Fantasy Football - The Grid Iron on 09/06/2011 06:08 PM CDT
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Hey Solomon, The Grid Iron league has 9 teams. That means we cannot draft or play until we get a 10th team. Draft in about 24 hours and football starts in 48 hours. Umm hope we can get this fixed.

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Re: Fantasy Football - The Grid Iron on 09/06/2011 06:46 PM CDT
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<,Hey Solomon, The Grid Iron league has 9 teams. That means we cannot draft or play until we get a 10th team. Draft in about 24 hours and football starts in 48 hours. Umm hope we can get this fixed.>>

I send out a couple feelers for folks. Feel free to send out info to friends if you like. If we don't scare up a new body, I'll swap the league over to a Points league and we'll just go by top score and not record.

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