Cran Rasberry Sauce on 12/26/2007 06:30 AM CST
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Every year I get asked to make a few batches of my sauce so I thought I'd share it with everyone
Although it's a bit time consuming it adds that personal homemade goodness that you just cant get out of a can.

This sauce is great on turkey, baked chicken, ham and even over ice cream.

Parents sometimes I'll use a spoonful on my sons veggies to make it more appealing to him.

12oz Fresh cranberries (1 bag of ocean spray cranberries)
3/4 cup cold water
1 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup seedless rasberry jam

In a 2 quart sauce pot bring water, sugar and cranberries to a boil. Once boiling reduce heat to medium-high and continue simmering until craberries have popped and liquid has become syrupy. Strain liquid into large mixing bowl. Place popped cranberries into fine strainer and with back of spoon smush the berry skins inside the strainer over the bowl of liquid to get more liquid from the berries. Dont forget to scrape the underside of the strainer every so often for more yummmy sauce. Discard the berry skins when done. Take a balloon whisk and gently whisk jam into warm liquid. Whisk till well blended (you should notice small air bubbles along the edges) then pour into tuperware container and cover tightly. Refrigerate for at least 1 hr.

If you prefer a slightly more jellied texture refrigerate overnite. Once jellied you can whisk the sauce to return it to a more liquid state. Not sure on the shelf life cause it never lasts more than 2 days with my family


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