Orders Currently on 12/08/2005 05:29 PM CST
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Firstly, I am not an official on this position but I have been a speaker for....more years than I'm going to admit to. Here's what I know of things currently, Olarra is currently in the process of reassessing the Provincial Order Guidelines, as well as trying to make some of the systems for orders come to fruition. It is with this in mind that rather than flooding the realms with a whole bunch of orders who have nothing as far as system support, and would all need to redo their charters once the guidelines are reassessed, that they stopped accepting. The ones currently accepted will need to adjust their charters to be inline with the new guidelines when they are formalized. Currently all the systems are still either in the planning or programing stages last I had heard, some might even be in QC...but not sure. I'll let you know if I hear anything more.

Father Jarle Shannarrah
Speaker of Li Tumbra Mir

P.S. Please don't see this as any sort of official post or reasoning that orders that aren't official don't count, it's just simply right now there isn't much of a system to back this, so please have some patience. Thank you for your Cooperation.

Li Tumbra Mir
"If it ain't drunk, Drink it."
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Re: Orders Currently on 01/17/2006 01:40 PM CST
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<<The ones currently accepted will need to adjust their charters to be inline with the new guidelines when they are formalized. Currently all the systems are still either in the planning or programing stages last I had heard, some might even be in QC...but not sure. I'll let you know if I hear anything more.

Out of curiosity...which orders are currently 'accepted', do you know? Last my Order had heard, communication wise from a GM, Naiph was in charge and the moratorium was just starting. Needless to say, that was many years ago, and although our numbers have dwindled the Kindred is still looking to hear from whomever is in charge on our status. So...at any time, can someone respond or contact me? It's been more than a few years, and, people are starting to ask me questions again...

~The Blackfire Mage Magmus
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