Checking in on 09/19/2003 03:19 PM CDT
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My family and myself are fine and dandy. My house lost 7 tiles off the roof... and power of course. (neighbors house lost two trees, house okay. The other neighbor almost lost her whole roof)
My mom has a full power line down due to falling trees. No word on when it'll be back up.

I'm definitly lucky. Hope everyone else is as well.

Player of Lucerella
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Re: Checking in on 09/19/2003 06:24 PM CDT
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Arrrrr! I'm just fine in downtown Baltimore. My apartment complex is well sheltered by much taller buildings all around us, and no damage was reported here. Other parts of the city can't say the same. I usually live eight blocks from the Inner Harbor, but today I lived only six blocks from it. The city's Book Fair was cancelled (Boo!), and there has been no MARC train service for two days (Lazy bilge rats!). In an amusing turn of events, I showed up for work at Northrop Grumman near BWI, and found that nobody was there. Shiver me timbers! Evidently, grownups are supposed to be proactive in determining whether or not they're supposed to go to work. Remember when you were in grade school, and they actually called your house to tell you when there was no school? I miss that.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Checking in on 09/21/2003 04:25 AM CDT
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I survived just fine too. Well, I should say my family and house in Newark did. I was stuck on paradise in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Lost a row of shingles and a gutter or two apparantly. A little flooding in the bastement too, but that's normal for living at the bottom of a hill. ::mutters:: Glad everyone else survived alright!

Sean, Player of Phairdon, Wandyfarer

The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
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Re: Checking in on 09/22/2003 06:59 AM CDT
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All is well here for us Ellicott City guys (Ledth, Peigon, and myself). I wish I had gotten off work on Friday. Or Thursday. Or today.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Checking in on 09/22/2003 08:14 AM CDT
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Well I certainly thought the storm would have been bigger. To say the least, I was out in it for two hours and frankly I wasn't impressed. Maybe next time.

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Re: Checking in on 09/22/2003 11:59 AM CDT
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Waldorf MD here, and we just got electricity back at 5:13 this morning. Kind of pisses me off, because it was out for the three trees that are resting on the powerlines, so when it came back on, I drove up the street and the trees are still standing, meaning that all someone had to do was flip a switch somewhere. Seems friday would have been a good time to flip the switch.


"Let them hate, so long as they fear"
Lucius Accius (170 BC- 86 BC)
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Re: Checking in on 09/22/2003 08:45 PM CDT
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Yeah I would have been upset with that too. Seems like a long time to be without power. I'd probably go crazy. All we had was a tiny flicker here and there. I'm in Columbia. Granted one of my friends was about 5 minutes away in another village of Columbia and they lost power for a day or two.

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