State of Elanthia micro-recap on 08/20/2016 09:25 PM CDT
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We had a very small State of Elanthia meeting - it was held on Skype on my computer, which only died once entirely, and the internet at the hotel only went out once, so this is what we have. I don't have much else to discuss about it, so I'm just passing on the smidges I know!

1. Lyneya has taken over as PM. What Solomon used to do, Lyneya will now do. She will also do Lyneya things. Huzzah, Lyneya!

2. Lyneya's first priority will be hiring some staff. Once she has hired more staff, she can do many other things, but until she does, she can mostly just hire new staff.

3. (or 2a) One of the things Lyneya would like to look at is policy - what works about it, what doesn't. She plans on holding "town hall" style meetings over the course of several months - where everyone who wishes and is available can come to her office and talk about various bits and pieces of policy.

4. (or 2b) Another thing that Lyneya feels is a priority is balancing microtrans events and regular event events. She understands that many folks are unhappy about feeling like the only exciting/recognition type things have involved buying an extra ticket, and she'd like to balance that with events that people can be involved in without the extra coinage.

As I'm sure everyone will understand 3 and 4 won't be workable without 2. If you've ever thought "Hey, I'm a coder extraordinaire and I'd love to work on system X" - now might be a good time to make sure you have an application in!

This post is not officially sanctioned by anyone, and I don't really have any further information than this - so feel free to congratulate Lyneya when you see her, and look for her town hall meetings - and apply!



p.s. If this is the wrong folder for this, please feel free to move it - no notification required!
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Re: State of Elanthia micro-recap on 08/20/2016 09:28 PM CDT
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Thanks for sharing this here, too!

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: State of Elanthia micro-recap on 08/21/2016 08:36 AM CDT
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Thanks for the update :)
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