DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 12:18 PM CST
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Hi, folks! I have the intention to travel to Washington, DC for a few days at the end of April. I'd like to see some of the Smithsonians, etc. My question for y'all: where (area-wise) should I be looking to stay? I don't need/want to stay in the center of DC - looks too expensive - so which region(s) around DC should I look at, or specifically avoid? If at all possible use Priceline's hotel region names, as that's likely how I'll be finding a hotel.

- Matt, "Shavay"

Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 01:16 PM CST
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>>Hi, folks! I have the intention to travel to Washington, DC for a few days at the end of April. I'd like to see some of the Smithsonians, etc. My question for y'all: where (area-wise) should I be looking to stay? I don't need/want to stay in the center of DC - looks too expensive - so which region(s) around DC should I look at, or specifically avoid? If at all possible use Priceline's hotel region names, as that's likely how I'll be finding a hotel.

My advice would be to stay in Alexandria (just across the Potomac from downtown DC and the Capitol, about 5 minutes from Reagan National) or on the outskirts of BWI, assuming you don't care about the view. You can hop a Marc train from BWI to DC for about $6. It takes about 20-25 minutes and drops you off right in the heart of DC. Flights might be better to BWI than Reagan, and Dulles is just a headache unless you live in the area.

If you're going, might I recommend having lunch at one of the Senate or Congressional office buildings? Heck, you can even stop in and visit with your representatives (or if they're not in, talk to their aides or leave a message). For one, the food is probably the best food you'll have in DC for under $10. Secondly, most people never take the time to actually tell their reps what they want. In my experience, it's actually quite effective, and completely free and open to the public.

Oh, and third, you meet all sorts of random people there. Like Sam Waterston (sp?) and Dionne Warwick.

/It's a strange life

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 01:29 PM CST
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>>Flights might be better to BWI than Reagan, and Dulles is just a headache unless you live in the area.

I'll actually be driving, so no worries there.
Priceline has two Alexandria regions - Alexandria, and Alexandria West. I was considering them, or possibly Arlington? That's a little to the north of there, I think. And then there's Crystal City in between Alex. and Arl., but that looks to be right up against the airport.

- Matt, "Shavay"

Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 01:52 PM CST
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Either one of the Alexandria's is probably fine, though Alexandria (Old Town) has some neat shops and a nice local scene, including some music and the like if you're interested in that.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 01:53 PM CST
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Arlington, Alexandria, and Crystal City are all in Northern VA and only a few minutes out of the city. Alexandria doesn't have the best metro access IMO.

If you want to stay outside of DC then go with Crystal City or Rosslyn. Make sure you grab the .pdf of the metro map off the WMTA site (http://www.wmata.com/rail/maps/map.cfm).

I'd keep pricing out hotels in DC proper, particularly ones in between M and R streets between 18 and 25th streets. The area is known as the "West End" and is within walking distance to georgetown and easy access to metro to the Capitol Hill area.

Like the other poster mentioned, make sure you go to the Senate or House side of the Hill and walk around. Anyone is welcome to be there (just don't bring anything you would not bring onto an airplane) and use the services. I still get my haircut under the Hill.

Also, try and plan out which Smithsonians you will visit, there are several and you can easily miss things you may want to see if you don't plan ahead.
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 02:03 PM CST
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I would truly recommend seeing the National Gallery of Art.

And avoid being anywhere in or near Anacostia or even the College Park vicinity. Bethesda can be nice though.

Metro is your friend.

The Moose
"My advice? Run to a safe room, then re-roll. It's guaranteed awesome."
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 02:04 PM CST
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>>Arlington, Alexandria, and Crystal City are all in Northern VA and only a few minutes out of the city. Alexandria doesn't have the best metro access IMO.

>>If you want to stay outside of DC then go with Crystal City or Rosslyn. Make sure you grab the .pdf of the metro map off the WMTA site (http://www.wmata.com/rail/maps/map.cfm).

>>I'd keep pricing out hotels in DC proper, particularly ones in between M and R streets between 18 and 25th streets. The area is known as the "West End" and is within walking distance to georgetown and easy access to metro to the Capitol Hill area.

>>Also, try and plan out which Smithsonians you will visit, there are several and you can easily miss things you may want to see if you don't plan ahead.

All good points. You know, I've got a friend who's an on-again, off-again DR player who might have a hotel connection in the city proper. I'll give him a ring and see if that's still the case. If you were at Vegascon 2004 you may have met him--Chris/player of Ambir. I'll let you know if I can find anything.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/02/2010 02:51 PM CST
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Great info, folks. Highly appreciated.
As to Smithsonians, I intend to see American History and Air & Space, and consider others as time and/or inclination permit. Outside of the museums, I'll probably spend some time wandering around the various memorials and monuments around there.

- Matt, "Shavay"

Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/03/2010 06:22 AM CST
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<<I'll actually be driving, so no worries there.>>

A little suggestion, learn the metro system, driving around, in and such around DC can at times be a real pain. For sight seeing so much can be done within walking distance and everything is just a short hop on the Metro.

Have fun, I miss the area alot

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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/03/2010 08:55 AM CST
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>>A little suggestion, learn the metro system, driving around, in and such around DC can at times be a real pain.

Oh, definitely. I just meant that I was driving in as opposed to flying. Once I get to DC I intend to leave the car parked at the hotel and use public trans as much as possible.

- Matt, "Shavay"

Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/03/2010 09:49 AM CST
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I'd recommend a B&B in Dupont so you could just walk everywhere, but they don't have parking typically so the VA suggestions might be the way to go. Stay in NW DC, west of 14th street if you don't know the neighborhoods.

~ Purehand

After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Purehand, this court finds you innocent of the charges brought upon you."
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/04/2010 09:03 PM CST
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>>And then there's Crystal City in between Alex. and Arl., but that looks to be right up against the airport.

I'd say Crystal City myself. There's a metro stop right there. If I remember correctly, the Green line, not looking at the map at the moment. And goes right into the heart of DC at the Mall area. (smithsonian stop).

>>And avoid being anywhere in or near Anacostia or even the College Park vicinity. Bethesda can be nice though.

Good advice, I used to live 5 minutes from Anacostia. Bolling AFB raised brat here. ::laughs::

College Park isn't that bad, at least its on the MD side of things.

>>Also, try and plan out which Smithsonians you will visit, there are several and you can easily miss things you may want to see if you don't plan ahead.

Agreed with that one. Really plan ahead. There is so much to see there. Even besides the museums. There's Old Town (alexandria) thats already been mentioned. Georgetown (which has been mentioned) at the Foggy Bottom stop. Not that far of a walk. The original Tower Records which is just fun. Georgetown Underground Mall, which is right off the C & O canal view. Commander Salamander thats also just inside Georgetown Underground Mall area.

There's also Pentagon City, which is a HUGE mall, just past the Pentagon stop on the Metro.

>>A little suggestion, learn the metro system, driving around, in and such around DC can at times be a real pain. For sight seeing so much can be done within walking distance and everything is just a short hop on the Metro.

I agree with this one. The Metro is the greatest thing out there. But remember to map out where your going first, and which stops your goin to make. And make sure your on the right train. Red/Green/Blue/Yellow. Get on the wrong train and head the wrong way, and you'll end up in the Anacostia area...::shudders:: Like the Moose said, stay out of that area. Unless your goin to the Navy museum and have a quick way to the museum and access to the base.

>>Stay in NW DC, west of 14th street if you don't know the neighborhoods.

More good advice. Not to mean to scare folks, but those of us that live/lived out there know what we are talkin about.

But have fun, feel free to drop me an IM if you want, jntthomp4486 on AIM. Always fun to talk about home. And expect an IM from me Moose, I had no idea you knew your way around there. That just surprises me. I miss home. ::sighs:: Good thing I'm goin home in July. Familial visit. Mom misses me and dad just wants to harrass me, and my sisters...meh...I think they still want me to watch all their kids....all 9 of them...::whimpers::

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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/04/2010 09:37 PM CST
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>>Good thing I'm goin home in July. Familial visit. Mom misses me and dad just wants to harrass me, and my sisters...meh...I think they still want me to watch all their kids....all 9 of them...::whimpers::

Let me know when that gets closer. If you're going to be in town for July 4 weekend and don't have anything to do, my band will be playing at Hershey's in Gaithersburg at some point during their all-day festival. From what I understand the fest has a blues-oriented bent, though we're playing more blues-based original rock/classic rock/old skool R&B/funk. If you still play, we might be able to get you up on stage for a completely unrehearsed song or two. :)

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: DC - Travelling info on 03/04/2010 09:59 PM CST
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>>Let me know when that gets closer. If you're going to be in town for July 4 weekend and don't have anything to do, my band will be playing at Hershey's in Gaithersburg at some point during their all-day festival. From what I understand the fest has a blues-oriented bent, though we're playing more blues-based original rock/classic rock/old skool R&B/funk. If you still play, we might be able to get you up on stage for a completely unrehearsed song or two. :)

If I still play? ::chortles:: umm...hellz yeah. Count me in. I'll let you know when it gets closer. I'd love to pull out my old Custom BC Rich. Good thing I left it at mom's. Wonder if my brother in law still has my Peavy 5150 straight tube...heh...gotta make some calls in the near future.

Look forward to the all day fest. Sounds like it will be a blast. I'll let you know when it gets closer. Talked to my mom just a bit ago, seems my 80 year old grandmother is wantin to come out that same weekend and stay the entire month. So I'll be out there for a couple of weeks at least.

Drop me an IM sometime. Now that its posted here, more than welcome to.

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