Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 03:01 PM CDT
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I'm currently going into my third week of Pararescue Jumper Indoc and getting more and more stressed and nervous and crap. I need more motivation. So...say a motivating story or something that might relate to what I'm doing please.

Also, if anyone knows any methods of making underwater stuff easier please tell me. Not breathing sucks.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 03:49 PM CDT
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Couple words of encouragement:

1. Chicks love guys in the military in general. But they REALLY dig Pararescue Jumpers. Simple as that.

Ask a chick if she's more turned on by cop or a Pararescue Jumper? Its you everytime. I choose cops cuz chicks like cops too. Its the gun. They love things that shoot stuff.

But you jumpers! I mean, it's not just the uniform. It's the stories that you tell. So much fun and imagination. .."Lee Harvey, you are a madman. When you stole that cow, and your friend tried to make it with the cow. I want to party with you, cowboy." That kinda thing.

Anyways, chicks will dig ya.

2. Your first rescue.

It will come. I looked up Pararescue Jumpers (aka PJs) to find out exactly what you do; and I found this, "Pararescue jumpers recover troops trapped in enemy territory." 'Nuff said. Yer gonna save lives.

Save a life, then ask yourself whether it was worth it or not. Ask they family, they children, spouse, parents, if you did the right thing by finishing the course.

Anyways thanks for your service.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 04:19 PM CDT
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Thank you for that, Ragran. It's hard to think about what's going to happen in a year when they're drowning you and crap. We're already down to like 35 guys out of a class of 80something.

Chicks are definitely high on my list of priorities, but like all the plans of my life so far depend on this. And it's still incredibly difficult. It's just hard to get motivated about something that involves running till you pass out and then drowning and all kinds of other things like that from 3:30am to 5:pm every day (excluding hell night).

I know I just need to man up and do it, but it's still quite hard to convince myself daily and just need like one image in my mind, or one quote, or like I don't know. Something. You know what I mean?

But again, thank you for that Rag.
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 04:58 PM CDT
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One thing that might help is this:

Imagine your closest loved one. Now imagine that she is in a place where pain and death are nearly iminent. Finally, imagine that there is somebody who can bring her back safely from this awful place.

That's you.

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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 05:10 PM CDT
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I could never presume to tell you that I have "the secret" to perseverence, to toughness, to stuffing my fears and fatigue just so that i can get through "it". But I can tell you that its been done by people exactly like you since time began.

It's been done, so you can do it. You aren't the first to be put through this and you won't be the last.

Even if it feels like it, it won't last forever. The trick is walking into it, through it, and coming out the other side. Because there is "the other side".

It's simple. You have 2 ways to get relief, because relief will come from both choices:

1. Quit.
Will quitting make things easier for you? I don't think so. I think if you did you'd walk into the parking lot and feel suddenly rejuvenated and ready to take it some more. But they won't let you back in the building at that point. You'll get in the car and drive home. And have a story to tell your kids (if you have kids, or have them later) about how you had a dream, and the only cost to you was a certain amount of time invested in training before the hard part ended ended, and a new life began. But you decided to walk into a parking lot.

2. Walk out the other end
There is a beginning; signing up, yer guts wrenching in circles, waiting and waiting for it to start. Wondering what it would be like and whether you'd be good enough. And lo and behold, you got through that. That ended.

There is a middle; them kicking your ass. You think you're the first guy to wonder if you can make it? There hasn't been a single applicant in the history of that program that didn't want to quit. Noone ever thought it was easy. Its not a case of some CAN take it and some can't. Its that some DO take it and some don't.

There is an end; and when it ends that's it, its over. And then when you walk into the parking lot there is no regret, there is only gratitude. And it is then that you will be able to say, "Its over. I did it. Get me to a bar! Where's my woman!? And if you don't have one, find one and tell 'er you jump out of airplanes to save the lives of guys scared to death of being killed by the enemy. You'll be in like Flynn. And to the rest of the professional world you'll be able to say "I'm an expert in combat rescue." And these are the plans of have for myself going forward. And none of them have anything to do with being kicked around in training. Been there, done that.

Just walk through it untill it stops.

Or in the words of Winston Churchill who really knew hard ass times, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

Just keep going.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 09:29 PM CDT
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Motivation is a tricky thing, because it has to come within. Think back to what made you want to go into pararescue to start with. I'm going to take a leap here and presume that it isn't chicks or a drunken bet!

Whatever that reason was, think about it, hold it close and keep to your path. You can always quit when you're DONE with the training, but if you quit now, you'll always wonder about what might have been. And there's no worse question to lay awake at night, pondering your life, wondering "what if?".
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/03/2006 10:28 PM CDT
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Meriel is correct. The motivation cannot be given, it must be found. Now, don't take this as a copout, but a large part of what you are going through is the instructors want you to find that motivation. It is part of the training which they are aware of and which you will not be aware of until you have learned that lesson.

Considering the wash out rate, many have not learned that lesson and do not have the desire to. But that desire, that motivation, that fire which burns the brightest when you are alone during your darkest hour, that is what you need to find. It cannot be found in a book, or a lecture hall, or from your instructors. They can tell you of their stories, but what burns for them does not rest within you.

What you can take from those lessons is that it is there, within you. Several have come before you and found it, and several more will follow after you are gone. But what truely matters at this moment is either you learn this lesson now while you are in training, or you learn this lesson when someone's life rests in whether you can find it or not.

It is there, you just have to listen.


It is intended to be a game, and while it never made sense for me to be able to bounce across the rainbow road or whatever it was called when I played Candyland, it never stopped me from doing it and enjoying the game.
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/04/2006 07:39 AM CDT
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<<but a large part of what you are going through is the instructors want you to find that motivation. It is part of the training which they are aware of and which you will not be aware of until you have learned that lesson.>>

There's your pearl of wisdom.

Its there. They want you to find it.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/04/2006 09:53 AM CDT
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Trebber sums it up beautifully:

<<a large part of what you are going through is the instructors want you to find that motivation. It is part of the training which they are aware of and which you will not be aware of until you have learned that lesson.>>

It is within you, else you wouldn't have made it THIS far. We're cheering you on from our side, hoping you find what you need, praying for your safety.

And I very much believe that every day you push through to one more sunset closer to training's end that your instructors are very privately celebrating your accomplishments, too. But you won't see that until you're done, either.
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/04/2006 11:41 AM CDT
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Being that I'm off to dive school shortly, which is rather similar, other'n the parachuting, I do have some advice.

If you've never used an EAB before, I suggest you try it. Imagine a plastic bag over your nose and mouth, with a small air hose attached. Now, imagine running about a submarine at XxX feet under the water....and you can't breath without plugging this air hose in. AND it's pretty impossible to get them off in a hurry, so if your hose is jammed, you're screwed.

But ya, enough about that. I understand where you're coming from with the not being able to breath thing. The best advice I can give is to just relax, don't panic, and go with it. Even if you're hyperventilating a little'll be sucking too much air. Just relax.

Sorry I'm not more help, really. I'm just a washed up submariner.

You are wearing a leather cuff embroidered with the words "No Ranger stands alone."
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/04/2006 04:04 PM CDT
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Good luck at diving school, boyo.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/04/2006 04:22 PM CDT
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Thank you all very much. I needed that. I'll update every once in a while on newer and crueler things they have us do.

Also...Goodalem1, take good notes. If all goes well here I'll be in dive school in a few months as well.
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/04/2006 04:45 PM CDT
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Well, diving itself won't bother me, I'm a certified SCUBA diver in the civilian world. It's the PT that's gonna kick my butt. 10flat PRT or not, dive school's going to kick my arse.

You are wearing a leather cuff embroidered with the words "No Ranger stands alone."
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/07/2006 03:55 PM CDT
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It beats retail.


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Re: Need...Motivation... on 07/28/2006 08:01 AM CDT
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After reading the last part of this thread, and seeing someone selling their character because they are being deployed to Iraq, I was wondering what I can do/or send items that are needed to DR players that are deployed. Is there a list or site, or a addy that can i find?
I want to say up front though no personal info on these boards. These kids are in a hostile enviroment, and any information can be a weapon. If someone wants the can send it to my address.


The mist flows out from where Roboson sat, wavers a moment, then disappears.
>"scuse me!
You exclaim, "scuse me!"
You blush a bright red color.
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Re: Need...Motivation... on 08/12/2006 06:16 PM CDT
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Heya Robo and anyone else reading,
Not sure why someone would sell their character/account due to being deployed...I'm not gonna.

Spent 9 yrs Oct96-Oct05 active duty US Navy
Swapped to active duty US army in Oct 05, am alted to head to iraq sometime between now and beggining of 07 as a cavalry scout.

I will just write Simu, make them aware I'm deploying and return in a year or so.

As for goodies for troops, there is an official address to send them to, will try to dig that up for ya, but I know baby wipes, powdered gatorade, and video tapes of fav tv shows (edit out commercials and news reports if possible, we jus wanna see the show) are very popular.

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Re: Need...Motivation... on 08/12/2006 07:16 PM CDT
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Simutronics is an amazing group of people who both understand and support those of us in the military.

Here is their page on plans specifically for military members who get called up or otherwise may have to put their accounts on hold.

I may be going overseas, but I can guarantee that my trader will reappear when I return just as annoying as he was when I left. :)

- Bedan, the "Yeah. He's that guy" trader.
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