Tavern Troupe Update 7/26/2012 on 07/26/2012 10:01 AM CDT
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Hey folks!
We've been hard at work gathering some great talent to the roster and getting ready to start rolling out some fun events. I wanted to share a little update with everyone on how we're doing and give you a heads up on what might be coming down the pipeline.

I've been able to get a good amount of people interested in the Tavern Troupe lately, but I'm still looking for more. Please come find Kasto around Zoluren if you have any interest at all. You do not have to be a Bard to be a wonderful entertainer. We are starting to get more and more contracts coming in. Allot of them request some pretty outlandish stuff, so an open mind is helpful.

I've got most of the member services filled out with just a few more to add in. We've got just about anything a player could need and its either free or at a discounted rate. I've been able to get Caraamon and Mino to sign on as blacksmiths, Markhor has stayed on as our Trapsmith, Kyarie and Rottenzeal are on-hand to provide Trader services, and we'll see what else I can stir up. Other members of the council like Eriniel and Ticrit operate as both talent scouts and organizers, looking for and developing new performers.

As it stands, the Tavern Troupe is still without an official Vice-Speaker or Treasurer. I'm interviewing for these positions right now. To be considered for this position you would need to have an affinity for leadership and some good organizational skills. You do not have to be a performer/entertainer at all to hold this position. The importance is on your ability to communicate and your availability IG. Come speak to Kasto about this specifically to hear his views on the position.

Right now we've decided not to tackle anything major event-wise. We have one contract out right now with the Traders Consortium which will be added to the events calendar whenever I can send out an e-mail. We have written a special performance to compliment their Adoption Day event and we will be showing it at the Arthe Dale Theatre. It will run both days, so be sure to catch the opening the first day and the conclusion the following day. After that, we have our "Grand RE Opening Party and Auction" which will be our first full-scale event. More details on that will be coming up in the next few weeks.

This kinda goes hand-in-hand with events. We've kept from doing anything with the Tavern Troupe name on it, but that doesn't mean that we haven't been looking for things to get involved in. I'm personally trying to drag Kasto out to as much of the Zoluren-focused gatherings as I can. You may see one or a few of us around, please feel free to approach us if you have any questions about the Troupe or our activities. Most of all, if you have an activity you think we might be interested in or you might be interested in seeing us tackle. Please bear in mind our purpose for being an Order when making any sort of request, we are entertainers and merry-makers. We are not assassins or trench soldiers, but we can play one. :)

There are some big plans set in motion for the Tavern Troupe. We've got some things in the planning stages with the Theren Guard and we're slowly reaching out to the other Orders to see about co-hosting some grand-scale event stuff. I'll let you in on one of them, "Talents of Kermoria" a coss-provincial performance showcasing the skills and abilities of talented individuals. We're working out the details and who we need to work with for the individual cities, but expect this "soon" or not depending on interest and what other sort of stuff clutters my to-do list.

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
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Re: Tavern Troupe Update 7/26/2012 on 07/26/2012 10:59 AM CDT
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We have a new website up at : http://taverntroupeperformingorder.webs.com/

We'll be putting a ton of information up there soon. Check back often.

Members, please take a moment to join the forums so you can keep up to date on all of our activities and events.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
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