Another gig on 12/09/2004 09:16 PM CST
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Once again, if anyone's in the Frederick, MD area this Saturday between 1-3pm, feel free to stop by Frederick Coffee Company and see a few of your fellow DR-ers jammin' to a few tunes.

Things should be kind of funky this time since we don't have our standard Led Zeppelin drummer; we're gonna be mixing it up a bit. If people are nice we might even treat the crowd to a ukelele selection or two.

Saturday, December 11.

Frederick Coffee Company
100 East Street in Frederick, MD 21701.
Everedy Square.

The band to look for is the Voices in Your Head.

"Tips" is "spit" backwards.

That really has nothing to do with anything.

Have a great weekend,

~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Another gig on 12/15/2004 09:06 AM CST
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Damn sorry I missed it. Frederick is barely 20 minutes away. :(


Instigator for Liberation of Hara'jaal

"Up the riggings, you monkeys! Break out those sails and watch them fill with the wind that's carrying us all to freedom!" Dr. Peter Blood
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Re: Another gig on 12/15/2004 09:36 AM CST
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<<Damn sorry I missed it. Frederick is barely 20 minutes away. :(

I don't think they accept requests for "John Brown's Body".


"False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutory pleasure in proving their falseness."
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Re: Another gig on 12/15/2004 10:29 AM CST
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<<I don't think they accept requests for "John Brown's Body".>>

He was tried, and hung, in Charles Town. :-P I can go the the Cellar Pub across from the courthouse if I want to hear that song.


Instigator for Liberation of Hara'jaal

"Up the riggings, you monkeys! Break out those sails and watch them fill with the wind that's carrying us all to freedom!" Dr. Peter Blood
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Re: Another gig on 12/22/2004 04:09 PM CST
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>>Damn sorry I missed it. Frederick is barely 20 minutes away. :(

Don't worry about it. We're developing a good relationship with some people in Frederick, so come spring we'll probably be playing around there a fair bit.

>>I don't think they accept requests for "John Brown's Body".

The band or the song? I've heard of both but heard neither, so Sylvado's probably right either way.

~Mike/p.o. Gulphphunger
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Re: Another gig on 12/23/2004 06:25 AM CST
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<<so Sylvado's probably right either way

I know, it is getting boring.

Actually it was just a dig I throw at Alle every now and then. Sometimes it is Hatfield/McCoy but that is really from the other side of the state so it doesn't play as well.


"False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutory pleasure in proving their falseness."
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