I've seen different issues listed from the con on some sites but can someone post the notes in a whole nut shell in this folder?
There are some who call me.......Tim!
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
Re: NOTES? on 03/01/2006 10:07 AM CST
Here are the notes from the Warrior Mage meeting.
Items that appear in italics on the board are from Wythor's e-mail, other comments are from Kynevon and Trebber, and the other participants at the Warrior Mage meeting at VegasCon 2006.
>>I've compiled a list of news and discussion topics for you to address at Vegascon. The news portion is only accurate as of today, so there may be some changes before next weekend. The section after the disclaimer consists of some ideas for you and the other players to discuss and mull over.
>>The Spell Review
>>Spell review is moving f orward, albeit slowly. The updates to Fire Ball are nearly through QC. Fire Ball will be getting a concussive blast effect that can potentially hurt everything in the room without an ES up. Next up after that should be Aether Lash, since the updates for that spell will be rather simple.
* Several comments from non-WMs were "great, another AoE spell which can harm players walking through. My thoughts run along similar paths. If this is added to fire ball, there will be mix feelings on it and I would much rather see it affect all engaged opponents.*
>>Chain Lightning is getting a slight tweak to make it easier to prevent innocent passers-by from getting slaughtered. Some consent issues are going to be addressed as well with the update. I know that this isn't what some of you wanted, but problems with this spell have been rampant and changes were being discussed long before I came on staff. I took matters into my o wn hands and made changes I deemed suitable and adequate before more drastic measures were considered by others.
No specific information available on the changes to CL, although Solomon and Ssra mentioned later that it was already through QC with the changes.
*the consent issue was nothing new but lasted about 30 min. The general consensus was if someone dies from it, then they should have consent. It does not mean they should act out on it, but it would make the lives of GH and GM so much easier if they had to deal with fewer and fewer consent issues. Thoughts tend to agree with making it strike out at engaged targets first and if any bolts were left after engaged targets were dead, to let it go after room affects. But, rumor is CL is being made toggleable between critters and players.*
>>Shockwave. Though it's far from being worked on, here's some basics on how it will change . The biggest update will be it will use Zephyr and not Swirling Winds to power itself. A second adjustment will allow secondary effects based on spells currently around the caster. For example, a caster with Mantle of Flame on him will add fire damage to the Shockwave, while a Veil of Ice spell will add ice damage. I'm also going to examine the "blow stuff out of the room" effect to see if that can be made more powerful.
Overall, the reaction to the changes proposed were positive, including the aility to add secondary effects, and the removal of the loss of SW on casting.
*Agreed. This spell rarely gets used other than to clean garbage out of a room. The proposed changes may see people picking up the spell once it comes off preview.*
>>New Spells
>>Currently there are three spells in development for Warrior Mages: one Water and two Earth. One of these three spells is targeted. When they are 100% approved they will be posted on the DR spell list page.
Sounds of approval, although great curiousity was shown for what the spells were, and which one was the TM spell.
*Paklin had thought he had approved all of them. We didn't get any hints one way or the other on them.*
>>Mark of Arhat, the held-mana TM spell, still needs damage messaging and debugging. I've been holding off on this spell until some issues with the core magic system are resolved, but I may try to get some work done on this at some point anyway.
Some discussion on what niche a spell like this would fill was covered, with the overall opinion seeming to be that it was better suited to PvP instead of hunting, as there aren't that many creatures out there where being able to cast a spell on them without making an AC drop would be useful.
*One way of making the spell beneficial would be if several targets could be marked instead of just one. We have many spells which can kill a single target outright.*
>>Currently I have several other spell proposals in various stages of composition, but work on them will be sporadic until the some of our existing spells have been updated and addressed. The Air and Water books are going to finally get some TM love.
Much approval of the Air and Water book was expressed.
>>The new cantrips are still in QC, awaiting final checks and clearance.
Rumbles of "soon" were heard...
>>I'm considering moving Flashpoint to a 3rd tier position, and creating a new fire cantrip to take its place in the 2nd tier. If this change does take place it won't delay Flashpoint from being released as the new cantrip is being developed.
Interest, in general, was expressed.
>>Pattern Hues is looking excellent. I'm currently in the process of retrofitting existing spells to work with the cantrip. Currently the spells that work with this cantrip are Ethe real Shield, Chain Lightning, Gar Zeng, Lightning Bolt, Fire Ball, Fire Shard, Frost Scythe, Ice Patch, and Veil of Ice. I'll be working on getting some Earth spells in there, but don't expect too many Air spells (for obvious reasons). The cantrip and the spells will need QC before release.
No real comments were expressed.
>>Cantrips will be released in Platinum for a week, then go on Premium Preview in DR Prime for another week (or until all the bugs are squashed). After that will be a general release for DR Prime, then after a suitable time (to take care of any remaining bugs) The Fallen will receive these cantrips as well.
Much appreciation of Premium Preview coming back.
*all in all, the cantrips went by with little comment.*
>>Aethereal Pathways
>>The quests are still being developed. Right now there's a lot of text to write for Guildleader speeches and whatnot, but the core quest mechanics are mostly finished (still need some bugs worked out though). I'm taking some time to rewrite large portions of the quest code to make it more efficient and modular (when we add new abilities in the future).
>>The quests for the pathways 5-8 will take place in a certain location in Throne City. The quests will not be timed. Rather, you will be given a token that will enable you to enter the quest area. Once you have accomplished your task, you will need to bring back another token to the same Guildleader to prove that you accomplished your objective.
>>The quests have a storyline which provides insight into a particularly unfortunate occurrence in Throne City. The story arc follows an attempt by the player to solve a particular mystery, and in the process gain insight into the function of Aether and the Aethereal plane.
Hopes and fears.
*Some showed interest in the storyline of Throne City and liked the no time limit/token aspect*
>>On another note, I am thinking about proposing a new Aethereal Pathway ability, called Pathway Perceive (as opposed to the Pathway Focus abilities). Mages using this ability will be able to determine whether an opponent is manipulating streams of aether to his benefit. With knowledge of the correct pathway, the mage using Pathway Perceive will see exactly what pathway the mage is using. I may expand this into several sub-abilities, similar to the Pathway Focus abilities.
Some amusement was expressed about someone using this ability and finding that their opponent was using the same ability...
*overall, the Pathway discussion went by with little comment. I did a quick poll and of the 12 WMs who were there, 2 said they use the pathways on a constant basis. Several said they don't use them even though a simple macro can be made which can use it with no effort.*
>>After doing months of work on this project, Chakram finally got burned out and decided to work on some other things before tackling the Sentinels again. Not much news yet, except to say that when the area is finally ready it will be very cool.
Hopes were expressed that Chakram would be able to come out of the burnout on this. ::Soon::
>>Rottcloar is still in charge of familiars, though at the moment work has halted for some behind-the-scenes development in that area.
Everyone is waiting to see what happens.
>>Weapon Enchantment
>>No updates as of this time. There are still a lot of systems that need to be ironed out and placed in the game before this can be seriously worked on.
Just some general discussions hoping that this could be worked on someday.
>>I want to heavily stress the fact that the following notes are just some ideas I've been tossing around, and have not been approved yet or even discussed at length with anyone. At this stage I'm interested in hearing what the players think about these ideas, and obtaining some feedback from them. Bring these up in discussions as you see fit, and if anyone wants to take notes feel free.
>>100th Circle Ability
>>I think it's time we had a 100th circle ability. I've thought up three, and each would have its own separate 'quest'. A mage could undertake all three quests and learn all three abilities.
>>Ability 1
>>Martial Prowess: Throughout their careers, Warrior Mages become adept at casting spells while engaged in fierce battles. Upon reaching 100th circle, mages have attained so much skill meshing physical combat with magical prowess that they no longer suffer any penalty to their defenses when preparing spells. It is assumed that through the course of their studies they have developed methods of partitioning thei r minds, keeping themselves in the flow of the battle with one part while manipulating magical patterns with another part.
Discussion on this came up with the idea that maybe it should be a Primary Magic guild feat, instead of just a WM 100th circle ability.
*Several people expressed interest in this but didn't think it should be limited to WMs. I feel more discussion can take place if a thread was started in the general magic folder.*
>>Ability 2
>>The Unbinding: Enables the mage to unweave the binding of Aether in a target's body, causing opposing elements (Fire and Water, Air and Earth) that make up the target to fly apart at great velocities. This will be taxing to the mage who uses this ability, and perhaps be limited to one use in a certain time period.
Much discussion on whether, other than maybe some cool messaging, there would be any use for this, since by this time, many spells are able to be cast in about the same t ime it would take to use this ability.
*Comments made about how many other ways we have to kill a single target which is not taxing on the mage and isn't limited. Don't want to see it if it is another way of killing something but doesn't teach. Perhaps a slow damaging affect over a long duration which could be countered if the target received a "binding" from a group of mages totally up to the caster circle.*
>>Ability 3
>>Elemental Manifestation: Allows the mage to channel elemental force from an elemental plane to obtain special elemental abilities for a short period of time. This would be similar to an elemental berserk. Effects could range from minor (change in appearance) to major (summon elemental forces with a gesture, rather than having to prepare spells). This will be the most taxing ability, as the mage will have to sustain it for a period of time to make use of it. When the effect ends the mage would be helpess for a bit, completely fatigued and lacking concentration and attunement.
Lots of positive interest in this one.
*Agreed. Many people were curious in the possibilities and it was the best received one of the proposed abilities.*
>>Target Lock, once proposed as the WM 100th circle ability. I'm going to try to get this bumped down a couple of notches, in the 70th-90th circle range.
No real discussion on this, other than the feeling that that was about the right place for it.
>>Blackfire Topic
>>Blackfire itself needs to be revamped. Some Blackfire spell ideas are simply too powerful (as in insta-kills). The damage should be high, but not too high. Once the Blackfire system is balanced new spells can be worked on, and I have a handful of ideas.
>>I'd like to see Blackfire spells become permanently learnable. However, those who choose this path do so at enormous cost to themselves.
>>At this poi nt I am thinking about one hard-to-find NPC who acts as a surrogate Guildleader to those who wish to learn Blackfire permanently. Blackfire scrolls would be available (at a high price) to those not wishing to learn the secrets of Blackfire on a permanent level.
>>This individual may be closely related to the individual who has been distributing the Blackfire scrolls that currently exist.
>>The surrogate Guildleader will function in secrecy and only teach a limited number of people Blackfire secrets to minimize the possibility of detection by the Warrior Mage guild.
>>The idea is that those who learn Blackfire will be unable to cast some of the spells they know, most likely all spells from the Air, Earth, Water, and Electricity books. Fire and Aether spells will be castable, along with the Blackfire spells that the surrogate Guildleader teaches them. New Blackfire spells with similar functions to a few of the denied spells may be available, but many of the staple combat spells (YS, SW, SUF) will simply be unavailable in any form.
>>Also, anyone who has permanently learned Blackfire spells will be forced to visit that surrogate Guildleader to advance and learn new spells. If the character attempts to do this with a regular Guildleader, terrible punishment will ensue.
>>I haven't come up with a concrete idea of what the terrible punishment will be, but at the very least it would mean death and purging the mage's mind of the Blackfire spells, removing those spell slots permanently. In addition, the surrogate Guildleader, who wishes to retain his anonymity, would be less likely to teach such an individual in the future.
>>A Blackfire mage who wishes to rescind the path of Blackfire may confess to a guildleader of his transgression. The Blackfire spells the mage learned will be ripped from his mind and he will lose those spell slots permanently, but no other harm will come to him (other than being on 'parole' for awhile). The Blackfire Guildleader will not accept this mage again, however.
>>Finally, any Warrior Mage who witnesses someone casting Blackfire spells may attempt to alert one of the more traditional Guildleaders. The guildleader in question may send his/her familiar to watch over the accused mage for awhile, and if it notices Blackfire use the offender will be hunted down and punished as noted above.
This topic was killed fairly rapidly, most people involved at the meeting feeling that BlackFire wasn't worth development time just to satisfy 6 players.
Some unhappiness was expressed, as well, over the idea of development time being required for BlackFire duplicates of existing spells instead of just allowing the BlackFire mage to use the existing spells.
Also, some concern over the reasoning for the loss of most of the spellbooks was expressed.
Overall, while some felt that development of BlackFire might widen the num bers interested in it, the overall concensus was that BlackFire should remain low on the priority list.
*Marty covered all of the comments on this issue.*
Your mech lore ranks could care less if the paper is blue or plain.
GM XXXXXX "Well, we can't please everyone."
You say, "True, but that is no reason not to try."
Items that appear in italics on the board are from Wythor's e-mail, other comments are from Kynevon and Trebber, and the other participants at the Warrior Mage meeting at VegasCon 2006.
>>I've compiled a list of news and discussion topics for you to address at Vegascon. The news portion is only accurate as of today, so there may be some changes before next weekend. The section after the disclaimer consists of some ideas for you and the other players to discuss and mull over.
>>The Spell Review
>>Spell review is moving f orward, albeit slowly. The updates to Fire Ball are nearly through QC. Fire Ball will be getting a concussive blast effect that can potentially hurt everything in the room without an ES up. Next up after that should be Aether Lash, since the updates for that spell will be rather simple.
* Several comments from non-WMs were "great, another AoE spell which can harm players walking through. My thoughts run along similar paths. If this is added to fire ball, there will be mix feelings on it and I would much rather see it affect all engaged opponents.*
>>Chain Lightning is getting a slight tweak to make it easier to prevent innocent passers-by from getting slaughtered. Some consent issues are going to be addressed as well with the update. I know that this isn't what some of you wanted, but problems with this spell have been rampant and changes were being discussed long before I came on staff. I took matters into my o wn hands and made changes I deemed suitable and adequate before more drastic measures were considered by others.
No specific information available on the changes to CL, although Solomon and Ssra mentioned later that it was already through QC with the changes.
*the consent issue was nothing new but lasted about 30 min. The general consensus was if someone dies from it, then they should have consent. It does not mean they should act out on it, but it would make the lives of GH and GM so much easier if they had to deal with fewer and fewer consent issues. Thoughts tend to agree with making it strike out at engaged targets first and if any bolts were left after engaged targets were dead, to let it go after room affects. But, rumor is CL is being made toggleable between critters and players.*
>>Shockwave. Though it's far from being worked on, here's some basics on how it will change . The biggest update will be it will use Zephyr and not Swirling Winds to power itself. A second adjustment will allow secondary effects based on spells currently around the caster. For example, a caster with Mantle of Flame on him will add fire damage to the Shockwave, while a Veil of Ice spell will add ice damage. I'm also going to examine the "blow stuff out of the room" effect to see if that can be made more powerful.
Overall, the reaction to the changes proposed were positive, including the aility to add secondary effects, and the removal of the loss of SW on casting.
*Agreed. This spell rarely gets used other than to clean garbage out of a room. The proposed changes may see people picking up the spell once it comes off preview.*
>>New Spells
>>Currently there are three spells in development for Warrior Mages: one Water and two Earth. One of these three spells is targeted. When they are 100% approved they will be posted on the DR spell list page.
Sounds of approval, although great curiousity was shown for what the spells were, and which one was the TM spell.
*Paklin had thought he had approved all of them. We didn't get any hints one way or the other on them.*
>>Mark of Arhat, the held-mana TM spell, still needs damage messaging and debugging. I've been holding off on this spell until some issues with the core magic system are resolved, but I may try to get some work done on this at some point anyway.
Some discussion on what niche a spell like this would fill was covered, with the overall opinion seeming to be that it was better suited to PvP instead of hunting, as there aren't that many creatures out there where being able to cast a spell on them without making an AC drop would be useful.
*One way of making the spell beneficial would be if several targets could be marked instead of just one. We have many spells which can kill a single target outright.*
>>Currently I have several other spell proposals in various stages of composition, but work on them will be sporadic until the some of our existing spells have been updated and addressed. The Air and Water books are going to finally get some TM love.
Much approval of the Air and Water book was expressed.
>>The new cantrips are still in QC, awaiting final checks and clearance.
Rumbles of "soon" were heard...
>>I'm considering moving Flashpoint to a 3rd tier position, and creating a new fire cantrip to take its place in the 2nd tier. If this change does take place it won't delay Flashpoint from being released as the new cantrip is being developed.
Interest, in general, was expressed.
>>Pattern Hues is looking excellent. I'm currently in the process of retrofitting existing spells to work with the cantrip. Currently the spells that work with this cantrip are Ethe real Shield, Chain Lightning, Gar Zeng, Lightning Bolt, Fire Ball, Fire Shard, Frost Scythe, Ice Patch, and Veil of Ice. I'll be working on getting some Earth spells in there, but don't expect too many Air spells (for obvious reasons). The cantrip and the spells will need QC before release.
No real comments were expressed.
>>Cantrips will be released in Platinum for a week, then go on Premium Preview in DR Prime for another week (or until all the bugs are squashed). After that will be a general release for DR Prime, then after a suitable time (to take care of any remaining bugs) The Fallen will receive these cantrips as well.
Much appreciation of Premium Preview coming back.
*all in all, the cantrips went by with little comment.*
>>Aethereal Pathways
>>The quests are still being developed. Right now there's a lot of text to write for Guildleader speeches and whatnot, but the core quest mechanics are mostly finished (still need some bugs worked out though). I'm taking some time to rewrite large portions of the quest code to make it more efficient and modular (when we add new abilities in the future).
>>The quests for the pathways 5-8 will take place in a certain location in Throne City. The quests will not be timed. Rather, you will be given a token that will enable you to enter the quest area. Once you have accomplished your task, you will need to bring back another token to the same Guildleader to prove that you accomplished your objective.
>>The quests have a storyline which provides insight into a particularly unfortunate occurrence in Throne City. The story arc follows an attempt by the player to solve a particular mystery, and in the process gain insight into the function of Aether and the Aethereal plane.
Hopes and fears.
*Some showed interest in the storyline of Throne City and liked the no time limit/token aspect*
>>On another note, I am thinking about proposing a new Aethereal Pathway ability, called Pathway Perceive (as opposed to the Pathway Focus abilities). Mages using this ability will be able to determine whether an opponent is manipulating streams of aether to his benefit. With knowledge of the correct pathway, the mage using Pathway Perceive will see exactly what pathway the mage is using. I may expand this into several sub-abilities, similar to the Pathway Focus abilities.
Some amusement was expressed about someone using this ability and finding that their opponent was using the same ability...
*overall, the Pathway discussion went by with little comment. I did a quick poll and of the 12 WMs who were there, 2 said they use the pathways on a constant basis. Several said they don't use them even though a simple macro can be made which can use it with no effort.*
>>After doing months of work on this project, Chakram finally got burned out and decided to work on some other things before tackling the Sentinels again. Not much news yet, except to say that when the area is finally ready it will be very cool.
Hopes were expressed that Chakram would be able to come out of the burnout on this. ::Soon::
>>Rottcloar is still in charge of familiars, though at the moment work has halted for some behind-the-scenes development in that area.
Everyone is waiting to see what happens.
>>Weapon Enchantment
>>No updates as of this time. There are still a lot of systems that need to be ironed out and placed in the game before this can be seriously worked on.
Just some general discussions hoping that this could be worked on someday.
>>I want to heavily stress the fact that the following notes are just some ideas I've been tossing around, and have not been approved yet or even discussed at length with anyone. At this stage I'm interested in hearing what the players think about these ideas, and obtaining some feedback from them. Bring these up in discussions as you see fit, and if anyone wants to take notes feel free.
>>100th Circle Ability
>>I think it's time we had a 100th circle ability. I've thought up three, and each would have its own separate 'quest'. A mage could undertake all three quests and learn all three abilities.
>>Ability 1
>>Martial Prowess: Throughout their careers, Warrior Mages become adept at casting spells while engaged in fierce battles. Upon reaching 100th circle, mages have attained so much skill meshing physical combat with magical prowess that they no longer suffer any penalty to their defenses when preparing spells. It is assumed that through the course of their studies they have developed methods of partitioning thei r minds, keeping themselves in the flow of the battle with one part while manipulating magical patterns with another part.
Discussion on this came up with the idea that maybe it should be a Primary Magic guild feat, instead of just a WM 100th circle ability.
*Several people expressed interest in this but didn't think it should be limited to WMs. I feel more discussion can take place if a thread was started in the general magic folder.*
>>Ability 2
>>The Unbinding: Enables the mage to unweave the binding of Aether in a target's body, causing opposing elements (Fire and Water, Air and Earth) that make up the target to fly apart at great velocities. This will be taxing to the mage who uses this ability, and perhaps be limited to one use in a certain time period.
Much discussion on whether, other than maybe some cool messaging, there would be any use for this, since by this time, many spells are able to be cast in about the same t ime it would take to use this ability.
*Comments made about how many other ways we have to kill a single target which is not taxing on the mage and isn't limited. Don't want to see it if it is another way of killing something but doesn't teach. Perhaps a slow damaging affect over a long duration which could be countered if the target received a "binding" from a group of mages totally up to the caster circle.*
>>Ability 3
>>Elemental Manifestation: Allows the mage to channel elemental force from an elemental plane to obtain special elemental abilities for a short period of time. This would be similar to an elemental berserk. Effects could range from minor (change in appearance) to major (summon elemental forces with a gesture, rather than having to prepare spells). This will be the most taxing ability, as the mage will have to sustain it for a period of time to make use of it. When the effect ends the mage would be helpess for a bit, completely fatigued and lacking concentration and attunement.
Lots of positive interest in this one.
*Agreed. Many people were curious in the possibilities and it was the best received one of the proposed abilities.*
>>Target Lock, once proposed as the WM 100th circle ability. I'm going to try to get this bumped down a couple of notches, in the 70th-90th circle range.
No real discussion on this, other than the feeling that that was about the right place for it.
>>Blackfire Topic
>>Blackfire itself needs to be revamped. Some Blackfire spell ideas are simply too powerful (as in insta-kills). The damage should be high, but not too high. Once the Blackfire system is balanced new spells can be worked on, and I have a handful of ideas.
>>I'd like to see Blackfire spells become permanently learnable. However, those who choose this path do so at enormous cost to themselves.
>>At this poi nt I am thinking about one hard-to-find NPC who acts as a surrogate Guildleader to those who wish to learn Blackfire permanently. Blackfire scrolls would be available (at a high price) to those not wishing to learn the secrets of Blackfire on a permanent level.
>>This individual may be closely related to the individual who has been distributing the Blackfire scrolls that currently exist.
>>The surrogate Guildleader will function in secrecy and only teach a limited number of people Blackfire secrets to minimize the possibility of detection by the Warrior Mage guild.
>>The idea is that those who learn Blackfire will be unable to cast some of the spells they know, most likely all spells from the Air, Earth, Water, and Electricity books. Fire and Aether spells will be castable, along with the Blackfire spells that the surrogate Guildleader teaches them. New Blackfire spells with similar functions to a few of the denied spells may be available, but many of the staple combat spells (YS, SW, SUF) will simply be unavailable in any form.
>>Also, anyone who has permanently learned Blackfire spells will be forced to visit that surrogate Guildleader to advance and learn new spells. If the character attempts to do this with a regular Guildleader, terrible punishment will ensue.
>>I haven't come up with a concrete idea of what the terrible punishment will be, but at the very least it would mean death and purging the mage's mind of the Blackfire spells, removing those spell slots permanently. In addition, the surrogate Guildleader, who wishes to retain his anonymity, would be less likely to teach such an individual in the future.
>>A Blackfire mage who wishes to rescind the path of Blackfire may confess to a guildleader of his transgression. The Blackfire spells the mage learned will be ripped from his mind and he will lose those spell slots permanently, but no other harm will come to him (other than being on 'parole' for awhile). The Blackfire Guildleader will not accept this mage again, however.
>>Finally, any Warrior Mage who witnesses someone casting Blackfire spells may attempt to alert one of the more traditional Guildleaders. The guildleader in question may send his/her familiar to watch over the accused mage for awhile, and if it notices Blackfire use the offender will be hunted down and punished as noted above.
This topic was killed fairly rapidly, most people involved at the meeting feeling that BlackFire wasn't worth development time just to satisfy 6 players.
Some unhappiness was expressed, as well, over the idea of development time being required for BlackFire duplicates of existing spells instead of just allowing the BlackFire mage to use the existing spells.
Also, some concern over the reasoning for the loss of most of the spellbooks was expressed.
Overall, while some felt that development of BlackFire might widen the num bers interested in it, the overall concensus was that BlackFire should remain low on the priority list.
*Marty covered all of the comments on this issue.*
Your mech lore ranks could care less if the paper is blue or plain.
GM XXXXXX "Well, we can't please everyone."
You say, "True, but that is no reason not to try."
Re: NOTES? on 03/01/2006 06:22 PM CST
Ranger Guild Notes. (This is a copy)
I've been a bit under the weather, but I'll post what I remember.
Companions & horses are going to be a long time before they are looked at. Ssra told us that he is trying to get them all on the same type of template, one that the creatures we fight use. Until then there are no plans to bring in new ways to learn Animal Lore.
Paklin did say that there might be an expansion to scouting coming. We did mention Perma-Tracking which might be possible starting out with one person. IE you would have a short list of people that you would have a chance to know if they are in the realms by tracking. And by short Paklin was talking 1-2 persons at anyone time. You could of course replace persons on the list with another, but would only be able to find 1-2 at a time.
The learing rate on scouting might be looked at.
Anything with disease resistance, herbs or the like will have to be cleared through the empath guild.
Ssra did say that the best way to learn FA is to tend a bleeder & then go get healed. If you tend the wound more than once the experience goes way down.
Paklin did say that we do have a new team ranger person, that's been released to code.
The ranger guild in P5 is finished. The creatures there are going to be very difficult and unique. A bit like the islands when they were first introduced. However, Paklin did say that we will be able to learn all levels of survivals in P5. He also said that it was up to the area designer to decide if specific surivival skills would be needed to get in to hunting areas.
Stalking in water is needing a skill check vs swimming in order to be released. I think Ssra said he would look at that.
Swimming the Segoltha would be up that provinces owner. so go talk to her on that area's board.
Edahala says to post ideas for expansion of trails and she'll see what she can do. (However a trail from Aesry docks to town is out. One from the docks to blood wolves & from blood wolves to town maybe) Again, this is up to the area owner.
Anything to do with skinning, fletching, tanning, tanning or fletching marks is going to be while. I wouldnt look for anything on these until at least 2007. The GM's know that there are some problems with these, but there some more critical things to bring out first.
Sorry I cant tell you more things that will be looked at soon, but I'd rather be upfront to let all know.
I've been a bit under the weather, but I'll post what I remember.
Companions & horses are going to be a long time before they are looked at. Ssra told us that he is trying to get them all on the same type of template, one that the creatures we fight use. Until then there are no plans to bring in new ways to learn Animal Lore.
Paklin did say that there might be an expansion to scouting coming. We did mention Perma-Tracking which might be possible starting out with one person. IE you would have a short list of people that you would have a chance to know if they are in the realms by tracking. And by short Paklin was talking 1-2 persons at anyone time. You could of course replace persons on the list with another, but would only be able to find 1-2 at a time.
The learing rate on scouting might be looked at.
Anything with disease resistance, herbs or the like will have to be cleared through the empath guild.
Ssra did say that the best way to learn FA is to tend a bleeder & then go get healed. If you tend the wound more than once the experience goes way down.
Paklin did say that we do have a new team ranger person, that's been released to code.
The ranger guild in P5 is finished. The creatures there are going to be very difficult and unique. A bit like the islands when they were first introduced. However, Paklin did say that we will be able to learn all levels of survivals in P5. He also said that it was up to the area designer to decide if specific surivival skills would be needed to get in to hunting areas.
Stalking in water is needing a skill check vs swimming in order to be released. I think Ssra said he would look at that.
Swimming the Segoltha would be up that provinces owner. so go talk to her on that area's board.
Edahala says to post ideas for expansion of trails and she'll see what she can do. (However a trail from Aesry docks to town is out. One from the docks to blood wolves & from blood wolves to town maybe) Again, this is up to the area owner.
Anything to do with skinning, fletching, tanning, tanning or fletching marks is going to be while. I wouldnt look for anything on these until at least 2007. The GM's know that there are some problems with these, but there some more critical things to bring out first.
Sorry I cant tell you more things that will be looked at soon, but I'd rather be upfront to let all know.
Re: NOTES? on 03/01/2006 06:42 PM CST
Re: NOTES? on 03/01/2006 09:06 PM CST
<<Swimming the Segoltha would be up that provinces owner. so go talk to her on that area's board. <<
<<That province owner is close to having it done, and is one of her mid-year goals. :)>>
Great News! I was just passing on what I was told, but it is good to hear that this is being worked on.
<<That province owner is close to having it done, and is one of her mid-year goals. :)>>
Great News! I was just passing on what I was told, but it is good to hear that this is being worked on.