DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/10/2007 05:38 PM CDT
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Hi, I was wondering how many folks out there live in the DC metro area and might be interested in a get-together in/near DC sometime. I don't have anything specific planned at the moment though; I was just wondering if there would be any interest. =)
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/11/2007 09:25 AM CDT
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I'd definitely be for it.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/11/2007 11:34 AM CDT
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>>Hi, I was wondering how many folks out there live in the DC metro area and might be interested in a get-together in/near DC sometime. I don't have anything specific planned at the moment though; I was just wondering if there would be any interest. =)

Well, I live in central Maryland. That's sorta DC Metro area. My band is playing a show at the Grog and Tankard [insert shuddering here] on Sunday, Dec. 2 at 10pm. Aside from that, not really sure when I'm planning on being in the DC area per se, but I might be down for something on a weekend. Every other Saturday is bad for me, starting the cycle on Oct. 20th.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/11/2007 12:42 PM CDT
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ahhh...makes me wish I was home. I used to live out there myself in that immediate area. Grew up in the Fort Washington area, Indian Head highway. Near the old Fort. Hung out alot of the time where all teens did 15 years ago, Springfield Mall!

My folks still live out there, I would be there this year for Xmas, but they are coming to where I am this year. But I'm hoping to make it back sometime during spring of 08.

Gulph, not sure if you remember the kids club, Decibals, in Waldorf? I've played there a few times with my old band. And have played in quiet a few bands out there. And jammed with quiet a few of them. Not sure if you've ever heard of the guy, we called him Speedy White. Fastest fingers I've ever heard next to Eddie Van Halen. Another kewl band during its run out there in the local clubs was Nimbus, and than another that my brother in law used to play in, Floored. One of their songs, my brother in law stole (gotta give him a hard time about it) part of the intro and mid chorus from me.

They have an album out called, Chaos Media. Pretty damned good I might say.

But yeah, I miss that area. One of these days I'll convince the wife to move back out there...not likely, but its worth a shot.

Ramis and his brood.
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/11/2007 08:06 PM CDT
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I'm in Richmond, VA. I'm down for getting together.

- Mazrian
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/12/2007 02:10 AM CDT
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>>Gulph, not sure if you remember the kids club, Decibals, in Waldorf?

The only times I ended up in Waldorf were in college (c.a. '98 or '99, most likely). I generally avoided it. I've traveled hours longer than here to there to play gigs for less money than I could make in Waldorf. It's just got a special...Jenny say "kwah." [sic]

>>Fastest fingers I've ever heard next to Eddie Van Halen.

Fast is nice, but feeling is better. Eddie Van Halen does about as much for me as a Coinstar machine. Makes a lot of noise and does it really fast, but at the end I just feel cheated.

I'll take Page, Clapton, Fripp, Gilmour, or even Justin Hayward over Van Halen any day. I mean, I can flap my fingers belligerently in a pentatonic on a fretboard in my sleep, but to come up with something that actually sounds good--that takes work.

>>They have an album out called, Chaos Media. Pretty damned good I might say.

I will attempt to check it out. Mind e-mailing me at the play.net address with that info? I'm tired and lazy and without a pen at the moment.


~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/12/2007 11:14 AM CDT
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>>Fast is nice, but feeling is better. Eddie Van Halen does about as much for me as a Coinstar machine. Makes a lot of noise and does it really fast, but at the end I just feel cheated.

Sounds almost like something my Uncle instilled into me:

It was great while I was there, I'd enjoy it while I was there, but I'd go home and forget all about it.

If I can't be remembered for my music, I don't want to be remembered at all.

>>I'll take Page, Clapton, Fripp, Gilmour, or even Justin Hayward over Van Halen any day. I mean, I can flap my fingers belligerently in a pentatonic on a fretboard in my sleep, but to come up with something that actually sounds good--that takes work.


>>I will attempt to check it out. Mind e-mailing me at the play.net address with that info? I'm tired and lazy and without a pen at the moment.

Surely can, prolly won't be this weekend, I got my neice and nephew after I get off work. But come sunday, I can throw an email your way with one of their songs, "Severed". They had one song that a few years ago was all over DC 101. The ended up breaking up thanks to their drummer Ryan. Which sucked, they were actually making it. But sure thing.

Ramis and his brood.
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/14/2007 02:50 AM CDT
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>>Surely can, prolly won't be this weekend, I got my neice and nephew after I get off work. But come sunday, I can throw an email your way with one of their songs, "Severed". They had one song that a few years ago was all over DC 101. The ended up breaking up thanks to their drummer Ryan. Which sucked, they were actually making it. But sure thing.

Thanks. Isn't that always the way, though? My band's been through more people than Menudo because of stuff like that. All I want to do is play and have fun, but for some that's both too much and not enough. Yeah, sure, we all want to be famous, but at its heart, if it's not about having fun and giving people a moment of enjoyment with music, what's the bloody point?

Anyway, I look forward to the e-mail, and definitely keep me posted on any get-together in the DC Metro area.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 10/14/2007 11:47 AM CDT
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I'm sans car, but I live close to the dupont circle metro, so anything on the red line is game for me.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 07/10/2009 11:23 PM CDT
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I live in Silver Spring, would love to meet up with other DR players in the area.

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - Thorin Oakenshield
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 09/10/2009 08:43 PM CDT
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I live in Dupont Circle. I'm always down for a few beers.

Actually, that's not true. I'm always down for a few too many beers.

~ Purehand
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 09/11/2009 10:42 AM CDT
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A gaggle of us are down in Richmond, VA.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 09/13/2009 10:58 AM CDT
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Stuck down in Newport News, myself.

No Ranger Stands Alone.

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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 09/21/2009 12:11 PM CDT
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Very Southern MD

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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 01/04/2010 03:51 PM CST
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Just moved from Silver Spring to Woodstock NY. have family on the Eastern Shore
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 01/04/2010 08:25 PM CST
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>>Just moved from Silver Spring to Woodstock NY. have family on the Eastern Shore

mmm taco juans. Good stuff.

Death Dealer Adakin of Prime
WorldsBestMagic Kastr of TF

"The Key To Immortality Is Living A Life Worth Remembering."

"Killing Time Murders Opportunities."
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Re: DC Metro Area Anyone? on 01/05/2010 12:22 PM CST
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I miss home...::Sighs::

Grew up in the Ft. Washington area myself. MD is home. For those that are goin where??? Ft. Washington is just around the corner from Oxin Hill, off of Indian Head Highway (210). Gawds I miss home. And hanging around Springfield Mall. That place still exhist? What about Generous Georges Pizza across the Wilson Bridge? ::chortles::

Come on man, catch a guy up!

I might be out there in a couple of months, would love to hang out and grab a few beers. Someone catch me up!!! Been gone from home nearly 14 years now.

~Dalkin and his driver Jim who left the D.C. area back in 97~
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