Moving stealthily, you manage to grab a Galleon right from underneath the shipbuilder Barana's very nose.
Very Very funny!!
And for those of you who happen to be Eagles fans, my deepest and most sincere condolences. I understand your not used to the feeling of depression that comes with watching your team almost make it to the Superbowl year after year. If it helps any, Dallas wont be there this year either.
Course, I am not disappointed since I stand by something I have been forced to conclude - there is no way the Eagles will ever win the Superbowl. SOMETHING will ALWAYS prevent this from happening. I DID have hopes for this year in light of what happened with baseball, but I dont think the Phildelphia Curse will be that easily removed. (Even thier favorite horse cant win!!) And please dont misunderstand me - though I am a Dallas fan, I do try to be realistic, and I was even hoping and quietly cheering for the Eagles to win! But I also knew SOMETHING would prevent them. I hate being right year after year! ;-)
Well, there is always NEXT year....right????
B and his player Andrew
"Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground, and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants off."
And for those of you who happen to be Eagles fans, my deepest and most sincere condolences. I understand your not used to the feeling of depression that comes with watching your team almost make it to the Superbowl year after year. If it helps any, Dallas wont be there this year either.
Course, I am not disappointed since I stand by something I have been forced to conclude - there is no way the Eagles will ever win the Superbowl. SOMETHING will ALWAYS prevent this from happening. I DID have hopes for this year in light of what happened with baseball, but I dont think the Phildelphia Curse will be that easily removed. (Even thier favorite horse cant win!!) And please dont misunderstand me - though I am a Dallas fan, I do try to be realistic, and I was even hoping and quietly cheering for the Eagles to win! But I also knew SOMETHING would prevent them. I hate being right year after year! ;-)
Well, there is always NEXT year....right????
B and his player Andrew
"Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground, and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants off."