Sweet & Spicy Pumpkin Seeds on 12/06/2009 06:24 AM CST
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I know its a lil late after Halloween but I found this recipe and fell in love with it. Wish I wasn't out of eggs right now so I could make them for work. Ordered 5 lbs of seeds online so I could have some more! LOL

Sweet & Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

1 egg white
1/4 cup natural cane sugar
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
scant 1/2 teaspoon fine grained sea salt
1 cup fresh pumpkin seeds

Preheat oven to 375. In a medium-sized bowl whisk together the egg white, sugar, cayenne and salt. Add the pumpkin seeds and toss well. Drain off any excess egg white (using a strainer) and place seeds in a single layer across a baking sheet (Note: I found the glass ones work better so you don't have to do a lot of sticky scraping after). Bake for about 12 minutes or until seeds are golden. Sprinkle with a bit more sugar and cayenne pepper when they come out of the oven. Taste and season with more salt if needed.

Makes one cup.

On a whim...: http://www.lostonawhim.com/

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"
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