Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 01/25/2004 05:33 AM CST
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Ok, so heres the deal ... Mike (Ipkin) and I (Marc/Slaris) are planning on renting a house on the Jersey shore (I'm told it doesn't smell like gasoline or burning tires at that time of year) for a week. Some initial searches for a suitable place that sleeps a pile of people, and is right on the beach, put us at about $1500 for the week.

Our thought is to make a big ole party out of it, and split the cost among everyone. Once we get into June, aside from Simucon (I think), graduations, and this little expensive thing called "on-season", its gets way expensive -- almost double, meaning we probably couldn't do it.

Anyways, the first weekend (of whichever week we choose, based on interest) we'll shoot for either a pig roast, or some other bigass catered food thing. The rest of the week we'll just BBQ (I am teh grillmaster!) or free-for-all food. In the interest of making things easy, Mike and I or our designated liquor supplyer will handle keeping the fridge stocked with food and drink.

If you think you wanna come down for a day or two, spend the whole week, or whatever .. holler out here, so we can get an idea on how much its going to cost. We have about 2 weeks before we make our final decision on which place, how much.

Tell your friends, save your nickels, and sign up to Patry with 50 of you're closest friends. Unfortunately, since we are renting a place, its not fair to anyone for free stays, so we'll need a donation for even a day stay. A rough guess on donations is 40/person/day, but again, depending on numbers that could go up or down. We'll keep you all informed.

Sooo, whose in?
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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 01/25/2004 08:14 AM CST
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Just as an addendum, we're just testing the waters for responses here, if you say you're interested, we're not going to crucify you later if you can't. Secondly, the 40? bucks a day/night will include food and beverages. Thirdly, we're not going to restrict this to just DR people, so if you have a friend you want to bring with you, his/her money is just as green as yours. :)


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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 01/25/2004 06:10 PM CST
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Beach party? It's been ages. I'd be up for it.

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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 01/25/2004 11:56 PM CST
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Question is for when though. I mean I work at a High School so it might be possible for me to be still in school etc. Anyway, I won't know for certain until I get an actual timeframe.

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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 01/26/2004 01:39 PM CST
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We're looking at the first half of may.

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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 02/28/2004 01:00 PM CST
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I live in Monmouth Beach, northern Jersey Shore, count me in. For the party not the house.

-Laarth Frozenfyre
Ilithi Militia, Commander
Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a Bakshiloa of Strategy

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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 03/04/2004 06:26 AM CST
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Anyone else live on the Jersey Shore?

-Laarth Frozenfyre
Ilithi Militia, Commander
Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a Bakshiloa of Strategy

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Re: Long term planning - Jersey Blowout on 04/04/2004 11:09 PM CDT
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I live in Maryland, and would love to come, me and some friends, but it would be better the second half of may, warmer, and I have finals the first half and wouldnt be able to go at all.

Brittany, Eamerale, Savaedia
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