So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/18/2010 10:09 AM CDT
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Got to love Farve. How has there not been a reality series built around him each spring and summer? To play or not to play, that is the question. Weather it is nobler of the body to suffer the pains and aches of being forty, Or to take up the chair of retirement, and Super Bowl hopes, ending them.

Hey, at least he gives a reason to pay attention during preseason(not counting that video of Manning bleeding). And props to Solomon. Farve is one reason not to have drafts early.
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/18/2010 10:24 AM CDT
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>>Got to love Farve. How has there not been a reality series built around him each spring and summer? To play or not to play, that is the question. Weather it is nobler of the body to suffer the pains and aches of being forty, Or to take up the chair of retirement, and Super Bowl hopes, ending them.

>>Hey, at least he gives a reason to pay attention during preseason(not counting that video of Manning bleeding). And props to Solomon. Farve is one reason not to have drafts early.

I'd put Favre in as a potential backup option somewhere around Jason Campbell and Kyle Orton, i.e. deep draft situation or "oh crap it's round 14 and I forgot to pick a QB!". I just can't help feeling that this is the year he's pushing it too far. I could be wrong, of course, but I'd pick a younger, more healthy "going to play 16 games" kind of guy.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/18/2010 10:28 AM CDT
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V before R after a F and an A while ending with an E.

Magus Adakin of Prime
WorldsBestMagic Kastr of TF

Your body already swells with the enhanced strength of a hero.

"Killing Time Murders Opportunities."
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/18/2010 10:41 AM CDT
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>>V before R after a F and an A while ending with an E.


~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 11:50 AM CDT
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<<I'd put Favre in as a potential backup option somewhere around Jason Campbell and Kyle Orton, i.e. deep draft situation or "oh crap it's round 14 and I forgot to pick a QB!". I just can't help feeling that this is the year he's pushing it too far. I could be wrong, of course, but I'd pick a younger, more healthy "going to play 16 games" kind of guy.>>

You're nuts. He should be rated much higher than that.

Jason Campbell? What?!


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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 11:59 AM CDT
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I am going to draft Steve Young.
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 01:18 PM CDT
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Er no conflicting in here. (heh)


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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 01:22 PM CDT
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Is it possible to have sports talk without conflict?
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 01:29 PM CDT
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>>Is it possible to have sports talk without conflict?

Without conflict? Yeah I think so. But without insults? Definitely not!

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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 01:34 PM CDT
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>>You're nuts. He should be rated much higher than that.

In any given game, I expect Favre to out-perform Campbell or any number of the bottom 16. Over the course of the season, I don't expect him to hang on for long, so I'd rather pick a really good #1 with staying power and a #2 who will be playing all year. In a deep league, I'd take my chances on Favre, but otherwise probably not.

That's just me, though!

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: So where in your rankings do you put a 40 year old quarterback? on 08/19/2010 03:48 PM CDT
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<<That's just me, though!>>

It sure is, dummy!

::teases Annwyl::


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