn more and to see if I might be interested in joining their ranks."

[21:35] Maltris says, "I decided to be an observer and watch closely from the shadows instead of participating on my first invitation to an Inquisition gathering, on their quest to purge the Moor of what they were hunting."

[21:36] Derhael softly says, "I object, the witness is testifying in a narrative fashion, without being asked any questions."

[21:36] Isharon says, "Sustained. Witness, please speak only when questioned."

[21:38] Whiteburn mildly says, "Maltris. Continue speaking of what you have seen, however I would ask that you only focus on what transpired with the accused."

[21:43] Maltris asks, "Shall I continue with how I gained knowledge of the accused?"

[21:43] Munchausen asks, "Break for lunch?"

[21:43] Maltris says, "It was then that I observed the zombie attack one of the women. I would later know her to be a Cleric, by the name of Whiteburn. Whiteburn had managed to retreat from the zombie and sneak out of the room."

[21:44] Maltris says, "I would quickly learn that there was another in the shadows with me, a male voice that would provide information to the Necromancer, a voice which I did not recognize. This voice provided information about Whiteburn stealthily moving out of the room, to the female Necromancer before you."

[21:44] Maltris says, "When you re-entered the room via stealth, the zombie spotted you and pulled you from hiding."

[21:45] Maltris says, "It was at this point that I realized that you were in need of assistance as the zombie was dealing significant harm."

[21:45] Maltris says, "In the time it took for me to wield my bow, load, and aim at zombie, the exchange of magical assaults from the Necromancer and the zombie attack dealt the death blow and you fell."

[21:45] Maltris says, "As I was about to fire on the zombie, the Necromancer signaled to the zombie, in which the zombie moved out of sight from our location."

[21:46] Maltris says, "I then turned my aim to the Necromancer. Just then the male corpse erupted with a ghostly voice to "run."

[21:46] Maltris says, "The Necromancer fled, I gave chase from the shadows, but I was not able to track her down."

[21:47] Whiteburn mildly asks Maltris, "That is all that you witnessed?"

[21:47] Maltris says, "No."

[21:47] Maltris says, "My second encounter occurred more recently along the trail of where the Mountain Giants live just north of Raven's Point."

[21:47] Maltris says, "I again was stealthily roaming the area looking for a place to hunt these creatures when I noticed a female hunting in the area. I didn't immediately recognize her as my attention was focused on the two giants in the immediate vicinity."

[21:47] Maltris says, "It was at that moment that these bile-green droplets erupted from her. Those droplets created this sizzling sound that burned the giants, stunning them. As they flew in my direction, I was able to avoid the onslaught with my shield. I realized as I defended myself, that the droplets had revealed me from my hiding location."

[21:48] Maltris says, "As I sought cover again and gathered my thoughts and moved from the location, I recognized her from the previous encounter at the Moor. By the time I returned, she was gone."

[21:48] Maltris says, "I later asked someone that I knew that had countless dealings with Necromancers. I was informed that it was an acid, conjured by magic which only a Necromancer could accomplish."

[21:49] Whiteburn asks Maltris, "It was this woman you saw casting that magic?"

[21:49] Maltris says, "It was, both times."

[21:49] Whiteburn asks Maltris, "And based on what you saw, would you say this woman is a Necromancer?"

[21:50] Maltris says, "Yes I would."

[21:50] Maltris asks, "Who else has the ability to control and command a zombie?"

[21:50] Whiteburn says, "Nothing further."

[21:51] Isharon politely says, "Again, I would request that those in attendance please refrain from fidgeting, including rummaging around the room. It is distracting."

[21:51] Isharon says, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may call your next witness."

[21:51] Isharon says, "Actually."

[21:51] Isharon asks Derhael, "Counselor, do you have any questions for Maltris?"

[21:52] Derhael softly says, "As it happens I do."

[21:52] Derhael softly says to Maltris, "I would like to ask how you identified the two people you saw in the shadows are the same people."

[21:54] Maltris says, "The Necromancer was never in the shadows, just Whiteburn when avoiding the attack of the zombie."

[21:54] Derhael softly asks, "You are saying that neither of them were hiding, correct?"

[21:54] Maltris says, "When I first arrived in the Moor, correct, they were both not in hiding."

[21:55] Derhael softly asks, "Witness, have you been to the moor often? Are you aware that the Moor is notorious for being... abundant with the undead?"

[21:56] Maltris says, "I am aware that the place crawls with undead yes."

[21:56] Derhael softly says, "If you can, I ask you to describe how Jessalyne commanded the zombie."

[21:57] Maltris says, "It was hard to detect, but it was a with the slightest nod of her head directed at the Kobold Zombie."

[21:59] Isharon says, "Due to a scheduling issue, the defense is calling one of its witnesses early."

[21:59] Derhael softly asks, "So... she... nodded, and that was it?"

[22:00] Derhael softly asks, "And farthermore, you are accusing of Jessalyne of commanding the undead for being in an area where the undead are abundant, and just... nodded?"

[22:01] Isharon says to Derhael, "Counselor, if you have no further questions for Maltris, I believe you have made your point."

[22:01] Derhael softly says, "That'll be all."

[22:01] Isharon says to Derhael, "You may call Huineng, since he must leave soon."

[22:02] Baerk asks, "Anyone leaving soon?"

[22:02] Derhael softly says, "Very well, Huineng, I would like to ask how you know Jessalyne."

[22:02] Mazrian says, "We have to head out shortly, Baerk."

[22:02] Huineng says, "Blessings of the Thirteen upon you all. I met Jessalyne in the Clerics Guild."

[22:03] Derhael softly says, "Describe to us the situation."

[22:03] Huineng says, "I was performing my devotions, as I was taught. However, as I am still a novice and tend to make mistakes."

[22:04] Derhael softly asks, "And share with me, why do you think she is not a necromancer?"

[22:04] Huineng says, "She instructed me in the proper way to honor the gods with incense."

[22:04] Huineng says, "The ways of the necromancers are vile in the eyes of Gods and men."

[22:04] Huineng says, "This is because they put themselves and power before all else."

[22:04] Derhael softly asks, "Witness, have you seen Jessalyne perform any necromancy, or given you a reason to doubt that she is a necromancer?"

[22:04] Huineng says, "They profane what should be holy."

[22:04] Huineng says, "No."

[22:04] Huineng says, "Never."

[22:05] Derhael softly says, "That will be all."

[22:05] Isharon asks, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[22:05] Whiteburn asks Huineng, "You are still yet a novice of the Clergy. Were you yet taught how to recognize a Necromancer?"

[22:06] Huineng says, "I have only the knowledge that any common citizen has, Inquisitor."

[22:06] Whiteburn asks Huineng, "Did you see the accused perform the ritual herself?"

[22:07] Huineng says, "No, inquisitor. As Jessalyne is a Ranger, it could be argued that this would be anaethema."

[22:08] Whiteburn asks Huineng, "Is it a secret of our order that holy incense may be used in rituals of the Gods?"

[22:08] Huineng says, "No, inquisitor."

[22:08] Whiteburn asks Huineng, "You are a Cleric. Have you seen the accused gain favor with the Immortals?"

[22:09] Huineng says, "I have not seen any gain favor with the Immortals, and none has seen me do so."

[22:09] Whiteburn says, "Nothing further."

[22:09] Isharon says, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may call your next witness."

[22:10] Whiteburn imperiously says, "I call Klejotogars Skefdzirta to take the stand."

[22:10] Isharon asks Klejotogars, "Witness, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[22:10] Klejotogars says to Isharon, "I do."

[22:10] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "You may proceed, Inquisitor."

[22:11] Whiteburn says to Klejotogars, "Explain to us who you are and what it is you do."

[22:11] Klejotogars says, "I am Klejotogars an initiate of the Inquistion."

[22:11] Whiteburn asks Klejotogars, "How do you know the accused?"

[22:12] Klejotogars says, "She stalked me for a time during an elpazi invasion after I had confronted a necromancer in theren."

[22:12] Klejotogars says, "And Later after I spoke to you to testify she murdereded me in the streets of the crossing."

[22:13] Whiteburn asks Klejotogars, "Can you elaborate on the stalking?"

[22:13] Klejotogars says, "And again she attempted to murder me in the half pint inn."

[22:13] Jessalyne mutters something into the air about suppose attacking someone is necromancy now.

[22:14] Klejotogars says, "During an invasion of the elpazi I heard a voice from the shadows asking if I were a part of the Theren guard."

[22:14] Klejotogars asks Whiteburn, "Should I continue or is Jessaylne testifying now?"

[22:14] Whiteburn says to Klejotogars, "Continue."

[22:15] Isharon says to Jessalyne, "Please refrain from speaking out (or muttering) during the proceeding unless you take the stand."

[22:15] Klejotogars says, "As this voice from the shadows continued to mock me. Outside the Northeast gate of the Crossing I saw a palid mask fall from Jessalyne revealing her."

[22:16] Klejotogars says, "I recognized the spell as those used by necromancers I have observed."

[22:17] Whiteburn says to Klejotogars, "So you personally witnessed her with Necromantic magic."

[22:17] Klejotogars says, "I have seen a necromancer spell 'fall off of her' and sensed an aura of arcane magic around her."

[22:17] Klejotogars says, "So yes."

[22:18] Whiteburn asks Klejotogars, "When the accused murdered you, was this before or after you were asked to testify against her in this trial?"

[22:19] Klejotogars says to Whiteburn, "It was immeditately after speaking with you about testifying."

[22:19] Desian mutters something into the air about witness tampering.

[22:19] Whiteburn says to Klejotogars, "You speak of an arcane aura. Explain to us what you sensed."

[22:20] Klejotogars says, "I am a moon mage. If I gaze long enough I can see the aura of magic around people."

[22:20] Klejotogars says, "Usually Jessalyne holds an aura of life magic."

[22:21] Klejotogars says, "An Arcane aura is a strange broken type of magic. I've only seen it on necromancers."

[22:21] Klejotogars says, "I can't quiet discribe it but it is unmistakeable."

[22:22] Whiteburn asks Klejotogars, "So you saw her casting Necromantic spells, and she was possessed of an aura that is only to be found on Necromancers. Is that correct?"

[22:22] Derhael softly says, "Objection, the prosecutor is repeating the same question."

[22:22] Isharon says, "Sustained."

[22:23] Whiteburn says, "Nothing further."

[22:23] Isharon asks Derhael, "Counselor, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[22:23] Derhael softly says, "I do."

[22:23] Isharon says to Derhael, "You may proceed."

[22:24] Derhael softly asks Klejotogars, "Witness, when you testified that you sensed an arcane aura, is this when you saw her cast the magic to transform her features?"

[22:24] Klejotogars says, "No."

[22:24] Derhael softly says, "Very well, describe to us the mask that fell off the accused's face."

[22:25] Klejotogars says, "It was a pale boney like protrusion that fell."

[22:25] Derhael slowly asks, "So... a skull?"

[22:25] Klejotogars says, "I do not know what you are asking me."

[22:26] Klejotogars says, "A skull did not fall it was a mask."

[22:26] Derhael softly says, "I'm asking you to describe what you saw, that's it, Witness."

[22:26] Derhael softly says to Isharon, "Your honor, as it happens, I am in possession of the very same mask that the witness is testifying about."

[22:26] Whiteburn wildly says, "Objection."

[22:26] Whiteburn says, "The question was asked and answered."

[22:27] Isharon says, "Overruled. Derhael, you may present this mask to the witness."

[22:27] Klejotogars says, "That is not the same no."

[22:27] Derhael softly says, "This mask, was found in Jessalyne's home. It alters one's features."

[22:27] Derhael softly asks Isharon, "With the court's permission, may the accused put the mask on?"

[22:28] Isharon asks Derhael, "The witness is not on trial. Do you have any further questions for Klejotogars?"

[22:28] Derhael softly asks, "Of course. Describe to us the murder, did the accused use any foul magic to harm you?"

[22:29] Klejotogars says, "Yes, I had just spoken with whiteburn about testify as I had said."

[22:30] Derhael softly asks, "Are you suggesting she somehow knew you were asked to testify? Are you suggesting Whiteburn told her?"

[22:30] Whiteburn says, "Objection."

[22:30] Whiteburn says, "Leading."

[22:30] Klejotogars says, "I can answer though he ask for speculation."

[22:30] Isharon says, "Overruled. Leading questions are allowed on cross-examination."

[22:31] Klejotogars asks Isharon, "You will allow me to speculate?"

[22:31] Isharon says to Klejotogars, "You may respond directly to questions asked by Derhael."

[22:32] Klejotogars says, "I did not suggest whiteburn told her. The white rose is aware of who would testify and Jessalyne is in the white rose."

[22:33] Derhael softly says, "...Very well. I would like you to describe the magic she used in the altercation."

[22:33] Klejotogars asks, "Which altercation?"

[22:34] Derhael matter-of-factly says, "The altercation that lead to your death."

[22:34] Klejotogars says, "She used a spell to maker herself invisible."

[22:34] Klejotogars says, "She faded into view as she attacked me."

[22:34] Derhael slowly says, "...That will be all."

[22:35] Isharon says to Klejotogars, "Thank you. You are dismissed."

[22:35] Isharon says, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may call your next witness."

[22:35] Whiteburn imperiously says, "I call Liurilias Grath'Vael to the stand."

[22:35] Isharon asks Liurilias, "Witness, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[22:36] Liurilias says to Isharon, "I do."

[22:36] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "You may proceed, Inquisitor."

[22:36] Whiteburn says to Liurilias, "Explain to us who you are and what it is you do."

[22:36] Liurilias says, "I am an Inquisitor of the High Temple, among other duties."

[22:37] Whiteburn asks Liurilias, "Did you know of the accused previous to your encounter with her?"

[22:37] Liurilias asks, "I have encountered her several times. Which of those encounters are you referring to?"

[22:39] Whiteburn says to Liurilias, "What I mean about that is, explain your most recent confrontation with the accused."

[22:40] Liurilias says, "Assuming you mean the confrontation in which I witnessed her using necromancy, then yes, I had known of her prior to that encounter."

[22:40] Whiteburn mildly says to Liurilias, "Precisely."

[22:40] Whiteburn says to Liurilias, "Now, would you describe what happened during that encounter."

[22:41] Liurilias says, "I confronted her and her consort about her perverted practice of Necromancy."

[22:42] Whiteburn asks Liurilias, "How did she respond?"

[22:42] Liurilias says, "In our previous encounters she had always obstinately denied any such practice."

[22:42] Whiteburn asks Liurilias, "What happened next?"

[22:43] Liurilias says, "However, when finally pressed she tried to assault my mind to cause me to fear her. Corruptive magic I have experienced at the hands of much deadlier Necromancers."

[22:43] Liurilias says, "When that failed and her consort was slain, she fled."

[22:45] Whiteburn says to Liurilias, "You speak of previous encounters. You confronted her about Necromancy in the past, then? How many times previously, and what transpired during those incidents."

[22:45] Liurilias says, "I did not count them. Though I suppose among the first was when she came to me to attempt to clear her name because some had started to name her as a Necromancer."

[22:46] Liurilias says, "At that time, I could perceive no sign of the corruption of necromancy upon her."

[22:46] Liurilias says, "However, the rumors persisted and decades of experience fighting this scourge left me suspicious of her and so we continued to watch and wait."

[22:47] Whiteburn asks Liurilias, "Waching and waiting, what did you see?"

[22:48] Liurilias says, "In the aforementioned confrontation when a promising initiate resigned from service, the taint upon her was unmistakable. Not to mention the foul magic that she attempted to unleash therein."

[22:49] Whiteburn imperiously says, "The prosecution would like to present evidence."

[22:49] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "You may proceed."

[22:50] Derhael softly says, "Objection."

[22:50] Derhael softly says, "I was not allowed to present the mask as evidence."

[22:50] Isharon says to Derhael, "Overruled. You were allowed to present the mask to the witness and ask if it was the same one."

[22:51] Whiteburn says to Liurilias, "You are High Inquisitor of the Temple, an experienced adept at seeking out Necromancy. You are in possession of a chalice that allows you to see what God... if any... watches over a person."

[22:52] Whiteburn says to Liurilias, "Look through this chalice at the accused and explain to us what you see."

[22:53] Liurilias says, "As with any Necromancer revealed by this artifact, I see a mass of swirling darkness surrounding the head of your accused."

[22:54] Whiteburn smugly says, "Nothing further."

[22:54] Isharon asks Derhael, "Counselor, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[22:54] Perune asks, "Does the accused burn here, or in town?"

[22:54] Isharon respectfully says, "Please refrain from speaking out during the proceeding."

[22:54] Derhael softly says, "Yes, I do."

[22:55] Derhael softly says, "...Inquisitor Liurilias, describe to me what the spell that you accuse of necromancy did to you."

[22:56] Derhael softly asks, "Let me word it better, give me the details of the spell, why did you think it was necromancy?"

[22:57] Liurilias says to Derhael, "The spell in question is akin to a psychic assault, an attempt to overwhelm the mind with stirrings of primal fear. In this particular case, it was unsuccessful, though I have felt it's use much more efficaciously when fighting other Necromancers."

[22:58] Derhael softly asks, "Witness, are you aware that, many guilds, including empaths and clerics, have access to spells that can yield similar results?"

[22:59] Liurilias says to Derhael, "I have witnessed it's use many times over the course of my career. Namely when fighting the adan'f spirit dancer Iszanua or Xerasyth. Or more recently by Lyras and her cohorts."

[22:59] Liurilias says to Derhael, "Please do not insult me and our people by insinuating that I do not know the difference in the feel of Necromancy used against me."

[23:00] Derhael softly says, "Witness, I am not insulting anyone, and you did not answer the question."

[23:00] Isharon asks Derhael, "What, specifically, do you want to hear from Liurilias?"

[23:01] Derhael softly says, "Your honor, it is a very simple question, I wanted to know if the witness is aware of those spells' existence."

[23:01] Whiteburn exclaims, "Objection!"

[23:01] Whiteburn says, "Irrelevent."

[23:01] Isharon says, "Overruled."

[23:02] Liurilias says, "Yes, I am aware that other spells of psychic assault exist."

[23:02] Liurilias asks, "Would you care for a demonstration?"

[23:02] Derhael softly says, "Describe to me the attack you testified about."

[23:03] Isharon says to Liurilias, "The witness will kindly refrain from threatening defense counsel, no matter how impertinent."

[23:03] Derhael flatly says to Liurilias, "And no, witness. I do not need a demonstration."

[23:03] Liurilias says to Isharon, "He has nothing to fear from it, as it would not have been directed at him."

[23:03] Liurilias asks Derhael, "Can you be more specific about what it is you wish to know about that encounter?"

[23:04] Derhael softly says, "What led to the attack, and how the attack happened."

[23:05] Liurilias says, "Her consort, Kheldas, had come to me to resign his candidacy as an initiate of the Inquisition because of his feelings for...her."

[23:06] Derhael softly asks, "Are you aware that the reason for Kheldas' request is Whiteburn's... torturing of a 15 year old kid?"

[23:07] Whiteburn exclaims, "Objection!"

[23:07] Whiteburn says, "Irrelevent."

[23:07] Isharon says, "Sustained."

[23:07] Derhael softly says, "That will be all."

[23:07] Isharon says, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may call your next witness."

[23:08] Whiteburn imperiously says, "I call forth Zhirrisk Dozypaws to take the stand."

[23:08] Isharon asks Zhirrisk, "Witness, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[23:08] Zhirrisk asks, "May I swear by any other god?"

[23:08] Derhael softly exclaims, "Objection!"

[23:08] Fahijeck cynically says, "Ruh roh."

[23:08] Derhael softly says, "We were never told of this witness."

[23:09] Isharon says to Zhirrisk, "The god of truth holds sway here."

[23:09] Fahijeck cynically says, "What in sam hill is all this ruckus."

[23:09] Zhirrisk says, "So be it... I do."

[23:09] Isharon asks Whiteburn, "What is your reason for this last-minute witness?"

[23:09] Whiteburn says, "The witness was insistent on presenting his testimony."

[23:10] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "I'll allow this, but please keep it brief."

[23:10] Zhirrisk weakly says, "I've prepared a statement... an account of my friendship with Jes--with the accused."

[23:10] Zhirrisk apprehensively says, "I don't wish to speak here today. Fact is, I'm a coward. I'm a coward, because all this time I've been quiet. Because all this time, I've been seeing things that aren't right, and I don't see anyone doing anything about it. I gave it a try, once, doing the right thing. I'm sure most of you know how well that turned out for me. I'm a coward, because I lack the ability to be anything else. I can't defend the people I love and care about, so I keep my head down now."

[23:10] Isharon says, "We do not accept prepared statements as testimony. Please answer those questions asked by Inquisitor Whiteburn."

[23:10] Zhirrisk says, "Ah... er... oh."

[23:11] Whiteburn says, "Ah, yes, I am afraid that is the case."

[23:11] Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "How do you the accused?"

[23:11] Zhirrisk says, "I, ah..."

[23:11] Whiteburn says, "Know."

[23:12] Zhirrisk says, "She was my friend. My best friend."

[23:13] Zhirrisk says, "I don't recall where we met. It's been years..."

[23:13] Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "Did you witness the accused using Necromantic magics?"

[23:13] Zhirrisk quietly says, "Not as such. I once saw a mud construct following her..."

[23:14] Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "Did you see her command the construct in any way?"

[23:14] Zhirrisk says, "No... But it didn't do anything else. It followed her, and there was no one but me, her, and Ysaye."

[23:15] Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "Was she in danger?"

[23:15] Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "From the construct?"

[23:15] Zhirrisk says, "No."

[23:15] Zhirrisk says, "None of us were."

[23:15] Derhael softly says, "Objection, this is not relevant to the trial."

[23:15] Isharon asks Whiteburn, "Inquisitor, does your surprise witness have anything of substance to present, or can we proceed with the witnesses who signed up in a timely manner?"

[23:16] Zhirrisk says, "She threatened to kill a newborn kit."

[23:16] Jessalyne exclaims, "What a bunch of rubbish!"

[23:16] Jessalyne asks, "Whiteburn you gonna get anyone who ain't your best bloody friend up there to say aught?"

[23:16] Whiteburn says, "That is all."

[23:16] Isharon asks Derhael, "Counselor, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[23:17] Derhael slowly says, "...I see no reason to ask any questions."

[23:17] Isharon says, "Inquisitor Whiteburn, you may call your final witness."

[23:17] Zhirrisk says to Derhael, "If one hair comes to harm on that kit's body, you'll answer to it. By Tenemlor and the fury of the Thirteen, all of you will, if you let this scum go."

[23:17] Voyle exclaims, "Hey!"

[23:17] Whiteburn imperiously says, "I ask Ysaye to take the stand."

[23:18] Isharon asks Ysaye, "Witness, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[23:18] Ysaye crisply says, "Yes."

[23:18] Isharon says, "We'll not suffer any more interruptions with outbursts. Control yourselves or be dismissed."

[23:18] Whiteburn asks Ysaye, "How do you know the accused?"

[23:19] Ysaye calmly says to Whiteburn, "I'm close with members of her family."

[23:19] Ysaye says, "Her consort, for example. We're friends."

[23:19] Whiteburn asks Ysaye, "Did you witness the accused casting any sort of Necromantic magics?"

[23:20] Ysaye says, "As such I've spent a lot of time with them. I've slept in her home. I've taken meals with her, I've argued with her and we've come to blows.."

[23:20] Ysaye coolly says, "No."

[23:22] Whiteburn asks Isharon, "Permission to treat the witness as hostile?"

[23:23] Derhael softly says, "Objection, the witness has not said anything in particular that entails that."

[23:24] Isharon asks Whiteburn, "What is your basis for treating her as a hostile witness?"

[23:24] Whiteburn says, "In previous questioning, the witnesses provided a distinctly different response."

[23:24] Annieka says, "Whoa."

[23:24] Whiteburn says, "Witness."

[23:25] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "You may proceed then."

[23:25] Ysaye pleasantly asks, "Yes, Inquisitor Whiteburn?"

[23:25] Desian mutters something into the air about burning heretics.

[23:25] Whiteburn pointedly asks Ysaye, "Considering what you previous told me, why have you switched your stance?"

[23:26] Ysaye coolly asks Whiteburn, "You said you would send the Inquisition to my village, presumably to 'guard' my family. Who wouldn't agree to what you wanted under that threat?"

[23:26] Ysaye says, "You said that not four anlaen ago."

[23:26] Whiteburn says to Ysaye, "And you explicitly said that the accused struck you with Necrmantic magic in the form of acid. Twice."

[23:27] Ysaye calmly says to Whiteburn, "We had an argument over who I was choosing to spend my evenings with. She threw a drink in my face, and it burned my eyes."

[23:28] Ysaye says to Whiteburn, "She disapproved of me spending so much time with her family, as I was not and am not one of them."

[23:29] Whiteburn asks Ysaye, "A splashed drink? Is that how you would describe an assault on your person that almost killed you?"

[23:29] Ysaye says, "Jessalyne has never come close to killing me. We've come to blows, yes, but it was with hands and that one time a drink. Not magic. Not weapons."

[23:30] Whiteburn says, "That will suffice."

[23:30] Isharon asks Derhael, "Counselor, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[23:30] Derhael softly asks Ysaye, "Witness, as much as it hurts me to ask... has the prosecutor threatened to hurt or kill you and your family?"

[23:31] Ysaye says, "No. In fact, I've invited her on multiple occasions to VISIT my family, since I had that much trust in her."

[23:31] Whiteburn exclaims, "Objection!"

[23:31] Ysaye says, "She never made the trip, but--."

[23:31] Ysaye says, "Oh."

[23:31] Ysaye says, "Prosecutor."

[23:31] Ysaye says, "My apologies, I thought you said defendant."

[23:31] Whiteburn says, "This is irrelvant."

[23:31] Isharon says, "Sustained. The prosecutor is not on trial."

[23:31] Ysaye asks Isharon, "May I answer the question properly?"

[23:32] Derhael quietly says, "Very well."

[23:33] Derhael quietly asks, "Witness, based on your testimony, are you implying that you were threatened to testifying against the accused?"

[23:33] Ysaye says, "I am. Wouldn't have been the first time, either."

[23:34] Derhael softly asks, "And is there a reason for that assumption? Has Whiteburn hurt you before?"

[23:34] Ysaye says, "Yes. She forcibily gave me to Drogor after torturing me because she believed I was consorting with Necromancers and didn't believe me when I said I wasn't."

[23:34] Derhael quietly says, "...That will be all."

[23:35] Isharon says to Derhael, "You may call your first witness, counselor."

[23:35] Derhael softly says, "I call Kheldas as witness."

[23:35] Isharon asks Kheldas, "Witness, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[23:35] Kheldas says, "I do."

[23:35] Isharon says to Derhael, "You may proceed, counselor."

[23:36] Derhael softly asks, "How do you know the accused?"

[23:36] Kheldas says, "I got to know her when she helped me learn infusion and resurrection."

[23:36] Kheldas says, "We fell in love. We've been married for a couple years now."

[23:37] Derhael softly asks, "Throughout your marriage, has there been any instances that lead you to assume that she is a necromancer?"

[23:37] Kheldas says, "Of course not."

[23:38] Derhael softly says, "...Explain to us why you left the inquisition."

[23:38] Whiteburn exclaims, "Objection!"

[23:38] Whiteburn says, "Irrelevant."

[23:39] Isharon says, "Sustained. Please limit your testimony to your knowledge of the accused."

[23:39] Kheldas says, "Because I disagreed with the use of torture, specifically as it applied to children."

[23:40] Derhael softly asks, "The day you... inquired Inquisitor Liurilias about your resignation, what made it escalate into fight? What happened? Did Jessalyne give him any reason to believe that she is a necromancer?"

[23:40] Derhael softly asks, "You were there, no?"

[23:40] Kheldas says, "No. He...assumed that since I was quitting I supported necromancy."

[23:40] Kheldas says, "The...ah...person he referred to about having corruption was me."

[23:41] Kheldas says, "I was using sorcery to better be an Inquisitor."

[23:42] Derhael softly asks, "Are you implying that the inquisitors just assumed that you, and the accused are necromancers, without giving you a chance to defend yourselves?"

[23:42] Kheldas says, "That's correct."

[23:42] Derhael softly says, "That is all."

[23:42] Isharon asks Whiteburn, "Inquisitor, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[23:42] Whiteburn says to Isharon, "Yes."

[23:44] Whiteburn asks Kheldas, "I would like to remind the witness that perjury is a crime. You heard the Grand Inquisitor's testimony. Do you deny that you were present when he witnessed the accused casting Necromantic spells?"

[23:45] Kheldas says, "I was present, but the Grand Inquisitor did not recall the exchange accurately."

[23:45] Kheldas says, "Perhaps his memory isn't what it once was."

[23:46] Whiteburn asks Kheldas, "So you claim the Grand Inquisitor, who fought Lyras, Xerasayth, Izsuana, and uncountable other Necromancers is lying?"

[23:47] Kheldas says, "I want to believe he isn't intentionally lying. Just...forgot how things actually happened."

[23:47] Kheldas says, "You said it yourself when we were peers, you worry about his age."

[23:47] Whiteburn says to Kheldas, "May I remind you, his memory served him quite well during his testimony. She certainly remembered exactly what magics she employed, and that you were also there. And that you died."

[23:48] Derhael softly exclaims, "Objection!"

[23:48] Derhael softly says, "That was not a question."

[23:48] Whiteburn asks Kheldas, "So your entire testimony is that the Grand Inquisitor Liurilias Grath'vael is old and can't remember?"

[23:48] Kheldas says, "That is my assumption about that particular encounter."

[23:49] Whiteburn lightheartedly says, "That is all."

[23:49] Isharon says, "Sustained. Let's move on."

[23:50] Isharon says to Derhael, "Counselor, you may call your final witness."

[23:50] Derhael softly says, "I call Jessalyne as the last witness."

[23:50] Isharon asks Jessalyne, "Defendant, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Chadatru?"

[23:51] Jessalyne says, "Aye, and Damaris for good measure."

[23:51] Isharon says to Derhael, "You may proceed."

[23:52] Derhael softly says, "Witness."

[23:52] Derhael softly asks, "How do you know Whiteburn?"

[23:52] Jessalyne slowly says, "We was friends, and I was in the Children of Eluned with her."

[23:52] Whiteburn says, "Objection."

[23:52] Whiteburn says, "Irrelevant. I am not the one on trial."

[23:52] Isharon says, "Sustained."

[23:53] Derhael softly asks, "...Witness, when you joined the Order of the White Rose, were you tested?"

[23:54] Jessalyne says, "Aye. I was. Repeatedly, actually. Apparently without my knowin'. Klejotogars is who attested to my status. Twice."

[23:54] Isharon says, "Folks, I know it has been a long night, but please try to keep your fidgeting to a minimum."

[23:54] Derhael softly asks, "And what was the result?"

[23:54] Kenamer says to Mazrian, "Apparently not tested well enough."

[23:55] Jessalyne says, "Clean, obviously, else they wouldn't have let me in. Empaths examined me. Priests examined me. They did everything short of flipping me sideways and peeking up my skirt."

[23:55] Derhael quietly asks, "Let's talk about the altercations Klej accused of. Were you involved with that attack? What was the reason?"

[23:56] Derhael slowly says, "Accused you of."

[23:56] Jessalyne says, "Aye, I took forty-five stones of haralun to his face on account of him standing on the green shouting about me and attempting to rile folk stronger than him up to put paid to me. That is, kill me."

[23:56] Jessalyne says, "We'd had altercations in the past, as well, when I had brief words with him over albredine about his killin' novices in bloody musk hogs."

[23:57] Jessalyne says, "I'd warned him well, so I don't see as he should be surprised at the result. I expect half the people in this room have killed over less."

[23:59] Derhael quietly says, "...That'll be all."

[23:59] Isharon asks Whiteburn, "Inquisitor, do you have any questions for this witness?"

[23:59] Whiteburn says, "I feel there is nothing to be gained by asking a Necromancer questions."

[23:59] Whiteburn says, "Nothing further."

[00:00] Isharon says to Whiteburn, "Inquisitor, you may present your closing argument."

[00:01] Whiteburn imperiously asks, "People of the court. I would like to briefly remind everyone here of what has just transpired. The defense has been unable to show anything substantial throughout this entire affair. Their strongest testimony devolved to into "the high inquisitor has a bad memory." Truly?"

[00:01] Whiteburn says, "That is simply all that can be offered in the defense of the accused."

[00:01] Whiteburn says, "It is difficult to protect the guilty, and with good reason. Today, you've heard from many who've seen the foul magics of necromancy from this woman firsthand, up to and including the Grand Inquisitor himself."

[00:02] Whiteburn says, "The same Grand Inquisitor, I remind you, who brought forth the only piece of evidence that needs considering today, the chalice."

[00:03] Whiteburn says, "Can there be any doubt after such a thing is entered into the record? What was seen through that lens was simple, and no amount of lies or hearsay will change it."

[00:03] Whiteburn says, "That is all."

[00:03] Isharon says to Derhael, "Counselor, you may present your closing argument."

[00:03] Derhael softly says, "I've opened the defense by stating that Jessalyne has... many enemies, and they would harm her when given a chance."

[00:04] Derhael firmly says, "What we saw tonight was a profound example of that. The prosecutor's witnesses, more often than not, had conflicting testimony, and some made serious mistakes."

[00:05] Derhael softly says, "Including the Grand Inquisitor."

[00:05] Munchausen says, "You didnt point any out, though."

[00:05] Isharon says, "]Munchausen Please refrain from interrupting."

[00:06] Derhael softly says, "Even one of the witnesses were mugged into testifying against her own will. This is not justice, this cannot be justice."

[00:07] Derhael softly says, "Your honor, and court, I would like to bring up a conflict of interest within the inquisition. As much as prosecutor Whiteburn would like to prove that the chalice is a staggering evidence against Jessalyne's case, we have not had it examined by others who had no personal interest in this matter. Most of the evidences and testimonies the prosecutor has presented had an agenda, they belonged to the Inquisition, which, I remind you, have done pretty terrible things."

[00:09] Rozze says, "Doesn't need to be for that statement to have weight."

[00:09] Rozze says, "Sorry."

[00:09] Fahijeck cynically says, "Lotta blocking going on."

[00:09] Sulic flatly says, "Why's that? Someone warn me if ya'll gonna fight."

[00:09] Valkhan exclaims, "Enough!"

[00:09] Isharon says, "Please be quiet. We are almost through here."

[00:11] Derhael softly says, "I believe the panel will make a right decision. Tonight's trial will be what we will be remembered as for years to come."

[00:11] Derhael softly says, "That'll be all."

[00:11] Isharon says, "Thank you, Inquisitor Whiteburn and counselor Derhael, for helping us uncover the truth in this matter. You may be seated."

[00:11] Isharon says, "Judges, having heard all of the testimony, I now ask you to convene to decide whether, by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not) Whiteburn has shown that Jessalyne is a Necromancer. You needn't be unanimous. A simple majority will suffice."

[00:12] Jessalyne says to Aislynn, "When I know someone ain't gonna shoot me if I do."

[00:12] Isharon says, "The judges will return shortly with their verdict."

[00:12] Aislynn quietly asks Jessalyne, "A'ight, can you stop distracting me with those wounds, then?"

[00:12] Derhael softly says, "It was a long night, and I appreciate you all for being patient."

[00:13] Jessalyne stubbornly says, "M'fine."

[00:13] Areko says, "Wonder how this jury was picked..."

[00:13] Isharon says, "Thank you for everyone's patience and understanding. It has been a long night indeed."

[00:13] Fahijeck cynically says, "Dunno but it's get scary up in here I feel the tension rising."

[00:13] Rafano quietly says, "We may have to continue to be patient, if justice is not found here tonight."

[00:14] Vaniotte says, "Patience is in short supply."

[00:14] Munchausen says, "Seeking justice through the inquistion."

[00:16] Areko says, "Oh."

[00:16] Czidvar says, "If we're basing justice on whatever this is that just happened, we're all in big, big trouble."

[00:16] Shaidval coldly says, "This was never about justice. This was about wether or not she was to be expelled from a Order. Justice will be done, one way or another."

[00:16] Areko says, "I doubt that."

[00:17] Aislynn quietly says, "It wasn't about whether or not she would be expelled from an Order, or the Inquisition would never have been involved."

[00:17] Zevazi asks Shaidval, "And her supporters what of them?"

[00:17] Jezundu says, "White Rose not trust Inquisition."

[00:17] Annieka says to Korutu, "We normally makeout in public more."

[00:17] Fahijeck cynically says to Shaidval, "I dont like jesse but your equally as annoying."

[00:17] Sulic flatly says, "Inquisition sees Necros unna their beds at nite."

[00:17] Mazrian says to Isharon, "I hope it was worth it."

[00:17] Korutu says, "I didnt want Isharon to cry to much."

[00:17] Czidvar exclaims, "But that's where they live!"

[00:18] Shaidval severely says to Fahijeck, "You are welcome to your opinion. My care of it is little."

[00:18] Sulic flatly exclaims, "I gotta cup ta prove it!"

[00:18] Fahijeck cynically says to Shaidval, "A little is all I need."

[00:18] Munchausen venomously says, "I will petition the zoning board of Zoluren to have the Half Pint Inn burnt to the ground."

[00:18] Munchausen unflinchingly exclaims, "Tonights trial has shown that the White Rose is less an order, and more a vehicle for the twin scourges of the Inquistion and the Untouchables. Lending it's prior good name out in the hopes to bolster flaggin support. The people of Zoluren deserve better, and this travesty of true justice and good sense should lead to the dissolution of the White Rose's charter. For shame on you who allowed your order to be tainted with this filth! It is vile and makes me want to PUKE!"

[00:18] Munchausen says, "And if you are a proud order member you are probably angered by this display, and if you are not, you should be."

[00:19] Derhael softly says to Munchausen, "If you are about to hurl, please do so outside."

[00:19] Derhael softly says to Munchausen, "Nobody wants to see that."

[00:19] Fahijeck cynically says to Munchausen, "Please."

[00:19] Vaniotte says to Munchausen, "Well, thank you for that."

[00:19] Sulic flatly asks, "Ya wanna drink?"

[00:19] Cote says, "I don't think anyone wants to see him, in general."

[00:19] Valkhan asks Munchausen, "I'd caution you in your statements. I can and have removed people from Orders for much less. Let's rope it in, shall we?"

[00:19] Ephic says, "Unless its from glitter."

[00:19] Fahijeck cynically says to Munchausen, "I can spill guts all over the street but that is just gross."

[00:19] Sulic flatly says, "That ill make ya feel better."

[00:19] Munchausen says to Valkhan, "I'm not the only one with those sentiments."

[00:19] Valkhan says, "I'm sure you're not."

[00:20] Pormithius mutters something into the air about cast harm horde if it hits her she's necro.

[00:20] Sulic flatly says, "I don't agree. I'm jus drinkin with ya."

[00:20] Isharon says to Munchausen, "We do not care about your sentiments. Nor do we show up at your events to cause disruption. So please can it."

[00:20] Sulic flatly says, "Then again Im no Rose."

[00:20] Munchausen says to Isharon, "I was not disruptive for about 6 anlan."

[00:20] Isharon asks, "Judges, have you reached a verdict?"

[00:20] Dayle says, "This is the third time I've seen you disrupt one of our events this week."

[00:21] Voyle says, "Yes."

[00:21] Isharon asks, "Judges, which of you will speak for the group?"

[00:21] Voyle says, "I shall."

[00:21] Voyle says, "The verdict is..."

[00:21] Voyle says, "Guilty."

[00:22] Voyle says, "I would add that the decision was not unanimous."

[00:22] Cote woefully says, "Jess..."

[00:22] Marsin exclaims, "Abomination!"

[00:22] Sulic flatly says, "Whatta scam."

[00:22] Perune asks, "Does the White Rose use a guillotine? or another method?"

[00:22] Sulic flatly says, "Fix was in looks to me."

[00:22] Voyle says, "Two of the judges were in dissent."

[00:22] Isharon says, "Jessalyne is hereby expelled from the Order of the White Rose."

[00:22] Ysaye says, "Oh, I understand."

[00:22] Sebestyen says, "She does not seem to have run fast enough.."

[00:23] Fahijeck cynically says, "Holy geebus."

[00:23] Isharon says to Sebestyen, "It was passing bold of her to come here at all. I thought we might have a default verdict."

[00:23] Czidvar says, "Well, this was certainly eye-opening."

[00:23] Shaidval says, "The fools shouldn't have killed her. We would have been better served to see her imprisoned, her spirit shackled for all eternity."

[00:23] Fahijeck cynically asks, "Is this over?"

[00:23] Kenamer says to Kailiana, "You have my shield."

[00:23] Valkhan says to Mystyrain, "On behalf of the Order Council, we appreciate that you did your best to find the truth."

[00:23] Isharon says, "This matter has concluded."

[00:23] Rileos asks, "It was a bunch of other necromancers playing at killing the necromancer, who cares?"

[00:23] Voyle says, "Oh, my."

[00:23] Shaidval says to Liurilias something in Prydaenese.

[00:23] Voyle says, "Barbarians, all of you."

[00:23] Sebestyen asks Fahijeck, "Really?"

[00:24] Jezundu says, "Them be necros too."

[00:24] Kristalline calmly says to Isharon, "Speaking from experience, they really can sneak in and fool us all..."

[00:24] Aislynn quietly asks Mystyrain, "So... How will the Order of the White Rose address the breach of Charter?"

[00:24] Isharon says, "We just did."

[00:24] Mystyrain sweetly says, "She will obviously be removed."

[00:24] Voyle says, "Justice, indeed."

[00:24] Aislynn quietly says to Isharon, "I'm sorry, I didn't think Treasurers had the authority to remove members."

[00:24] Voyle says, "The Temple and it's cronies have shown me it's true colors tonight."

[00:24] Mystyrain sweetly says, "I am saddened that we were duped but I knew we would get to the bottom of things."

[00:24] Cote asks, "And yet Jess was the monster?"

[00:25] Isharon says to Aislynn, "We decided as a group to be bound by the outcome of this proceeding."

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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