Piedmont-Triad Area on 03/17/2006 07:18 PM CST
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I've posted about this before as well as a few others. Marie and I are going to try to actualy make it work. I'd like to have a get together and I'm curious who lives in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. If you would, post here or email me at tbigbadwolfm@yahoo.com and let me know where you live and if you're willing to come. This is postivly no charge thing I'm providing the food and the keg and even a place to sleep for those of ya that won't be able to drive home, if it comes to that. ALso, this is not limited to Piedmont folks, if you'd like to come you're welcome to just rsvp. My plan is to do this June sometime so like I said let us know who's interested and who wants to come. Oh, I live In Randolph County between Asheboro and Greensboro so you'll have a basic idea of where it is.

P.S. We'd like for you guys to be able to come Hanryu and I know it's sorta far for you so think about it and if you're going to make a trip for family or anything maybe we can work it out around that time.

In some places of Elanthia, due process is a hide, stalk, and a duel loaded longbow away.

Aroamer Dondire
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Re: Piedmont-Triad Area on 03/18/2006 11:33 AM CST
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Hanryu and I will be up in Charlotte around June 4th (my parents bought us tickets to join them at the buffet concert), and again around the 13th and the 28th-ish of that same month. I know thats a bit far off, but I figured i'd mention it

Ragran to Rantjur:
"Remember that: you=weakling, rilely=adventurer."
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Re: Piedmont-Triad Area on 03/18/2006 06:52 PM CST
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Well if noone else responds to this post maybe you and hanryu and marie and I can get together for dinner one night down in charlotte or something. We've been wanting to meet you guys for a long time anyway. It'd be fun I have hanryu's pidgeon I'll harass him untill he agrees.

In some places of Elanthia, due process is a hide, stalk, and a duel loaded longbow away.

Aroamer Dondire
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Re: Piedmont-Triad Area on 03/19/2006 08:34 AM CST
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I currently live in Siler City. I lived outside of Chapel Hill until recently. I've asked several times for a get together so I will surely come. There used to be a group around Raleigh-Durham that had a big cookout each summer.

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Re: Piedmont-Triad Area on 03/19/2006 07:49 PM CST
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Awesome Allarsk, We need to try to get in touch with these folks up in Raleigh/Durham. More the merrier I say. We all spend so much time around each other in game and playing this game, it's silly we live so close and have no contact with one another. Some want it that way and I understand that but for those of you that want it let's plan for something in June.

In some places of Elanthia, due process is a hide, stalk, and a duel loaded longbow away.

Aroamer Dondire
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Re: Piedmont-Triad Area on 03/31/2006 09:35 AM CST
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I'm on the far side of Davidson County, I might be able to do something. E-mail me at my play.net address, it should be able to get through my spam sensors.

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