Mary-land Birthday Party on 09/08/2003 08:24 AM CDT
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Hey my fellow Marylanders!

My birthday is Thursday and I'm having a little get together in Ellicott City on Wednesday around 7pm. If you are interested in coming, send me a pigeon at BardCailei. I'll give you all the details on how to get there etc. If you can't make it, monetary donations to my drinking fund are greatly appreciated (just kidding! no I'm really I am). Live music, great company, and the best part...dollar beers. drools

*runs off to dance around her house singing Happy Birthday To Me*

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Re: Mary-land Birthday Party on 09/08/2003 11:25 AM CDT
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Hey Cai,

I'd love to come--since I have that Delaware crack to make up for :) I work right at Northrop Grumman in Linthicum (which is where I am now, so I can't get on AIM). Please send the info to my address. I don't drive, though. Could someone perhaps pick me up at, say, the BWI Rail Station?

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Mary-land Birthday Party on 09/08/2003 01:02 PM CDT
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Hey Cai,
Sounds exciting! Happy Birthday! I'll be flying out by then (activated Air Force reservist) But I wanted to wish a happy birthday anyway! Drink a couple for me!

Sean, player of Phairdon, Wandyfarer

The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
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Re: Mary-land Birthday Party on 09/08/2003 09:47 PM CDT
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Aw, well you'll be missed. Your donation can be sent to....oh wait I was just kidding about that wasn't I. Oh well! Maybe some other time! Thanks for the birthday wishes!

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Re: Mary-land Birthday Party on 09/09/2003 08:54 AM CDT
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Hey, I'll send a donations. ;-) Got some awesome German beer just taking up space in my fridge. Love to send you a bottle! Gimme a yell if you want one or two.

IM: Phairdon DR or Fliboy326

Sean, player of Phairdon, Wandyfarer

The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
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