Re: ***AMBER ALERT FOR THE SOUTHWEST REGION canceled** on 04/14/2006 08:32 PM CDT
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As I sit here writing this, I'm no longer looking forward to the coming week. My family has suffered a loss of a life. The life of a 10 year old. They found my neice about 2 hours ago. I'm sorry to update with bad news. They found her and her murderer. She didn't make it. As I sit here I have tears in my eyes and a frog in my throat. Anyone that has kids out there, give them an extra hug tonight. I know I will be mine. It was her cousin. Now how do I tell her? I don't know. But I'll find a way. Thanks all.


The mind behind Dalkin/Rashael/Uss/Drandar and last but not least, Mckirk.
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Re: ***AMBER ALERT FOR THE SOUTHWEST REGION canceled** on 04/14/2006 09:13 PM CDT
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Jim, I know I already posted in the other folder, but I actually did find some words after reading your last post here.

You have to tell your daughter the truth, to protect her from animals like the one who killed your niece. Just this evening driving home from picking up my 13-year-old daughter and her friend, we were discussing Myspace and online predators. These kids know there is danger, but they just don't think anything can happen to them. They need to KNOW it can happen to them.

I am so sorry that your family has experienced such a tragedy. I'm going to do more than hug my daughters tonight. I'm going to print out the story about your niece and have them read it and let them know that this happened just this week and how very real the danger is of speaking to strangers over the internet. It can be dangerous for us as adults, and we supposedly know how to keep ourselves safe.

Again, I am so sorry for your family. I know you'll find the right words to say to your daughter. I wish your niece had been found safe, and I wish there was something I could say or do to help, but I know better than that.

Take care,

~Sky, player of Dulcinia

If it was just a 3-hour tour, why did the Howells pack so much stuff?

[Meerc] "People are irritatesome..."
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Re: ***AMBER ALERT FOR THE SOUTHWEST REGION canceled** on 04/15/2006 07:25 AM CDT
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In spite of having a complete loss of words, my family and I offer our thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

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