Movie Night? on 11/01/2003 09:23 PM CST
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Hey guys, with the new Matrix coming out in 4 days, I was wondering if anyone wanted to get together an see it. Just looking for a quick hand count to see who would want to see it and who wouldn't.

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Re: Movie Night? on 11/03/2003 06:57 AM CST
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>>Hey guys, with the new Matrix coming out in 4 days, I was wondering if anyone wanted to get together an see it. Just looking for a quick hand count to see who would want to see it and who wouldn't.

Argh! I really want to, but I've got to go to a conference for work. I'll be gone Wednesday-Sunday. mutter

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Movie Night? on 11/03/2003 05:28 PM CST
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You know Mike, you're not very social these days. You really need to get your priorities straight...

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Re: Movie Night? on 11/04/2003 09:17 AM CST
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>>You know Mike, you're not very social these days. You really need to get your priorities straight...

Well, there's 2 very good reasons.

First is general band practice, which when included with the Vegascon stuff (a separate list of 45+ songs on top of our normal schtick), turns into quite a busy weeknight/weekend daytime schedule. Then there's taking care of the house and my friend's sister from time to time, which is a serious time-drainer. That leaves...Friday and Saturday night (sometimes). Now keep in mind, that's also my only time to play DR, which is unfortunate to say the least. Hopefully we can use our time smarter in the future, but for now it's just gotta be this way. :(

Then, when the boss comes up to your desk and says, "hey, buddy, wanna fly first class to Marco Island to go to this conference? I think there's a free day on Friday; maybe we can rent a boat and go fishing in the Gulf," could I say no? You see the bind this puts me in.

Anyhoo, I hope everyone has a blast on Friday, and I'll be wishing I was there! (Seriously). Hopefully I'll be free for LOTR! I'm going to do everything in my power to make it so, and to the best of my knowledge there are no more trips for me this year. I even have a vacation coming up, if I remember to put in for the time off!


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Re: Movie Night? on 11/06/2003 09:11 AM CST
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I might be able to make it, but it depends on when. I'm busy Friday evening, and Saturday during the day (Familiar beauty pageant, don't you know.). I'm actually seeing the movie in DC with my cousin on Sunday, but I wouldn't be opposed to also seeing it with you if you go, if it's Saturday night.

I'm in for LOTR, though.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Movie Night? on 11/06/2003 08:33 PM CST
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Seems, we forgot to tell everyone here. We're heading to the theatre Friday at 10:30pm. Most if not all of us already have our tickets.

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Re: Movie Night? on 11/07/2003 12:34 AM CST
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I'd love it if Heather and I could come, but the fine for my wreckless driving ticket (my new car is too fast) hit me hard this month, and we're on a budget till next payday.

We'll make plans for LOTR though.


"Let them hate, so long as they fear"
Lucius Accius (170 BC- 86 BC)
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