Solomon's Whipping Post on 01/03/2012 09:27 PM CST
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Lipopodimus Maximus

6-8-0 regular season record.

League Champion

Owe it all to Brady and Gronk!
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Re: Solomon's Whipping Post on 01/23/2012 09:47 AM CST
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Congrats! Think I was 6-8 in regular season but lost in first round.

Bolingbrook Rangers
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Re: Solomon's Whipping Post on 01/23/2012 10:19 PM CST
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This was my worst year evar. The best I did was #2 in Solomon's Whipping Post.

My main pay league, I had:

Mike Williams (IR)
Matt Schaub (IR)
Fred Jackson (IR)
Matt Forte (injured week 13)
Kyle Orton (dropped mid-season)
Knowshawn Moreno (injured in week 11 and didn't play rest of season)

...and several others who underwhelmed/got injured as I picked them up/found out I was their owner and decided not to play football anymore. I was in first place until week 10. I ended in 6th place out of 12. $50 buy-in and $2 a drop. Had a total of about 17 drops that I just had to do. I am very sadface in Fantasy this year.

~player of Gulphphunger
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NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/02/2012 07:46 PM CDT
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>>This is getting way off topic, but just a quick answer: there is very serious suspicion that the NBA draft was rigged for the Hornets. The NBA NEEDED (in 72 point font) someone to buy that team ASAP, then after years of finding no bidders (resulting in the biggest conflict of interest catastrophe in the history of American pro sports), a new buyer swoops in a month before the NBA draft. Everyone starts making jokes (before the draft) about how the NBA secretly promised the buyer the first pick in the draft - then they "just happen" to win against somewhat-longshot odds. So I was only half-joking - I'd put the odds of the 2012 NBA draft being rigged at about 50/50

I'd put it at about .05%. Everyone who has ever seen the draft process done, and every reputable person who I have heard analyze it statistically (emphasis on "reputable" here) swears up and down it's nigh-impossible to rig it without someone eventually catching on. They bring the balls in, they allow independent third parties to inspect the balls and the machine, they have journalists and security personnel (who are not on their payroll, by the way) on hand to inspect the entire loading and selection process.

Not that the two are comparable, but people also swear that the moon landing is a fabrication because of GUYS MY PHOTO ANALYSIS SKILLS I LEARNED FROM WIKIPEDIA TELL ME THIS PHOTO'S FAKE even though hundreds of scientists from dozens of countries have authenticated the extra-terrestrial origins of the lunar samples brought back.

I get the appeal of a conspiracy, but even before the draft winner was chosen, media pundits were joking that the conspiracy theorists would make a huge deal out of this draft because a case could be made for CONSPIRACY for all four teams most likely to win, even though they were most likely to win because they had the worst records.

Brooklyn wins? It's fixed, giving the new franchise in America's biggest television market a centerpiece!
Charlotte wins? It's fixed, the franchise is genuinely in danger of being relocated by Jordan's ownership group!
New Orleans wins? It's fixed, part of an underhanded deal to ensure sale to the new owner!
Sacremento wins? It's fixed, the Maloofs are in financial peril and at risk of defaulting on the franchise!
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Re: NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/02/2012 08:40 PM CDT
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>>I'd put it at about .05%.

Interesting topic!

I still put it at 50/50, with the following extensive evidence:

A) David Stern is the NBA commissioner
B) David Stern is the least trustworthy person in all of sports

From helping his crony steal an NBA franchise from the city of Seattle, to all of the ridiculous rhetoric during the NBA lockout, to the entire Chris Paul trade fiasco, David Stern could tell me that the sky was blue yesterday, and I still wouldn't believe him without video footage to prove it. Every single thing about the NBA ownership of the Hornets has been extremely shady (I'm a Celtics fan, I freaking hate the Lakers, but even I'll admit they got robbed purely out of petty jealousy), so assuming that the draft was rigged for the Hornets is less of a "conspiracy theory" and more of "assuming the NBA could actually pull off something that difficult". That's a very dubious assumption, I'll admit - but I have absolutely no doubt that the NBA would do it if they could.

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Re: NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/03/2012 02:04 PM CDT
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Is it David Stern's team though? I understood that it was owned by the League, thus owned by all the owners.

Really it's their (the owners') league. So as long as they all agree to the rules that are made and the standards that are set. I've yet to hear a single owner complain about the lottery (particularly the Dallas or Cleveland owners). So I concluded that either it wasn't rigged and the owners are fine with the security choosing or it was rigged and the owners were fine with it.

tl:dr fan input doesn't matter

who grew up in Charlotte loving the Hornets until they left
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Re: NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/05/2012 05:24 PM CDT
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>>A) David Stern is the NBA commissioner
>>B) David Stern is the least trustworthy person in all of sports

The second is nebulous and subjective. Would the NBA theoretically have incentive to fix the draft? Sure. But consider the following counter-points.

A) David Stern is worth tens of millions of dollars
B) David Stern would spend a long time in jail if the lottery were fixed. Martha Stewart got six months for insider trading; this would be ten times worse. Think a rich old man wants to go to jail for five years?
C) The security firm is a third party and payed independent of the owners' payrolls (money comes from the Players' Association, so they might be in on it, I guess?)
D) Everyone media person who has seen the draft process first hand and inspected the balls, etc. finds the concept of it being fixed laughable, to the point of openly ridiculing fans who think it is in their column/podcast/whatever (I guess they get a cut?)
E) In this internet age of Wikileaks and Google Earth and everyone having a smart phone that can instantly tweet, record audio and video clips, etc., we can't keep matters of national security secret for years, much less corporate scandals.
F) There's an old adage that if three people know your secret then everyone knows your secret, cause one in three is bound to tell. How many people would have to be "in" on this secret without outing the whole thing on Twitter during a single moment of drunken guilt? David Stern and the 30 owners at least, right? Probably the security personnel too. Maybe the media pundits attending and watching the process as well. When does the number of people "in" on it start to suspend your disbelief for it remaining secret for a long time? At the very least it's Stern, a few owners per year, and a few security people.

In the end, my point is this: it's a classic bull-spit conspiracy theory, in that it has elements of obvious motivation/reward behind it, etc. Once you actually dissect the mechanics of it, though, it just goes way beyond my ability to believe that the people running it are competent enough to keep a hundred people silent for twenty years, or however long the current lottery draft has been running. Why would Michael Jordan's ownership group agree to hand Anthony Davis to New Orleans? Is he being payed off by the other owners? No one would notice millions of dollars mysteriously being transferred over time with no explanation, over the course of twenty years? The owners could hardly agree on a few CBA terms to prevent losing an entire season to lockout, yet somehow they're savvy enough to agree to terms and "fix" this?
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Re: NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/06/2012 12:28 AM CDT
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>>In the end, my point is this: it's a classic bull-spit conspiracy theory, in that it has elements of obvious motivation/reward behind it, etc. Once you actually dissect the mechanics of it, though, it just goes way beyond my ability to believe that the people running it are competent enough to keep a hundred people silent for twenty years, or however long the current lottery draft has been running. Why would Michael Jordan's ownership group agree to hand Anthony Davis to New Orleans? Is he being payed off by the other owners? No one would notice millions of dollars mysteriously being transferred over time with no explanation, over the course of twenty years? The owners could hardly agree on a few CBA terms to prevent losing an entire season to lockout, yet somehow they're savvy enough to agree to terms and "fix" this?

So what you're saying is, if South Park has taught us anything, there is actually a giant conspiracy by the NBA to make us BELIEVE that NBA owners are competent enough to pull off the crime of the century, when actually it was just luck of the draw (and actually the NBA owners aren't even competent enough to stop themselves from signing guys like Brian Scalabrine and Brian Cardinal to $15-30 million contracts)

I'm onto you David Stern! I told you he was not trustworthy!

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Re: NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/06/2012 05:33 PM CDT
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Shouldn't you people be outside of Area 51, taking snapshots of Bigfoot while analyzing Obama's birth certificate?

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Re: NBA Draft Rigged? on 06/07/2012 11:14 PM CDT
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>>I'm onto you David Stern! I told you he was not trustworthy!

It does rather sound like an episode of South Park, now that you mention it...
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