New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 04:01 AM CDT
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Heyo, all. In about three weeks, I'll be moving to Annapolis for school (Johnny, not mid, before you ask), and I was just wondering who-all's in the general vicinity. (Baltimore, DC, Seattle.... okay, so I'm a shameless Ohioan. It all looks the same from out here!)

Just wanted to introduce m'self and test the water, so to speak.

Fletcher, aka Daya, Pointy-Eared Git Extraordinaire (price two lirums at all good alchemists')
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 08:39 AM CDT
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Old town Alexandria, Virginia here. I hope ya like Annapolis! That's about the only place in Maryland outside of Ocean City that I can stand.. That market down by the yacht club used to be my favorite place to eat.

-Sarvatt's player
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 08:49 AM CDT
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I'm ovah in Harpers Ferry but that's only an hour and some change from DC and Baltimore. :)


Instigator of Liberation for Hara'Jaal

He's cunning, he's crafty... he's not just going to arrive and say, "Here I am!"
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 09:53 AM CDT
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There are a number of people in the Columbia/Baltimore area that get together at times, along with some from a couple DC suburbs, a few further south, and even one from Annapolis (me).

As an aside, growing up on the Eastern Shore and being within easy driving distance of OC, I have to say I found and still find the place annoying. Damn Junebugs <g> Annapolis is much more pleasant, to me.

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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 10:45 AM CDT
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I'm in Ellicott City, about 40 minutes from Annapolis (though I've made it in 25, rather illegally).

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 05:29 PM CDT
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<<There are a number of people in the Columbia/Baltimore area that get together at times, along with some from a couple DC suburbs, a few further south, and even one from Annapolis (me).

well, what about me? I drive all the way from Va Beach to see you guys on the weekend. Well, to see one of you. Well, that doesn't count if I'm married to that one, does it? ;)


"Mans only limitation is that he has no limitations" ~Bruce Lee 1941-1973
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 05:55 PM CDT
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>>There are a number of people in the Columbia/Baltimore area that get together at times, along with some from a couple DC suburbs, a few further south, and even one from Annapolis (me).

>well, what about me? I drive all the way from Va Beach to see you guys on the weekend. Well, to see one of you. Well, that doesn't count if I'm married to that one, does it? ;)

::tickles:: I'm pretty sure you're considered being from "further south," along with me.

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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 06:50 PM CDT
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Speaking of Annapolis...the Maryland Renaissance Festival begins August 23rd in Crownsville, Maryland. Just minutes from Annapolis. Any chance of us getting together again this year?

Roxana Bloodlan
Speaker, Tavern Troupe Performing Order
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/05/2003 09:40 PM CDT
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>>Speaking of Annapolis...the Maryland Renaissance Festival begins August 23rd in Crownsville, Maryland. Just minutes from Annapolis. Any chance of us getting together again this year?

Well, I'm definitely there Oktoberfest weekend, plus whatever weekend the group decides to go. I might even have an actual costume instead of a bathrobe and a flute this time! I would guarantee that some people from the area are going, though.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/06/2003 07:24 AM CDT
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We'll be going some time in September, unfortunately our weekend choices are severely limited this year. <sigh>


Instigator of Liberation for Hara'Jaal

He's cunning, he's crafty... he's not just going to arrive and say, "Here I am!"
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/06/2003 05:02 PM CDT
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I went to the very last weekend of the Faire last year. Was my first time, as well. Had alot of fun! I hope to make it there again this year. Depending on my schedule, I wanted to try and catch the 'Pirate Invasion' weekend. Whee!!

Welcome to the folder, Fletcher. I am in VA, a bit south of Sarvatt.

-Kyra's player
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/06/2003 05:43 PM CDT
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>Any chance of us getting together again this year?

I hope so! I have a new person to show off!


Sleep deprivatioon... a whole new way to look at the world.
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/06/2003 11:49 PM CDT
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In response to "anyone going to the Ren fest?":

<<I might even have an actual costume instead of a bathrobe and a flute this time! I would guarantee that some people from the area are going, though.
<<~player of Gulphphunger

<<I hope so! I have a new person to show off!

Wow, Gulph, Espritia's new person is really going to overshadow your new costume. I'd stick with the bathrobe. ;-)

Folcwyn, lurking in MD
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/07/2003 08:33 AM CDT
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>>Wow, Gulph, Espritia's new person is really going to overshadow your new costume. I'd stick with the bathrobe. ;-)

True, true. I still think I'm gonna drop the robe. That thing gets hot in 70+ degree weather. Makes it harder to keep drinking beer and mead.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/07/2003 08:34 AM CDT
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>Wow, Gulph, Espritia's new person is really going to overshadow your new costume. I'd stick with the bathrobe. ;-)

My new person will also be in costume... we're just not sure if it will be a cow, dragon or fairy costume. We'll see what's available at the time, and what she'll tolerate wearing.

Or maybe she'll just dress like Gulph and wear her bathrobe. ;)


Sleep deprivatioon... a whole new way to look at the world.
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/07/2003 11:10 AM CDT
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But the bathrobes did make you easy to find in the crowd!


I want it all... and I want it covered in chocolate.
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/09/2003 06:14 PM CDT
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I'm in downtown Baltimore (Mt. Vernon, to be precise), and I'll actually be visiting a friend in Annapolis tomorrow. I definitely want in on the Ren Faire action! I've never been to one, but I've wanted to check one out for a while. There was a plan for some people to go to the Pittsburgh Ren Faire last year (when I was still in school out there), and it kind of fell apart. And will there really be mead? I've been thinking about mead all day--it's another thing I've never tried but really want to.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/09/2003 08:03 PM CDT
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A mead virgin!

Leesh (Allegoria)

Instigator of Liberation for Hara'Jaal

He's cunning, he's crafty... he's not just going to arrive and say, "Here I am!"
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/09/2003 09:03 PM CDT
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>>A mead virgin!

And eager to be compromised at your earliest convenience :)

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/10/2003 12:05 AM CDT
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Well, damn! Lot of people about. ::grins::

I'm definitely in on the renfair - just have to see if the bloody costume still fits. If not... well, that's what scissors and thread are for.

Daya, Pointy-Eared Git Extraordinaire (price two lirums at all good alchemists')
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/10/2003 02:32 AM CDT
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Not only are you a 'mead virgin,' it seems you have other tastes to acquire whilst at the renaissance festival in Maryland. Such as a 'Snake Bite,' a 'Bee Sting' and let's not forget my favorite, 'Dragon's Blood.' It's a magical world of meads and braggot. Hope we can all get together. I am pushing for the weekend of October 18 & 19. Unfortunately the rest of my summer/fall is pretty full. Would be glad to act as guide for any newcomers to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. I consider it my home away from home.

Roxana Bloodlan
Speaker, Tavern Troupe Performing Order
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/10/2003 08:14 AM CDT
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>>Daya, Pointy-Eared Git Extraordinaire

Say, are you any relation to A Snivelling Little Rat-Faced and Dreary Fat Boring Old Git of Dulwich? And any weekend should work for me. As of now, the only weekend that I actually have any plans for is September 13-14.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: New Chap on the Bay on 08/10/2003 08:31 AM CDT
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>Say, are you any relation to A Snivelling Little Rat-Faced and Dreary Fat Boring Old Git of Dulwich?

Yep, they're my grandparents. My mother, Ghastly Spotty Horrible Vicious Little, is something of a black sheep, and I think my dad, Glorious Steadfast Noble Hero-Extraordinaire, managed to convince her to break with family tradition. It worked both ways, of course. (I dropped the hyphen from my last name - it got terribly confusing being Mr. Git-Extraordinaire.)

Daya, Pointy-Eared Git Extraordinaire (price two lirums at all good alchemists')
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